Game 56 starts

Dear Doug

          About your patsy the easterling he is going to get his in a very big way I hope he is prepared for the hurricane comming his way.I tried to warn him this is going to be very bad for him.If you have done as much dammage to that nation as you claim then he will be hard pressed to survive a few more turns.
           As to the army in mordor I am in a bit of a dilema which pop center should I destroy next 3627,3428,3528,3629,3246,or3423 this one requires a force march none have any real defences. this is quite an interesting problem for ya'll so many very important pop centers to protect I dont envy you.That is unless you have a really good agent there now then I am basicly dead except for one minor problem D...oops can't reveal too many secret's.One last piece of advice 

Don’t run you’ll just die tired

David Pearson
“Adventes Fortuna Juvat”

The QA and Harad are at war
Who’s going to win
No one knows for sure
QA drew first blood
Reveling in the spoils
It now has a new village
To add to its empire

But then in return
Harad beat QA’s cavalry army
And at turns end
It all seemed a draw.

Now cometh the hour cometh the Queen.

" don’t run, you’ll just die tired."

a marine sniper in our little gang?

sm # 6

waste of my time. drops a challenge, and then runs away.
on to another gunboat game.
any second now, frank will chirp up again. he was on vacation, his computer broke, difficult menstral cycle, chipped nail, paper cut, ingrown molar, found jesus, raped by kobe bryant, busy trying to pin john kerry down on an issue, operating on bill clinton, dog ate his homework.

sm# 6 in uk 56

Whilst its only a game you seem to want to make more of it than this.

As it seems you are whimpish and have a yellow streak, unwilling to take up a challange, what else you want to do throw the baby out of the pram as the rattle is gone


thank you for proving my point. not 24 hours after dismissing you, and your challenge has hot air, you respond. the fire is out, the candle firms up.
bye frank, i join a long list of people acknowledging your existence as a spineless coward. write all the trash you want, after you run from your own challenge. should we meet again, not even allegiance will save you.


thank you for proving my point. not 24 hours after dismissing you, and your challenge as hot air, you respond. the fire is out, the candle firms up.
bye frank, i join a long list of people acknowledging your existence as a spineless coward. write all the trash you want, after you run from your own challenge. should we meet again, not even allegiance will save you.


Now let me guess you know a certain bunch of boys from an earlier game and are that low life speading the rumours in thais game that I could not pin down.

Its a shame you had to show your ugle head but trash will out in the end.

I dont need to pray as like all gutless swine once faced up to you revert to type, insult and posture.

As you can see we can all descend to your level, I just hope one does not have to stay in it to long.

I am sure being allied to you and like your so called friends sticking it to your allies is just up your street and hence as I dont I am sure you would win.

Gloat if that gives you pleasure I can live without it


for a guy who ran away real fast, you sure like to hang around. don’t go away mad, just go away. i surrender, your my hero, a walking god. i submit to your wit, spelling, timely responses and courage in the face of underwhelming odds. please send a picture of yourself to harly, so the can foward it too me. this way i can lite a candle under it, and ponder. when, oh when great gods of gaming can be i wise, and godlike as my diety, frank “the candle”. gloat, no frank. go away, nothing more, nothing less.

hey, maybe you can join a new game under a differrent name, and get yourself a new thread to write on. go haunt a different game frank, you have been away from this one for a month. the presence is gone, the smell lingers.

i’m spent, and done with you in uk 56.

sm# 6

hey ian, wheres all that “quiet” avenger trash i love reading?
doug#19, you should get alex#25 in here.
to everybody else, back on point. sorry for the distraction.

I’ll take your challenge. I’ll do better than that. You can play the 12 on your side, so you have no one else to blame. You pick your faction. I’ll take 11 comers, and you can pick my position. Let’s judge the man by his own decisions. I’ve heard enough over time of your threats and challenges, only to duck and weave when someone takes up the glove. Alot of air about playing a grudge, nary a one started. I will guarantee your game. You will have every advantage that you could wish for. There’s a difference in this, when the game is done, it’s over. Better by far than this “My dad’s peepee is bigger than your mum’s peepee” ****e, slinging mud over message forums, that never reaches a conclusion. When the game is done, or the turn around is done as the case may be, all will have been said and done, and it’s over. A logical conclusion.

