Game 56 Over

Congratulations to the Dark and condolensces to the Free. It was a fun game. I shared the Dragon/Dog/Dark Lts. trio with two friends. The battle for Mirkwood was vicious and protracted. The WM/Sinda/Dwa give us worse than we gave; but we still managed to keep our presence.

We managed to hold the North Gate with tons of dragon assistance; then turned offensive and took the Eoplex.

I will post a bit more later when I have a chance to digest the game a bit. I have already signed up for the next trio game. This was my third trio bout and I have been enjoying this version of gunboat immensly. There is a great fog of war, plus sharing a trio with two friends allows just the right amount of collboration without being overwhelmed by 12 nations worth of emails, etc.

Mike Bel…

Corsair combo here.
Was a strange game for me.

I had made very very detailed plans up to turn 5, and pretty much every little detail went through like a clock-work.

Overall strategy:

  1. Focus of army power in southern Harad, I accomplished and could hit Harad with combined 14.000 HI equiv turn 4.
    I did it by sending LR starting Cav south, it was at the cost of any influence at Rhun, but I considered winning Harad vital to DS victory, as it took SG combo out, and enabled me to play markets.
    I then hit Harad from East, South and NW, by both using QA/Cor navies, LR cav and Corsair/QA land troops.
    Only thing that stalled this, was SG army landing at 2535, but it was chewed up around 2336, and never touched Corsair pops.

  2. Char assault, which was enabled by Thergor getting +10 agent, so I could ScoutChar 2734 turn 3, and turn after PC/kidnap away.
    Over the next two turns I kidanpped/PC’d 5 Harad chars, which I suspect he had a hard time recovering from.

  3. Corsair harbours torn down, minor strategy, but it meant I never feared naval assault on other than 2337/2438, which were easy to protect.

Turn 1-5:

Diplo turn 6 said it all really,
Taken 2634, 2635, 2734, 2833, 2835. Which was half of southern Harad.
Had at this point not lost a single pop, and neither did I ever lose a single starting pop in my entire game.
Had captured SG agent with #4, which set him back, and made my (and later CL) game easier.

These 1-5 turns saw nothing bad happening, and sealed SG/Harad fate, I had at this point wiped out any hope for Harad to win southern Harad, and so I started preparing for North harad as well.

Turn 6-10:

Again, diplo said it all,
South Harad conquered - Landing 2227/2730/2632 (5500/7400/2000 HI).

I thought about all out on North Harad, but my agents had cleared most of Harad commanders, so it seemed of less importance, starting on SG was more important, as it put him on defence, and meant he could not muster a counter-attack to save Harad.

My armies all hit selected targets turn 11, and agents set on 2732 (new Harad cap), and made sure no armies left it to block me.

My biggest problem now, was that I had no clue what other’s did, so were in constant fear of Card/NG navies, and/or NG landing on N.Harad.
Never saw/fought any other armies than SG combo, apart from a camp-buster NM army.

This did surprise me, but I am certain the other FP were to busy to save Harad :slight_smile:

Turn 11-15:

Took N.Harad, and my Corsair landing on 2227 had taken SG capital, but sadly it was beaten back.

Other than that not much happened, apart from build up to take out SG.

Turn 16-end:

I landed 7500HI on 2227, to retake it and continue on SG. This army never lost, and was down to roughly 5000 after having taken 50% of starting SG.

Also build up to send 3-4000 HC (St/st) through 3024 to 2924, but game ended before this.

Economy at game end, had enabled me to have 39% taxes, and also to send some gold to allies.

I like to think my strategy was good, but have to be honest and admit I had some abysmal luck on important things:

  1. SG losing agent art, meaning I never lost a single char to kidnaps, as he had a hard time training agents.
  2. Got some well-placed PC’s in.
  3. Blocking SG at the right time/places.

Fun game.

Me and Michael had an amazing tango with Noldo combo. I be damned that was a never-ending roller-coaster of nail-biting action.
We’d plan to counter him planning to counter our planning, etc… and half the time he’d out-manoeuvre us, but every time (almost) we recovered and held him back.

Michael has written a full report, but will thank Noldo combo for the fun, and add that some help from Mirkwood (even if they were pressed) would have turned the game around and freed up Noldo combo to help out against Mordor/Harad.

