Game 55 in 1650

Intresting enough there is a new QA in this war…

Vandal has been disposed and his bickerings have come to an end…which I think was directed by a higher power, and I’m not saying Sauron here…

The Free have me in a vice, but there is hope yet for my fledging nation…Southern Gondor Forcing the Corsairs to the Dark…Thank you…

The corsairs did not attack Gondor, even when looking for an artifact…Attacking Corsair Property is dangerous and I’m glad it was my rival and not one of my allies…I look forward to a very Bloody sea of Belfalas…

I can only expect that Harad will now move to a non-neutral positon now…

But first I must deal with the Easterlings…

Thanks Frank where ever you are…

Ryan - the new QA

Hello All,

Yes Frank had decided to “Retire.” The Corsair thing is old news and after the lad went to the trouble to state his bounderies and all then to violate South Gondors without notice if foul. The artifact part is moot. He could have said he was retriving an artifact and not stated what it was. But that has been beaten to death really. Fact is if the Corsairs wants to be chums he can issue the change allegance order. If he was tweeked to much and burned by his own rules then just declare dark.
I beleive you will find the Harad player to have a very good brain of his own and no matter how the different people try to “Wag the Dog” Simon nows the deal. If he indeed goes dark it won’t be because of what happened to the Corsairs. That’s a joke. The Dunlend nation attacked Cardolan because of Frank and no other neutral said boo. As rightly they shouldn’t. I also didn’t hear spit when the Easterlings went on his tair.
It is my hope that the Two mightly powerful neutrals not yet declared will look out beyond this and evaluate the true sense of the teams. Frank quiting probably did more good for the team then you will ever know :slight_smile:

Greetings Ryan,

Welcome to the fray. Now, for the taunting…

You may be good at ‘Avenging’. But, for a nation with ‘Quiet’ in the name, you sure have a lot to say. Jug Rijesha has gone the way of Barad Ungol. Yet, you boast. Actually, it is at least a step up from what we heard out of Vandal. I think he must be a veteran player. I guess the other players who have been around for a while have learned to decipher his incoherent ramblings. I, being a new player, found them basically incomprehensible.

Unlike you, I do not look forward to “the Bloody Seas of Belfalas”. Although that sounds like a great title for my next novel. We do intend, however, to spill whatever blood is required to defend our beloved Gondor. We have long awaited your coming. We never imagined that you would come alone. But whether alone or accompanied you will most certainly be met with malice and inclemency. Our resolve is firm. Our cause is just. Where diplomacy fails, our swords will prevail. (Hey, I actaully have goose bumps)

Thanks for checking in. We look forward to you checking out in the near future.


S. Gondor

He could have said he was retriving an artifact and not stated what it was.

In case anyone doesn’t know, this is exactly what I did. As you say, it has been beaten to death, but… Would YOU tell someone who has a navy at his capital, that there is an artifact laying right next to his capital in the sea that you want to come and get? Wouldn’t that make you want to just pop your navy next door and pick it up yourself? Not only that, but I couldn’t be sure that I wouldn’t be stopped by the Free navies patrolling the coast. I informed SG of my mission as soon as I arrived in the sea hex because to tell him beforehand risked him going for the artifact first. This was my thinking. Also, I would like to point something out, since so many people have made mention of my “boundaries rule”. Actually rather, let me ask a question. What did I say would be the penalty for violating my boundaries?

The Dunlend nation attacked Cardolan because of Frank and no other neutral said boo.

What is the deal with this? There were some vague references to this on this board, but this neutral never heard the story.


In Answer to Dunlend,

This is kinda funny actually. The Dunlend player when he realised that the Ice King was Bobkins and QA Frank decided that they would win and he wanted to be on the winning team. The darks hadn’t even brought in support for this guy yet and he barrels into Cardolan. How dumb is that? Cardolan is a warmonger beast. Militarily it is one of the meanest nations in the game. It can produce and mass forces like cock roaches. So any way that is how Dunlend committed Suicide. Best of luck to all!

Yes indeed Dunlend basically said:

I’ve played against Vandal (Frank) and he thrashed me last game and he has never lost a game and I want to win, so unless something massive happens, I’m going dark. (Of course that might not be true, Frank have you never lost a game?)