And before you go off on a tangent about who knows who, I’ll warn you not to do it, you’ll look silly… arrrr…errr.

Everyone here is witness, you have been allowed to set up the game, with 12 v’s 12, with the faction of your choice, with you playing all 12 positions of your faction, with me taking 11 comers, and playing the position of your choice. The only provision for our team membership is that it will be for players who genuinely want to play a grudge against you. It will not be acrimonious, I don’t plan to talk to you at any point. It’s going to be the honourable thing to do - slug it out and prove the player’s mettle. Obviously I will ask all of the players here that have issues if they will join up.

What do you say?

Rob aka Winsten Wun Toof

But snot nose you have made it personal and you have my attention what you going to do send me a few e mails threateneing to kill me like your wonderful buddies.

I regret to advise you it does not work on me but perhaps you can go running off to the greater gods it does seem to work with them.

Please refrain from sending me any more anyway as I just delete them as they are not worthy of my time.

So carry on your little rantings them amuse me if nothing else.


*Snot nose? That’s pretty funny Frank. I’d like to discuss what’s up your nose, but I can’t see past your butt :slight_smile: “No” to the challenge then huh? Not even when you can pick your own side, run all the positions, even pick my nation for me? Don’t let fear get in your way Frank. Like I said, you are judged by your own decisions. You’ve got all the witnesses you like here. You’re only capable of slinging mud at those who can’t lay hands on you on the game board. You are religious about avoiding a challenge. Everyone knows it. You’ve been called out often enough. Ever wonder why so many players wind up telling you to dry up and blow away? You think it might just be because they get sick of your girly e-mails and despair of you ever putting your money where your mouth is?

Okay guys calm down. What was a pleasant exchange of in-game banter has now turned too personal and I’m getting lots of complaints.


Quietly plotting

Who could possibly be complaining? Frank is the least popular player in the game, and according to his own word, he’s pulled out of the game so he isn’t even a customer of yours, unless that’s another lie of his. The best way to handle the candlemeister is to ban him from this forum via administrative powers. Kick him out of the game for good. I’ve run businesses and there are various situations where I do NOT want someone’s “business”. If you like, I’ll send in private email complaints every day, does that make my position worthy?

Frank has a right to use this forum as well as all our players. I’m not sure why this has started, nor am I particularly interested in following it all up and attributing blame. Just calm down, post like adults please.



:slight_smile: Hello One and All,

I first met Frank in a game that he was playing with A group of people and that game went way south....even for the Aussies. Ya know I had never seen a better Dragon Lord player. I will give credit where it is do. But then in the next few games he seemed to devolve I'll say. Now I'm a pretty thick headed neanderthal and that on a good day. Hell just ask Javi :D  Point is this the way I see it. Frank was playing a position in this game(56). Due to his style of play we as the evil assaulted him. He then quit. Now maybe our going towards him had no bearing on his reason to quit. He did leave the game though. Now the Great and Powerful SMullers had a light hearted banter session with him. Frank called out Steve. Once Steve said OK it went no where. Frank said he quit all his games. I kinda then have to ask like the other fellow what's he doing on our thread then?