Wow, in 20 years of playing the game not once have I ever played a game where as the Arthedain and Cardolan I haven’t manage to easily crush the Witch King and Rhuduar by turn 20. And I have never needed the help of the Mirkwood nations to do that. I guess the help we provided at the expense of the Eothraim, Southern Gondor and our nations isn’t even worth mentioning, as you wouldn’t see it as help. Not going to make any more excuses as to why we didn’t help other than it never dawned on us that a trio of nations with minor help from a fourth nation can’t beat two nations.

Oh, lets throw in the fact, that the Noldo player communicated on turn one, and not once for the entire rest of the game. And how about zero communication from my three allies on turn 16 and turn 21. Lets see, I wonder why the free lost this game.

Thanks Mike for the compliments, but trust me, you gave way more than you received from us. You really outplayed us in this game. I tip my hat to you.

Ice King, Fire King and Blind Sorceror also managed to do more damage in this game to our Mirkwood trio than I have probably ever seen that combo do in any game, especially by turn 20. Nice job although I believe we had turned the tide and were giving more than receiving by the end.

Bottom line, dark servants played extremely well. Congratulations to all the Dark Servants for a well played game. I enjoyed the first ten turns, but after that I knew the game was over and it was only a matter of time.

Tim partner in crime to the Woodmen/Dwarves/Sinda trio.

Hi All
Mike Johncock, aka the Cloud Lord signing in. Here is a short summary of our game. My ally was Martin Uhlig and he played the WK//Rhu combo. We worked together with me taking his character advice as often as he would take my army advice.

The war room is full of commotion as Murazor orders all commanders to battle. Angulion protests, but in securing Rhuadars services the pectoral is to become theirs.

Arfanhil is eager to have the Noldo cleared from his realm. For too long Elrond and his brethren have taken residence in the land of the hill-men, it is time to drive them out. The west road to the ruins of Amon-Sul will also be crucial. It is the middle ground and control of the road gives versatility to movement. We cannot allow the enemy unfettered access to our lands

Ji Indur will hand the Mumak helm to his loyal commander Grasty and then head north with all haste. The lands of Angmar are vulnerable and require an instant injection of resources.

Opening moves (turn 1-5)
Ashdurbuk Zalg raises taxes to 100% and heads to the base of Zarack Dum (2004). A sub-commander joins him with the intent of sending foot troops to threaten it while cavalry from Mt Gram (2006) will clear the Dwarf army. Ash himself plans to take his cavalry to Mt Gundibad (2305). With steel foot troops being recruited the woodmen will be repulsed and this mountain stronghold should stand for many years…. Both plans work, the WM is repulsed and Zarack Dum is threatened. In the west despite the presence on uncommitted eagles, we still manage to hold the line. With his economy strong, Murazor orders the capital moved to Mt Gram.

The cavalry element of Rhuadar’s army moves to sweep away the forces of the Noldo. Once food is removed all other forces concentrate on holding the enemy to our west and south. The Noldo are cleared, but constant close battles to the west mean neither side gains any ground. Over 20,000 men and orcs are lost in first 2.5 months (5 turns).

Ji Indur hears whispers of the Long Rider handing artefacts to brother Yttzu, a new stealthy agent. We delay leaving and divert to Osgiliath (3024), but no artefacts are received. Cursing our brethren for this failure we bring down the bridge, but Tarandor is beyond our ability so he survives. We move north with all haste arriving in time to remove crucial army’s intent on the destruction of Rhuadar. Cloud Lord infantry disband to save costs while the Cavalry move to Northern Gondors’ southern border. The army takes Tir Ethraid (3028) and offers some cover for the Quiet Avenger, but NG quickly retake it and stop the CL advance.

Balance of power (turn 6-10)
Mt Gundibad increases its troop numbers’, takes Bur Fram (2305) and pushes to the Woodmen capital. The attack is clumsy and quickly repelled by agents of the Sinda/WdNn. WK starts to gain strength in the west, but an overrun of Dancu with all command artefacts damages our defence. Again eagles have thwarted our plans, this time with serious consequences. We curse Thorontir and his kin!