As for your reasoning, I’ve heard it before (this game actually), not telling someone something critical because you know what they might do or say DOES NOT make what you do any less wrong/aggressive. Just like Real Life, if you get caught red handed with the hand in the cookie jar, it does NOT make trying to get the cookie any less wrong then if you had asked and they said no. But what if they had said yes??? If you honestly had had thoughts to go free talking to us would have definately been a good idea.

But since we KNOW the dark’s told you about the RoW, it makes your whole story crumble to dust (sorry you can’t eat the cookie). Frank mentioned it to Doug.

Confess, it makes the burden lighter. (but does not make the results of your actions any less).

But we still love ya. :slight_smile: Nice talking to ya before ya went dark, hope to play with ya again sometime.

See ya,
Ken the Noldo

For the record the only higher power in this game that caused me to leave was me.

Playing in over 10 positions I draw the line at those players who chose to engage in personal out of the game attacks, but who are allowed to get away with it.

Thus I engaged in a en mass protest drop as I am sure I can find something else to spend my 100 pounds a month on.


Dear Friends,

I have heard both sides of Vandals arguements and fought both with and against him. Personnally I haven’t an issue with him and to be honest I don’t think why he left is anyones business but his own. I will say this though having heard from some of the parties in this issue I say let the issue settle once and for all and let it go to bed :rolleyes: For once let’s try to play the game and leave the politicing outside. I mean isn’t that why we play? For entertainment and enjoyment these are few of my favorite things, when the dog bites, when the bee stings…La,la,la,la,la, Doe a deer a big fat queer no wait how did that go again… It’s relative dude hit this again and be one with Zon! :cool:
Rasta Pasta Me Maities,

Indeed its a nasty business and not one we want to open up to much.

But game 9 was me at my best before it all went wrong and let history judge me on that.


Just like Real Life, if you get caught red handed with the hand in the cookie jar, it does NOT make trying to get the cookie any less wrong then if you had asked and they said no.

This is a ver poor analogy Ken, and I think it’s the crux of the issue. The reason taking the cookie is wrong is because:

  1. It belongs to someone else.
  2. You have been told you cannot have it without asking.
  3. It is bad for you.

While my actions may have resulted in scenario #3, neither 1 nor 2 were true. As a player let me say this as well: the whole argument that SG is justified because I violated his territory doesn’t hold much water (no pun intended). Players, especially with neutral navies, are constantly making mistakes and violating other players’ territories. Apologies are made and life goes on (as long as they’re not enemy nations). But because I went in to search for the RoW, you feel justified that “border infraction” was reason enough. I maintain that if my infraction had been at the southernmost reaches of his space, and had not resulted in my acquiring said RoW, not much would have been made of it. So lets call a spade a spade while we’re all baring our souls. :slight_smile: And yes, the DS did tell me where it was. Why not? They certainly couldn’t get it. Better to have it in the hands of a neutral than the enemy. I attempted to bluff about that (though I don’t know why since someone on that side couldn’t keep quiet about it - unless you’re now bluffing me, in which case, kudos to you). Fact remains I wasn’t in their camp until after SG’s statements. My intention was to sell to the highest bidder.

As I have said before, personally I don’t care. This is the way the game is unfolding, so be it. But neither I, nor Angamaite will stand by and allow the name of the Corsairs to be villified. :wink:

Scott and Angamaite

Mighty Corsairs,

I like the idea about the highest bidder. I played the Easterlings in a game about 1.5 years ago and I was acting neutral to the “T”. I was selling commodities and offering services and such for hire. All was fine then on one turn all of a sudden from my MT north was crowded with freep forces. They told me they were going to attack me unless I flipped. Since I’m telling this story you guess what happened. I failed my order to flip and lost a lot of pops. The statement here is you cannot do anything as neutral even remotely hostile or provacative other wise someone’s alarm goes off. It doesn’t matter who is wrong or right. That is always a matter of opinion. As we all know it’s the three sides Yours, MIne, and the Truth :smiley: Fact is it’s done. The good thing is no one is behaving like a baby. To that end I say Hurray for our side (gamers). It’s nice when you disagree without fighting. This enviroment is so small that my enemy this game is my ally the next :stuck_out_tongue:
Good Gaming Chums :wink:

