Game 56 Ring Seekers

It is very unlikely we will be seeking the Ring. The Free Peoples will die well before that becomes necessary. See you in a fortnight.

The Dark

Unlikely, but possible??? :confused: One of your diversional tactics, hmmmmmmmm??? :wink:

We have no intention of diverting you from your inevitable death.

The Dark

If your tactics match your level of banter we’ll win in five turns.

You must be new here. Nice to see tunnel vision amongst mine enemy.

The Dark

It took us a little more then 5 turns the last game, :slight_smile: just a little

Hmmm, make that four turns :slight_smile:

I’ll call you Mr Glass House from now on, specializing in denial and projection. I love playing against Psych 101 rejects in the game, shame about the quality of the board though - apologies to all.

The Dark

Apology accepted.

Well. The war has begun, much to the chagrin of the Phrie. The men of Gondor and Umbar shall suffer first, it appears. Where are the armies of the Dunadan? The Elves? The Riders? Sauron’s Power expands, the Nahldoe, not so much.

The Dark

Gildor leads an army attacking Goblin Gate. Well, let’s be honest here - we all hope this works out well for you because, well, it ain’t “Standard”. Now if we could only find the rest of his friends, we’d have something to do in a fortnight.

The Rhudaur is about to get pummeled. The host of Gondor has arrived at Osgiliath. Whomever is left over is attacking Harad. The Eothriam is going for Dol Guldor.

I don’t see anything interesting here at all. Thankfully, we don’t get along for poo, so we have lots of fun on our board. The Game, not so much.


The Dark

I notice now that Mr Glass House has nothing to say. Mayhap he is playing the Noldo and he’s been forced against his will to hire an army with Gildor? No really, that’s classic stuff…we’re gonna be talking about it all game, I think…

The Dark

I am sure that when your grand strategy unfolds we will be so bowled over with “shock and awe” that we’ll surrender to the hopelessness of it all. In the meantime though we’ll just giggle about how silly you sound.

Talking about it all game? Little things . . .

Little things like your game, your life, and your manhood…? No thanks, Gildor will do, nothing else out there worthy of a Banter 101 barbeque thread, talk about attending to consciously. In regards to Shock and Awe, well, no, we doubt it. One must be aware to be shocked and have relative experiences to be awed in comparison. We suspect thoust are neither aware nor experienced.

The Dark

Seriously though…who would have expected the DL to be so cooperative and leave his MTs undefended? Can’t blame the Noldo for bringing troops to the party expecting an actual fight to take place. :wink: The DL MTs are not unlimited so be careful how far you take this clever strategy.


Just wait, we’re planning on abandoning a couple other nations. Armies are so 1990’s, sorry, we’ve evolved. Sigh, this is amusing like checkers with a 3 year old, but we have to do what we have to do.

The Dark

Hey Bernout,

You guys got nearly all the starting EO troops at DL capital and all the Dwarfs at Goblin Gate, would it matter if the DL would have defended them with his? You don’t expect us to just sit an wait for you to come kill us do you?

Its not going to be that easly for you…and you only have two more turns to beat us acording to fragilesi, are you guys going to hit Mordor with a few Tac-Nukes next turn? Other then our little fight at Osgil,

John L.

Err, I said if your tactics were as good as VEO’s banter we’d beat you that quickly . . . I simply cannot imagine your tactics are genuinely that bad. It does worry me though; I assumed he was a lone voice and that the rest of you were just embarrassed by him so were keeping quiet.

Hahaha. Not ture it just was to early to having anything to say! But VEO’s always got something to say…thats why we like him so much. :smiley:

:slight_smile: Can’t say fairer than that. I guess although he tries hard to sound tough he must have a heart of gold underneath, probably a real softy at home.

Still, early days. Unlike him though I think it’s been an interesting opening and I’ll be fascinated to see just how much of what you are trying to do we have worked out and how many surprises you have for us 3 year olds :slight_smile:

I’m not sure I share your view on the hopelessness of the DL situation though; there is much that can be done to at least delay the inevitable and a lot of time can be gained in terms of developing characters so you must be expecting to gain something big out of it . . .

Hazarding a guess (And VEO that’s all it is so don’t let it get to you), you decided on a risky opening strategy and in the game of scissor, paper, stone that is the opening of a grudge game you didn’t get quite what you hoped for. Time will tell.