The pectoral is brought to Mordor as Rhuadar creates an economic base clear of Freep influence. Constant blocks and battles leave them relatively unhurt. Dragons seem to be rare, but Scorba saves Nova Rhaglaw (1908). Only 1 town is lost as the ebb and flow of battle reach epic proportions.

In the north Errenis, Yttzu (22st) and Ji Indur keep the contest even. The artefacts of the long rider are received as is the presence of QA agents. All is forgiven and more as the QA scouts begin to show there worth. The enemy are pushing us back, but Arthedain is loosing characters to kidnaps and his advance is slowing. Argeleb is kidnapped and his artefacts taken at the same time the Dancu is overrun; it is some small consolation for our unexpected loss to those eagles.

The character war (turn 11-15)
Finally free of military duties in Carn Dum Murazor heads south in order to increase his economic base. In his spare time he tracks the RoC possessed by the Sinda. Their agents strike Zarak Dum and Mt Gundibad and frustrate our plans. It is clear that the Dwarven map is being used to provide tactical information. Mt Gundibad falls and Zarack Dum is stripped of defending armies. Only the loyalty provided by worms and emissaries keep it safe. With Noldo, Cardolan and Arthedain combined Carn Dum eventually falls, but more Freep characters are lost.

Fennis Drunnin (1910) has fallen, but the second wave of Cardolan and Arthedain forces have been halted. The Noldo have not emerged from Imladris since our challenge and the subsequent death of Evening Star who claimed to be able to thwart the mighty Ji Indur. Carach Angren builds as the new bastion of Rhuadars power while the capital can be moved to deep within Mordor if need be. More and more his characters lead Cloud lord companies, but relationship issues with QA thwart some attempts at attaining company scouts.

Ji Indur, Yttzu, Maurong, Imilil and Shorglic continue their stealthy assault in the NW. With the additional support of Errenniss, Yi Tai and Kormolog 20 hostages of Cardolan and Arthedain have been taken. We are wary to not exceed strict kidnap limits and plan to bring all hostages away from the fury of battle and in to Gondor. Despite Elladans’ assassination the possibility of more Noldo agents and emmies mean we don’t wish to risk loosing our hostages.

Don’t Blink (16-20)
Ulrac and Ashdurbuck move forward to strike at Arthedain and then Cardolan while agents, block/threat armies and towers slow the enemy. The QA has been building in the NW and we co-ordinate to kill the enemy and bring down the defences. Camps and villages are threatened, before Throkmaw, Khutzapedra and finally Smaug join the Lord of the Nazghuls’ generals. Our deficit blows out and morale drops desperately low in many population centres. The arrival at an undefended Metriath is ample compensation for the loss of some villages and camps.

Warlord Azog drives at the enemy taking the town/castle of Amon-Sul, Minas Maloth and the towers on the road to the west. This creates a barrier to keep Noldo and Arthedain from reinforcing Cardolan. Economically the trade of population centres favours Rhuadar, but loosing our capital was an unexpected outcome. Recruitment is down to a few troops at captured villages with some cavalry also available in Mordor.

A series of startling failures that coincide with the QA moving on Forenost Erain (1407) mean his attack is repulsed. Elsewhere the damage to our economies brings drastic action. Grasty raises taxes as some Rhuadar and WK emissaries take control of marginal population centres. Taxes are then set back to normal levels as campers head north through Southern Gondor. Agent companies in the north visit the Noldo capital, defortify Cardolans’ major towns and destroy the Tharbad Bridge on there way south. The Sinda capital is our final stop over on the way to Gondor, but it is either empty or relocated.

Arghhh and breathe (turn 21 +)
The enemy is broken! Metriath is taken; Tharbad is undefended and the enemy have retired from the field. Noldo Arthedain and Cardolan forces have not moved. We plan to secure our finances and send our worms after the Sinda, fowl creatures they are. We turn from our vanquished foe as we look for a new challenge.

More population centres fall to the threats of our small armies. The fallen Rhuadar capital is retaken by the Witch King as the enemy assaults relent. Geardae and Laniagh have not assaulted Nothva Rhaglaw (1908) and do not move. We look to secure our economy from the bones of our enemy as we head towards the much hated Sinda.