Continuing in the spirit of bipartisanship let me be clear about something as well. My good natured ribbing of Vandal was just that. I actually had no idea that he was going through some type of conflict. I understand that players dropping and others being added is a normal part of the game. It never would have occurred to me that his leaving the game had anything to do with any real-life conflict. I still don’t understand the nature of the disagreement and really don’t want to. I certainly didn’t know Vandal was embroiled in any type of controversy. Otherwise I would not have chosen him as the target for my satire. In short, I hope there was no offense taken. Please forgive any insensitivity. I hope you will be able to resolve any personal problems you have with other players and return to the game in time. This is my first game and I’m having a blast.

That being said, I assume Ryan and Scott are not involved in any similar unpleasant circumstances. You guys are, therefore, fair game. So, let the taunting continue. And let me warn you both, if you fail to defeat the rookie of the Free Peoples, you will certainly be in for an ear full.

Prince Celdrahil
Chairman, Department of Third World Studies
University of Southern Gondor
Vamag Campus

Vamag campus? If I had started as the Qa, I think things would be far different than they are now…true I can’t help the first 7 turns, and I won’t deny that I’m in a real pickel, but to claim to be a professor at the Vamag Campus is abit too much…first off it needs to at least fly your flag or in the very least an ally’s…

I think the conflict of the Corsair and Gondor go back to those earlier years of the Kinstrife wars…well Celedrahil would know that if he was a history buff…

You know a peaceful withdrawl or at least an offer of one from the Freeps would have been a good idea, but alas I’m much more happier to see conflict against Gondor…

I hate that Frank has decided to ‘spill the beans’ and give critical info of the DS side to an old copatriate, doesn’t exactly make things fair…but we will have to see how the cards fall…


And yes I expect lots of bashing in the coming turns…

Your actions are your own and yet they have affected multiple games and most likely have had an economical affect for MEPBM…but like in all things, our actions speak for themselfs. If you burn lots of bridges, soon you just walk on ash.

Good luck in your future endeavors Frank.

“The Dunlend player when he realised that the Ice King was Bobkins and QA Frank”

Don’t bring me into this! To this day, I don’t know who the Dunland player was. I never spoke to him or exchanged an email. He spoke to no-one but the QA.




Sorry I was told that you intimidated the Dunlend player. I didn’t mean that you had coerced him. Merely you being on the other team invoked fear. Kinda flattering actually :slight_smile: . At any rate Looking forward to see you all on the field of battle.

Bokkins, It was All Bokkins Fault! Could you have not at least had the darks play better so they would be crushing the free and rhudaur would have then gone free? Sigh.

Well of course Rhudaur went dark, fun fun fun. At least my moral fiber still stands, even as Imlandris falls. Enjoy the remainder of the game.

The Noldo.

For the record it was me who did all the naughty stuff to the Duns, it either works or it does not, but having smashed him once, hey it worked.

As regards any ribbing its in the game all is fair in love and war, when you start mailing me directly you may find my tune changes though, its no longer in the game!

So no offense taken.

But you wont find me worrying at night any longer about playing a game you lack enjoyment in or playing on to keep others happy.

If our paths cross again think not that swearing or threateneing to kill me will cause me to leave, only being forced to drop the game to stop the problem will cause that.



September 8, 2004, Third Age.
Lord Valadan of Rhudaur, having just intercepted a huge Cardolan army poised to invade Rhudaur at 1613, was triumphant in a massive battle that pitted Cardolani vetrans against the Rhudaurian militia that had desperately assembled to forstall the invasion. “We knew they were coming,” commented the victorious Regent, “because they had just finished slaughtering the peoples of Dunland. Our agents reported that a move north was imminent.”

A call went out among the peoples of Rhudaur for men willing to defend their homeland. Assembling under Lord Valadan, these forces intercepted Imlach’s huge army of veterans at 1613, just as they emerged from Cardolan’s capital to continue their aggressive campaign to the north and east.

