Realtionship breakup Brad… Ce la vie or whatever
too bad, was expecting something to do with various gov services… c’est la vie, oui.
Thanks Brad and apologies for my awful French…
Turn 8 has run. Interesting results. Arty tracking but not really “hidden” I see… Corairs a rump, but you got another DS navy out of the picture. Dwarven two-step at Morannon?? “Up the Mountain…DOWN the Mountain!”. Rhudaur capital finally taken. Phew…
the dark
Really so little to say this time?
Blah blah, kill kill kill… Like the 210’s at Stumpyville, I had changed a few 215’s
at the last minute. ROFL
The Sinda were the first plan, we found a way to add Stumpyville to increase our odds of getting someone. We’re quite happy with the results, thanks. We’ve all done some screwing and been screwed by the “hidden” pop bit, this week I’m on the happy side of that part of the game.
We just killed a bunch of your boyz for no real reason and have accelerated the effective removal of your first nation, nothing is really going on (visually…) elsewhere - FP in the passes, going nowhere. Blah… Sorry to disappoint :rolleyes:
the dark
Well, the Free Peoples have large forces in both passes. Speaking on the phone this evening with my esteemed leader, we spent 2 minutes on these items, and the next couple hours on matters of importance. As has been reported in this space for months now, you have lost, you just won’t admit it yet in public (although, we have read some hints that reality shall soon emit from spokespersons of the Free…).
All the best in your current endeavors. You’ll get Good Sport medals of acheivement, regardless of what’s “acheived”. You know - “it’s how you play the game that counts” and all that…
the dark
If it hadnt been for the DS victory in Umbar and the success in arties you
would be singing a different tune. The game is not lost and we will make
you fight for every inch of ground… DS havent got long in the NW so
you guys will own Umbar, Harad and Mordor… Not game ending Veo, the
real attacks are about to begin!
Yes, we were listening in . . .
Fax: “Bugger I didn’t think they would get that many troops into the Pass”
Leader: “Me neither, it sucks”
Fax: “Morannon looks a mess too”
Leader: “Yup, bummer”
Fax: “Did you get the latest Rush album?”
<And so it went on about the important stuff>
Translated from from HappyMad:
“Faxbrain, if you hadn’t been so clearly superior and dominant in every theatre, we might have had a chance. If I took the time to listen, to better understand my allies, compassionately, lovingly and shared more of myself, I’m sure it would all be different. Alas, twas not to be. I can only speak for myself, as I do with alarming regularity, in that I, me, bow before your emminence, your grace in overwhelming victory, and your justice in all things where intelligence and thought take precedence. Humbly yours.”
As for the snarky Rush comment, well, it might have been closer to “Hey JL, what’d you do with my Alarm collection?” and then a series of denials and counteraccusations, but yeah, fragile (don’t stomp close by…) got it pretty good, yes?
the dark
Lol, I’d never make a sarky comment about Rush!
Already have tickets for the UK leg of the tour.
Phone call
Fax: “Hey look these guys got a few troops on our doorstep, see they are doing something!”
Leader: “Yeah, to bad for them we got dragons in both passes.”
Fax: “Um I did not say they where going anywhere; only that they are trying really hard. I can’t wait to belittle them on the forums later!”
Leader: “Yeah whatever hey speaking of game over did you get the last Rush album?”
It’s true - I gave the FP props and my Esteemed Leader had precious little patience for it all, knocked me down a peg he did. “Pffft! These guys bring nothing. Damn good thing I made you Rhudaur so you don’t go screwing up anything important” he said. So there you go. Keep calling me out phreepies, I’m your best friend in Nazghoul Council…
I’m your best friend
Now, of all the things you’ve said, that scares me the most
Anyway, you didn’t screw up as the Rhudaur, you weren’t even trying remember?
thanks for that. he can be so mean.
What a bully! You should behave like a real modern man and go off in a huff and refuse to speak to him until he apologises!
I’m sorry…
Prove it. Give me the Pectoral and let me build my off-map MT in the Rhovanion like I wanted…and give me the gold to do it, and, um, the capital I’ll need to survive until it’s completed, and, er, some more gold, and, um…