Woodmen curates have been spotted at Zarak Dum. Two will be the target of assassination while the third will be challenged by the WK commander. North Gondor feels our blade as 2 commanders are killed at Pelargir. Now we hold court in Minis Tirith where much damage will be done.

I hope this story provides an accurate account of the NW action while being a reasonable read.

More in the near future

Mike (and Martin)

Guess that’s what happens when you sit on the other end of the table :slight_smile:
And I agree, it’s hard to get help when you don’t diplo…

To bad, diplo’s are the fun part about GB’s, you have little to no clue how the other’s are doing for 6 turns, and then you get “life-signs”.

Sorry, Mike J. Our trio took all of the dragons. There was not a turn that we did not have 1-3 dragons spread across our nations in the following order of importance: Dog, Dark, Dragon.

Although we are not sure who played EO/NM/NG yet, (we suspect Clint), it was one of the best organized recruiting machines we’d seen in a long time. But for our early comitment to dragons, and a bit of luck, we would have been steam-rolled out of Morannon.

I do have to say that getting a sickenss squad on turn 0 and taking a capital siege on the Sinda for the first few turns helped too.

Characterwise, we managed to take out 34 freeps with challenges, sickness/curses, and assassinations.

The Huitts gave us hell in Mirkwood. I agree with Tim, the Diplos are crucial in this trio gunboat version. My apologies to my team, as I had a lapse and listed wrong turn numbers on one of our diplos.

Mike Bel…

Nation Messages
I notice a lively discussion on nation messages and add my opinion on there importance. Martin and I used ours at every opportunity and they were the basis for much of our discussions on the turn they are due. Here are some possibilities for there use.

We used our 1st to assign camp location in the misty mountains to our allies, make reference to 100% taxes and mark the CL intent to work in the NW.

Our second turn message allowed us to secure QA scouts and was the single most important event of our game. From here on we received excellent scout reports with one of our primary squads. We would have had scouts for our other big company, but we messed QA relations with Rhu. We also failed to join a DrLd company because his agent name confused us and we didn’t double the right name.

The QA/LR/Cors combo also used them to play the market and our combo benefitted by about 30,000 from that. We bought and bid for small amounts while sharing out the product among our 3 nations. It was money we needed at a crucial time; another example of an excellent use of turns messages.

They also add interest because they temporarily break the fog of war. It is nice to hear how your allies are going and to know if support is needed for a given alliance.

To Mike B and co who enjoyed the luxury of many early worms we are glad you put them to good use. Other than taking down the Osgiliath Bridge, passing through 3120 once and slowing the Northmen at 3822 we did little to help the Mordor theatre of war. Martin and I discussed the safety of Mordor on several occasions and every time we got close to diverting resources a worm would appear at Carach Angren on the way forward. We were happy with that, worms are for the gates of Mordor…

CL finishing stats
Character Hostages Rank
Erennis 3 A80
Ji Indur 3 A79/st30
Yttzu 3 A79/st22
Yi Tai 2 A78
Kormolog 3 A77(95) (+20 LR art)
Grengel 1 A76
Imilil 3 A75(95)/st26 (+20 SG art via LR)
Maurog 3 C10/A72/st32
Gornog A69
Bolur A62
Urmunul A58
Shorglic 1 C10/A51/st28
Slaarne A45/st26
Geden A45
Athrazoc A40

14 assassinations.

Aradaugal C73
Grasty C33 (just handed off mumak helm)

Norelle E74
Trisaine E73/st34
Vorelle E68

In my GB’s I’ve yet to see Mirkwood combo not beat the crap out of DL before turn 10…
Think it’s fairly arrogant to diss Noldo for not being able to win NW, when you can’t kick out DL, and totally dominate Mirkwood.

Could be that Noldo faced a good player, just like you did?

Not diplo’ing is a big error on Noldo’s part, and of course means he can’t expect any help. But you have a map of NW, and must have seen he wasn’t making any progress.
Did you even send Dwarven starting army west?

Keep in mind, I’m not saying you’re a poor player for not beating DL, but beating DL is a LOT easier than beating WK/Rhu who also had a ton of agents up there.

From my POV, it seems to me, that all FP comboes played their own game.
Mirkwood combo focussed on Mirkwood.
Noldo combo on NW.
SG on me.
NG combo on Mordor.

