September 8, 2004, Third Age.
Lord Valadan of Rhudaur, having just intercepted a huge Cardolan army poised to invade Rhudaur at 1613, was triumphant in a massive battle that pitted Cardolani vetrans against the Rhudaurian militia that had desperately assembled to forstall the invasion. “We knew they were coming,” commented the victorious Regent, “because they had just finished slaughtering the peoples of Dunland. Our agents reported that a move north was imminent.”
A call went out among the peoples of Rhudaur for men willing to defend their homeland. Assembling under Lord Valadan, these forces intercepted Imlach’s huge army of veterans at 1613, just as they emerged from Cardolan’s capital to continue their aggressive campaign to the north and east.
These veterans, known as “bloodreavers” for their hapless slaughter of innocent Dunlending women in children in battles at 1720 and 1817 in prior weeks, had turned their eye on Cameth Brin. “What were we to do?” asked Setora Kal, a farmer outside of Thuin Bold and wife to one of Rhudaur’s conscript militia, “You can’t reason with them, they’re savages. Look what happened to Dunland. One of their general’s maps got turned around and his border garrison stumbled northwest instead of northeast. This tiny little force screws up, and before Dunland can pull them back and explain the mistake, thousands of troops are pouring south, practically without any provocation at all!”
But no longer. Blocked by Valadan’s forces at 1613, the Cardolani reavers could continue their rampage of rape and blood no longer. Nevertheless, Valadan urged restraint. “I met with their commander, Imlach, in parley before the battle broke out. I begged him to turn back his forces. He said he’d consider it, then tried to kill me in a treacherous blow, crying challenge. I was barely able to fend him off, armed as he was with an enchanted hammer-- a dwarven hammer,” he added with emphasis, eyes narrowed. “They’ve sunken even lower that I suspected, plotting with Dwarves.”
Nevertheless, magical weaponry was no match for good Rhudaurian steel. After slaying the treacherous Imlach, Valadan rallied his forces to victory, crushing some 4300 Cardolan bloodreavers in a heroic victory. But this “victory” cost thousands of Rhudaurian lives, including Satora Kal’s husband, Brett Kal. “They’re savages!” she cried, upon hearing the news, her frail form weeping. “Why? How will we survive with winter coming?” Their three-year old daughter, Samantha, didn’t understand that she had been rendered fatherless by the senseless slaugherers from the southwest. All she knew was that her father wasn’t coming home…
- Mordor Press, “Fair and Balanced.”