These veterans, known as “bloodreavers” for their hapless slaughter of innocent Dunlending women in children in battles at 1720 and 1817 in prior weeks, had turned their eye on Cameth Brin. “What were we to do?” asked Setora Kal, a farmer outside of Thuin Bold and wife to one of Rhudaur’s conscript militia, “You can’t reason with them, they’re savages. Look what happened to Dunland. One of their general’s maps got turned around and his border garrison stumbled northwest instead of northeast. This tiny little force screws up, and before Dunland can pull them back and explain the mistake, thousands of troops are pouring south, practically without any provocation at all!”

But no longer. Blocked by Valadan’s forces at 1613, the Cardolani reavers could continue their rampage of rape and blood no longer. Nevertheless, Valadan urged restraint. “I met with their commander, Imlach, in parley before the battle broke out. I begged him to turn back his forces. He said he’d consider it, then tried to kill me in a treacherous blow, crying challenge. I was barely able to fend him off, armed as he was with an enchanted hammer-- a dwarven hammer,” he added with emphasis, eyes narrowed. “They’ve sunken even lower that I suspected, plotting with Dwarves.”

Nevertheless, magical weaponry was no match for good Rhudaurian steel. After slaying the treacherous Imlach, Valadan rallied his forces to victory, crushing some 4300 Cardolan bloodreavers in a heroic victory. But this “victory” cost thousands of Rhudaurian lives, including Satora Kal’s husband, Brett Kal. “They’re savages!” she cried, upon hearing the news, her frail form weeping. “Why? How will we survive with winter coming?” Their three-year old daughter, Samantha, didn’t understand that she had been rendered fatherless by the senseless slaugherers from the southwest. All she knew was that her father wasn’t coming home…

  • Mordor Press, “Fair and Balanced.”

“Ulmo has smiled upon us once again. Make for those masts on the
horizon!” Dunsul strode proudly across the deck of his mighty
warship with renewed purpose. His officers exchanged quiet glances
of amazement. As with the Corsairs before, their commander
had ‘seen’ the vessels of the Haradwaith long before human eye could
ever have made out their form. For days he had vigorously pursued
this course confident that the invaders would be found and routed.
Now, with his prey in sight, he turned to his commanders. “Rouse
the men. Prepare them for battle. Send someone below to awaken our
guest, Angamaite. Rattle his chains and tell him he’ll soon enjoy
the company of one of his Southron neighbors. That is, if the Harad
commander doesn’t throw himself overboard before we overtake him.”

I would like to publicly thank the Quiet Avenger, Corsairs, and
Haradwaith for not coordinating their incursions into my waters. It
has made the job of intercepting their navies much easier. It is a
shame that both of the originally neutral nations attempted
to steal artifacts from our realm when they could have simply
asked for them. Meriot now ‘sleeps with the fishes’. Harad’s
thief, Tumbernaul escaped with his life. But, he wears a nice scar
to remind him of his visit to Gondor. Our three nations could have
known peace. Alas, choices have been made and wages shall be paid.

To the Haradwaith I make this final offer. While I have no choice but to send your ships into the depths, the Free Peoples of Middle Earth are gracious and forgiving indeed. In spite of your aggression, we remain open to the possibility of a Free Harad. However, assurances would have to be given. Indeed, it seems as though your hoped-for friends have themselves turned against you. Though you have offended, we would forgive and welcome you. By contrast, the Dark Servants, in their endless hunger for power, have moved against you without provocation. Consider well this offer. It will be our last. When faced with the same offer, the Corsairs would not repent of their foolishness. Do not make the same mistake.

As for the vile servants who hail from Vamag, I understand why you
would prefer the softer targets of the Haradwaith. However, we
remind you that your true foe remains to be met. Our friends, the
Sinda, have dealt with Fuinur. Perhaps you desire the population
centers of the Haradwaith because you fear that your own will soon
fly another nation’s banner. Your foresight is to be commended.

Prince Celdrahil
Chairman, Department of Naval History
University of Southern Gondor
Kas Shadoul Campus