Did you really think I would be sitting at 3707 waiting for your agents? Your
agent plans are predictable. Try harder…
Did you really think I would be sitting at 3707 waiting for your agents? Your
agent plans are predictable. Try harder…
A million FP armies not on recruiting centres. The brave 100 rushing to save the Eoplex (???). We take another 2 MT’s, another MT and more towns off the FP with no losses of our own. We curse and kill at will. You can run around in your productive circles, or just run away and hide, all the same. The game has been over for 11 turns now, we’re just filling in the details.
the dark
Wow Brad 2+1 is 3!!! Well done, gold Blue Peter badge in the post!
Haha thanks for the Info I did not even know you had an army at 3707 last turn good to know…Northman got very lucky this turn at his capitial yet not so lucky elsewhere 4500 troops, 1char, 1 MT, and armies on two of his towns this turn and its only getting worse from him. EO-Plex is toast, and now the battle has fully moved from Mordor to Free Peoples lands…Enjoy the smoke.
This game is over so the Guyster is trying the “personal attack on Brad to feel better about myself” tact. So stale, it makes the competition in 56 look positively refreshing.
Dark Brad
I feel great about myself Brad!! If this game is lost it will be the 1st loss in 18 months, remember that 1 week game when you were SG? Let me refresh your memory Brad Zitt, the game you had a 6000+ army with only one commander?
That was 11 games ago.
Its not wise to conclude a result before its played out John… Northmen lucky? Good you reached that conclusion. Eoplex gone, makes it easier for us.
If you’re gonna brag, do it when you have achieved the brag not before…
Pre-emptive bragging was left behind at primary school for most folks…
I have to say, it does appear that we’re playing against some of the biggest egos in the game. In fact if ego equated to victory points these guys would have a one hundred percent win rate . . .
I’m guessing that they haven’t though.
Nice variety Guy, do the “feel great about myself” bit before resorting to personal attacks. Fragile, not sure if you’re new to the Guy Club, but once he finally realizes the truth, I’m sure you can guess where his latest targets of finger pointing and bile lie. Enjoy the end game Phreepies.
Dark Brad
Nice try Dark Brad, only comparison between the two of you I can make is that I know who makes the better Cloud Lord
That’s why I’m not playing the Cloud Lord here…
You really think so? I think the rest of the community is more aligned to my view of it…but you can live a deluded life, happily even. All the power to you.
I think you just backed my point up quite nicely
Admit it Brad Pittz, you’re glad I came back to the forums after being away…
Watch what you say, Guy’s already a little offended at my “touched” comment on another thread. I think all those years in Greece got to him.
Very offended!! Yeah right!! Lol.
We’re well into the mid-game, and the FP really have issues with our early-game complete takeover of the South. 3 Navies trying for the Corsairs lands, oops, I mean Rhudaur lands. 3/4 Eoplex MT’s have been taken, Rhun except a Huge Dwarf rescue of the Northmen Capital is taken, we’re busting out the North Gate and there appears to be nothing building for a run at the Ithil Pass. Dwarf has 3 Huge Armies in play, none of which are going to Attack the DS, all of which are going to die Defending the FP.
Zone in on the Crucial Point - FP Huge Armies are Defending the FP militarily against the DS military… Key Word: Defending. Just so we’re clear…
Kudo’s to the FP agents, they’ve been agressive. Good on ya.
the dark
Lol, if we are losing it’s sad to know we’re losing to someone who’s mathematical abilities don’t stretch to being sure about big numbers like 3 or 4.
You’re not losing. You were losing on turn 1, you were losing on turn 2, you lost on turn 3. If we didn’t take turns 9-13 off we’d be declining the rematch request around now. Yawwwwwwwwnnnnn.
Oh, I’ll also send congratulations to the Duns for an army of that size up on the 04 row at this point in the game. Good thing they’re there, they’ll be able to help the Woodmen capture the City of Mt Gundabad from the Quiet Avenger…
the dark
Thanks for that, the latest update from the DS Information Minister.
“There are no Free People troops at the Rhudaur capital, we have not lost any pop centres any turn ever, we have not seen any Free troops in Angmar or Mirkwood and the major town of Morannon still looks fantastic when the Sun is setting over its ever peaceful battlements.”
And as for Gundabad when I take it I will remove the fortifications!