Game # 54

I don’t know if a threat exists but I’m going to start a new one.

Extra, extra read all about it!
Imladris is in dire mourning for the loss of there two greatest leaders dies in the same day. Dire tragedy stuck in late evening dusk of Morannon on the outskirts of Mordor that will haunt us for weeks to come.

Dîn Ohtar

As the Dog Lord I want to quash any rumours about any racist attitude to the elves in our fair kingdom seeing as these unfortunate incidents followed the deaths of Tharudan and Gildor so closely in the same city.

It’s certainly not our fault that these latest two were being taken on a guided walk of the city walls when some vandals came in and smashed rocks into them. But for the comfort of relatives we can reveal Elrond’s last words to his companions . . .

"Don’t worry about those dozy eastern types out there they couldn’t hit a barn do . . . "

Hi all this is the Noldo.

Yes you are right, I had a bad turn last and this turn aswell. Having a big head thinking that know one could kill Elrond was foolish by me. well done Darkside, Elrohir is also upset about his brother.

To all the good guys,

I have heard that the Arthedain is leaving can you email me. Mike

Email address is

Michael, I’ve done worse . . . trust me . . .

And to show that there is no hard feelings we’ll hold a little memorial service to which Elrohir is cordially invited. He can come alone, I personally give my word that we will be very pleased to see him :smiley:


Good one hope to do better this turn, Mike.

Cheers Mike, and I hope you won’t think it remiss of me if I hope you don’t!

I was wondering if there was going to be a candlelight vigil for Elrohir and all of his acquaintances were going to arrive also. How does a nation recover from such devastation?


Extra! Extra! Read all about it.

Today, the forces of dark are in dire morning for the loss of Dol Goldur, Cameth Brin, Barad-Ungol and Morannon, as well as some 12 other major population centers that once represented the heart of Dark Servant economic strength. As they rejoice at the death of a few key Free personalties, their celebration feels hollows in the face of their weakening grasp on the reigns of power in Middle Earth.

More reporting to come as the war rages on…

Dire morning? I have one of those every Monday :eek:

Greetings from Dunland!

You folks look lonely here.

Please send my condolences to the families of the Noldo Elves, sorry we could not make the candlelight vigil. We had a choice, drink heavily and sing bawdy songs or go to Morannon. Really wasn’t much of a choice, really!


So what songs did you sing? :slight_smile:

Oh, we started with the usual Hillmen drinking songs, and because of the heavy drinking, we sort of degenerated into a bunch fist fights. As usual, the women kicked our, a**es!

Yep, somehow that’s always the way . . . the day my turn report shows that I’m facing a “mob” of 2000 hillwomen with spears is the day I surrender!

I have to admit i would throw my self at there mercy also of 2000+ “Hillwomen” s small renegade group can be bad enough.

Are you guys playing anymore? The DS have information that indicates several of you made newbie errors, or else were ss’d.

You are not throwing in the collective towel are you? There is a lot of fight left in this one.


Yes, we’re still in the game, very much so.

Why, what have you heard??


Hello Corsairs,

We haven’t “heard” anything. The DS collectively noticed “lack of movement” with regard to some nations.

This is turning into a good game, if 9:12 ratio can be considered “good!”

Yes, once we got the Ice King turn most of our queries were answered . . .worst luck!

We can but dream.


I just wanted to say goodbye to all active FP and DS who read this forum. The current player is going to Iraq to do a special mission I will be gone for 2-3 months. I will be taking my position or positions back when i return, I just wanted all active players to know.