And all blind to everything else (which lack of diplo’s tend to do).

I feel for you that your team didn’t diplo, extremely annoying, but your above statement is arrogant none the less.

To Michael:

I made an error on arts, and very sorry for that.

Regarding scouts, I was glad they helped, at least it felt to me they saw plenty of action.
Slightly waste of my second row of scouts, much confusion, and remember to upgrade me another time :slight_smile:

I did not get a single worm, or at least not one to fight, the entire game.
After I saw my initial opening on Harad work, I knew I didn’t need worms, and thus focussed my camps on production areas (H/R), and ignored the mountains.
Got some elephants, but they didn’t see action, and when I tried to ship them of, they got stubborn, and didn’t follow me on the ship :frowning:

Sekunda said “In my GB’s I’ve yet to see Mirkwood combo not beat the crap out of DL before turn 10…
Think it’s fairly arrogant to diss Noldo for not being able to win NW, when you can’t kick out DL, and totally dominate Mirkwood.”

I agree with you 100% on the above. I was horribly outplayed and we made some very stupid tactical decisions early in the game. Tried something new, it didn’t work, wont try it again. I have never seen anyone not win Mirkwood. At least I sent a diplo stating no help is coming, we have our own battles to handle just to clean up the mess we created in Mirkwood. 21 kidnapped charcters does put a huge straing on the Northern nations, but I have dealt with that many times before.

Oh, by the way, we did finally win Mirkwood. Again, whats the point. Difference of opinion on the game playing abilities. Do you want me to defend my actions and statements. It doesn’t matter what I say, you are still going to disagree, but I stand behind my statemtent. We offered to help counter the agents, they didn’t accept the offer of help. Sorry, I don’t agree with their style of play.

Tim Huiatt,

Frustrated, but then again it is only a game.

Don’t get me wrong, we totally agree that no diplo’s is the wrong way to go.

I wasn’t bashing at your ability to win Mirkwood, or not helping Noldo.
I reacted to saying someone should be able to handle NW, when you yourself can’t handle Mirkwood :slight_smile:

There’s no recipy for succes in this game, apart from the obvious (diplo, plan plan plan plan plan plan…), but there’s no strategy that will win you the game every time.
If there was, we would have stopped playing the game after our first couple of games, so thanks heaven for that!

I was lucky my strategy won my area, but it could have backfired.
So again, not after your strategy, but your comments :slight_smile:

Dog lord player here.

First off…we got lucky early with a sick squad and an early dragon which while trolled for was not a high probability affair. We faced an enormous amount of troops at the north gate and barely held it. However, with the early dragon camping a bit-o-luck we were able to stall the eoth etc. and put pressure on mirkwood early while holding the others at arms length.

Honestly, I think we killed 35k hi equivalent at the north gate with little ds help through the first 10 turns. The IK etc. promptly responded to our cries…nay shrieks :D…of help around turn 10 and gave us just the bit of breathing room we needed.

We went after the duns around that time but had some internal order snafu’s that prevented us from sticking the knife home there. After that we went after the eothrain…and then woodmen…and by game end essentially held the eoplex and were threatening the core of the northmen.

Personally, here are my thoughts.

  1. IF you are not going to send diplos…don’t play the game.
  2. There are some clear early strategies that are beginning to develop. Note the in the abbreviated prior GB we bankrupted several nations which we hear was accidental but frankly I am pretty sure I will bankrupt some DS next game I play as fp if they keep being predicatble in their early offense. (winks at the LR…cough) but hey…maybe not. :wink:

I look forward to the next game, hats off to all.

In fairness, our early dragon efforts which continued the whole game allowed us to hold the north gate at bay with just a fraction of our forces. Our early sick squad allowed us to “sandusky” the Sinda at their capital and throw a large amount of character assets their direction.

Basically, in a normal mirkwood situation they would not have faced nearly what we brought to bear against them…which was our plan. Having played the southern trio recently our entire mindset was to STALL mirkwood and the northgate while we won the south.

Best of luck all and see you next game.

P.S. I want to sincerely thank our ally trios for responding to our cries for both military and financial help.

We were severly up against it on several occasions and appreciate the aid.