Clint and all you other Masters of our Universe, this hasn’t got nerely as bad as it is just under neath the surface. The one hard thing about games and forums and such is the written word is interpreted by the reader and not the sender. There is no body language to show emotion. That means as adults we all must try and use a little more constraint when we are plugging away at each other.
I will say this though and just for all you even tempered fellows to ponder, have you noticed that no one other than the GM has come out in Frank’s behalf? Wonder why that is? Wonder why Frank couldn’t put his team together? I heard through the grapevine that all asked where busy combing there lawns :rolleyes:
I think the Frank issue should be settled on the battle field. No more talk and banter. As members in good standing and men of honor let’s pledge to put up or shut up. Clint you should forbide (IMO) anymore discussion on this and let the boys fight it out in MEPBM. This talk about personnal attacks makes me laugh. Kinda like the little dog that snaps at your ankles and you kick them across the floor. The one that has to talk the poo is usually the weenie.
Tell ya what… I will post $1000 to the victor and cover the airfare for a head to head meeting if you boys would just shut up about this issue. This way it would truly be settled. Either that or move into another genre of gaming. I also would like to point out to the MEPBM company that the other fellow was right about certain customers. Is one person worth ten? Christ right now I spend 11 turns worth every two weeks. Doesn’t that carry some wieght? Plus all of Rob’s zombies (just kidding I love that band) and Steve and the others? Just ponder it friend. Maybe when setting up games you make sure the paths don’t cross and we could all get back to being our little self important babies we are so good at being.
Today is 9/11. I live in a suburb of New York City. I got together with 800 other bikers and rode to ground zero. Lifes too short and we have more in common then not. Please for the sake of just what’s right, put away the tempers and flip over a new leaf. Turn off the computer and spend sometime with your loved ones. They truely are all you have.
Just my opinion from a very simple pimple :wink: ,
9/11 We will never forget, If you won’t come to justice we will bring it to you.

Everyone is calm except Frank, he’s the one calling people “snot nose”. Who are you asking to be adults, exactly? And my question was “who was complaining?”, if I really had to paraphrase it…

Best option is to allow the “open” forum to be truly “open” and leave the GM off of it. I’ve already been to Darrell and know that he’s not going to do any “paternalistic” admin work in regard to banning members. I find it flabergasting that the GM of this game would come out in support of this Frank Redmond character. Absolutely hilarious.

American Iron. Do you know nypdblue? I offer you and yours and everyone of rational mind empathy and consideration on this anniversary of the worst we can come to.

Brad Brunet

As the “other fellow”, I like it when people agree with me, I wouldn’t want this little tidbit “overlooked”. Sometimes, the disruptive fool who ONLY annoys (like the mild word?) other customers, sometimes, this person simply has to be told that they’re no longer welcome in your establishment.

Brad Brunet

*G’day there Clint. I am calm, and for the record, I don’t believe in banning players. In any event something extreme would have to happen.

*However I have had more acrimonious experience with this issue than anyone, and I do know that what is happening here will only go on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and then on some more, and nothing will ever be resolved. It will get worse as it goes. You may have noticed that several messages deal with asking Frank to go, and he says he’s going, but he doesn’t go. It’s in the nature of the problem. Most of your players are honourable enough. They are wargamers, and if they have personal issues they expect to deal with it in the appropriate forum - on the game map. And there’s an end to it, they measure up, and a point is made and won.

*When however the conflict is restricted to nuisance mail on the forums, there will never be a resolution. There is just a string of progressively nastier mail with no point ever being made. Insults carry no weight after all, game victories do, very hard to argue with. So tempers get worse, and the bitterness gets more entrenched. That’s where you are, what started as a disagreement between a couple of the players is fast on it’s way towards where you left Ditto and I. It’s not about Rob, or Frank, or Steve, or Doug. There is a situation that is uncomfortable to all, and will never be resolved. Frank likes to pick fights, the rest of us like to trash our opposition on the field, and never the two shall meet. Never a resolution.

*You can finish this one off, and in a month’s time it will be Fred, John and Edmundo no doubt. If it’s not some of the regulars, then it will be someone else.

*You have a group of players who now have an issue with Frank. I recommend that you put it to him that he fights it out in a game and not the forums. This is how the rest of us want it to be. It’s personal for about all of us I would expect now for all the above reasons. You simply can’t segregate him from all of the wreckage from game to game anyway. If we measure up, then I’m sure that most of us will feel vindicated, and that resolution has been achieved. I for one don’t plan to have any contact, and would advise my team not to start a forum.

*Again, this is not acrimonious on my part, I know that if things are left, this game will get every bit as ugly as our last, it’s going down the same path. I have posted on this forum to give Frank the chance to answer, I don’t like pot shotting from the shadows. And lastly, it has to happen on the forum so that players can regulate the game. Remember the customers. We all like life to run smoothly, but when it doesn’t, there are 24 other players who pay good hard currency in the expectation of enjoying the game. If that’s not possible, well I’ll bet alcohol is every bit as good as most of us remember :slight_smile:

