Hi All
Mike Johncock, aka the Cloud Lord signing in. Here is a short summary of our game. My ally was Martin Uhlig and he played the WK//Rhu combo. We worked together with me taking his character advice as often as he would take my army advice.
The war room is full of commotion as Murazor orders all commanders to battle. Angulion protests, but in securing Rhuadars services the pectoral is to become theirs.
Arfanhil is eager to have the Noldo cleared from his realm. For too long Elrond and his brethren have taken residence in the land of the hill-men, it is time to drive them out. The west road to the ruins of Amon-Sul will also be crucial. It is the middle ground and control of the road gives versatility to movement. We cannot allow the enemy unfettered access to our lands
Ji Indur will hand the Mumak helm to his loyal commander Grasty and then head north with all haste. The lands of Angmar are vulnerable and require an instant injection of resources.
Opening moves (turn 1-5)
Ashdurbuk Zalg raises taxes to 100% and heads to the base of Zarack Dum (2004). A sub-commander joins him with the intent of sending foot troops to threaten it while cavalry from Mt Gram (2006) will clear the Dwarf army. Ash himself plans to take his cavalry to Mt Gundibad (2305). With steel foot troops being recruited the woodmen will be repulsed and this mountain stronghold should stand for many years…. Both plans work, the WM is repulsed and Zarack Dum is threatened. In the west despite the presence on uncommitted eagles, we still manage to hold the line. With his economy strong, Murazor orders the capital moved to Mt Gram.
The cavalry element of Rhuadar’s army moves to sweep away the forces of the Noldo. Once food is removed all other forces concentrate on holding the enemy to our west and south. The Noldo are cleared, but constant close battles to the west mean neither side gains any ground. Over 20,000 men and orcs are lost in first 2.5 months (5 turns).
Ji Indur hears whispers of the Long Rider handing artefacts to brother Yttzu, a new stealthy agent. We delay leaving and divert to Osgiliath (3024), but no artefacts are received. Cursing our brethren for this failure we bring down the bridge, but Tarandor is beyond our ability so he survives. We move north with all haste arriving in time to remove crucial army’s intent on the destruction of Rhuadar. Cloud Lord infantry disband to save costs while the Cavalry move to Northern Gondors’ southern border. The army takes Tir Ethraid (3028) and offers some cover for the Quiet Avenger, but NG quickly retake it and stop the CL advance.
Balance of power (turn 6-10)
Mt Gundibad increases its troop numbers’, takes Bur Fram (2305) and pushes to the Woodmen capital. The attack is clumsy and quickly repelled by agents of the Sinda/WdNn. WK starts to gain strength in the west, but an overrun of Dancu with all command artefacts damages our defence. Again eagles have thwarted our plans, this time with serious consequences. We curse Thorontir and his kin!
The pectoral is brought to Mordor as Rhuadar creates an economic base clear of Freep influence. Constant blocks and battles leave them relatively unhurt. Dragons seem to be rare, but Scorba saves Nova Rhaglaw (1908). Only 1 town is lost as the ebb and flow of battle reach epic proportions.
In the north Errenis, Yttzu (22st) and Ji Indur keep the contest even. The artefacts of the long rider are received as is the presence of QA agents. All is forgiven and more as the QA scouts begin to show there worth. The enemy are pushing us back, but Arthedain is loosing characters to kidnaps and his advance is slowing. Argeleb is kidnapped and his artefacts taken at the same time the Dancu is overrun; it is some small consolation for our unexpected loss to those eagles.
The character war (turn 11-15)
Finally free of military duties in Carn Dum Murazor heads south in order to increase his economic base. In his spare time he tracks the RoC possessed by the Sinda. Their agents strike Zarak Dum and Mt Gundibad and frustrate our plans. It is clear that the Dwarven map is being used to provide tactical information. Mt Gundibad falls and Zarack Dum is stripped of defending armies. Only the loyalty provided by worms and emissaries keep it safe. With Noldo, Cardolan and Arthedain combined Carn Dum eventually falls, but more Freep characters are lost.
Fennis Drunnin (1910) has fallen, but the second wave of Cardolan and Arthedain forces have been halted. The Noldo have not emerged from Imladris since our challenge and the subsequent death of Evening Star who claimed to be able to thwart the mighty Ji Indur. Carach Angren builds as the new bastion of Rhuadars power while the capital can be moved to deep within Mordor if need be. More and more his characters lead Cloud lord companies, but relationship issues with QA thwart some attempts at attaining company scouts.
Ji Indur, Yttzu, Maurong, Imilil and Shorglic continue their stealthy assault in the NW. With the additional support of Errenniss, Yi Tai and Kormolog 20 hostages of Cardolan and Arthedain have been taken. We are wary to not exceed strict kidnap limits and plan to bring all hostages away from the fury of battle and in to Gondor. Despite Elladans’ assassination the possibility of more Noldo agents and emmies mean we don’t wish to risk loosing our hostages.
Don’t Blink (16-20)
Ulrac and Ashdurbuck move forward to strike at Arthedain and then Cardolan while agents, block/threat armies and towers slow the enemy. The QA has been building in the NW and we co-ordinate to kill the enemy and bring down the defences. Camps and villages are threatened, before Throkmaw, Khutzapedra and finally Smaug join the Lord of the Nazghuls’ generals. Our deficit blows out and morale drops desperately low in many population centres. The arrival at an undefended Metriath is ample compensation for the loss of some villages and camps.
Warlord Azog drives at the enemy taking the town/castle of Amon-Sul, Minas Maloth and the towers on the road to the west. This creates a barrier to keep Noldo and Arthedain from reinforcing Cardolan. Economically the trade of population centres favours Rhuadar, but loosing our capital was an unexpected outcome. Recruitment is down to a few troops at captured villages with some cavalry also available in Mordor.
A series of startling failures that coincide with the QA moving on Forenost Erain (1407) mean his attack is repulsed. Elsewhere the damage to our economies brings drastic action. Grasty raises taxes as some Rhuadar and WK emissaries take control of marginal population centres. Taxes are then set back to normal levels as campers head north through Southern Gondor. Agent companies in the north visit the Noldo capital, defortify Cardolans’ major towns and destroy the Tharbad Bridge on there way south. The Sinda capital is our final stop over on the way to Gondor, but it is either empty or relocated.
Arghhh and breathe (turn 21 +)
The enemy is broken! Metriath is taken; Tharbad is undefended and the enemy have retired from the field. Noldo Arthedain and Cardolan forces have not moved. We plan to secure our finances and send our worms after the Sinda, fowl creatures they are. We turn from our vanquished foe as we look for a new challenge.
More population centres fall to the threats of our small armies. The fallen Rhuadar capital is retaken by the Witch King as the enemy assaults relent. Geardae and Laniagh have not assaulted Nothva Rhaglaw (1908) and do not move. We look to secure our economy from the bones of our enemy as we head towards the much hated Sinda.
Woodmen curates have been spotted at Zarak Dum. Two will be the target of assassination while the third will be challenged by the WK commander. North Gondor feels our blade as 2 commanders are killed at Pelargir. Now we hold court in Minis Tirith where much damage will be done.
I hope this story provides an accurate account of the NW action while being a reasonable read.
More in the near future
Mike (and Martin)