To One and All
Frank Redmond Vs Steve Mullers 12 v 12 game. No other players. Game to begin on 11/1/04. This is the final post from me on this. Either take the challenge or be quite and go home :D
Big Doug
To One and All
Frank Redmond Vs Steve Mullers 12 v 12 game. No other players. Game to begin on 11/1/04. This is the final post from me on this. Either take the challenge or be quite and go home :D
Big Doug
i just dont read straight.
i recall that you dropped all your games (you were winning most of them too?), cause of a dispute with the moderator. then i see you post in uk 53, and this is uk 56. so you didnât drop, or it wasnât a dispute with the moderator. its those silly messages you write. i still like the one where you forgot for 7 days i accepted your challenge,and when i ripped you, you replied 12 hours later(as i foretold).
look, its okay, you got spanked out of your games. when you get back, lets start.
why am i so intense in this matchup? well, your a coward, and iâm reading the dune books by frank herbert. read you in late october.
jihad, jihad, jihad.
donât we run turns this weekend. good luck to the free side
*Hello there Frank
Frank Redmond Vs Steve Mullers 12 v 12 game. No other players. Game to begin on 11/1/04. This is the final post from me on this. Either take the challenge or be quite and go home
* Well I never. Good luck yâall. Steve, $10 for a special set of fuzzy dice for my V6
*Disregard my last challenge, no point now (Steve regardless of what someone else says, we can never be friends Be good, donât talk to strange people (each other), and donât kiss the boys you two.
*Wob, the wed hot wanger fwom v sowf (thatâs ranger by the way, though Mrs Rob might argue the toss - heee heee, Iâm awf to bring joy to the little woman⌠better warn herâŚHell NO! Iâm a backstabber anyway
Big Doug[/QUOTE]
A view from the other side in game 9 (good)
It is a matter of record the good guys dropped, many fed up with Rob and Co and we had no problems with Vandals style of play.
Playing the dwarves and getting a good hiding is no shame, but Rob your messages to our side where neither wanted nor helpful.
Others on our side had the misfortune to play with and against you and told us to ignore your boasts, threats and other nasty comments.
As I am expresssing a view from the other side no doubt you have an explaination for why its not you but as far as I am concerned you know where you can stick it.
I can confirm that we of the good side where given information about the Dragon Lord by Rob and co and that contrary to his statements I will leave it to others to judge how you take that.
Defeat with honour is acceptable but to sell out your own side and deny it shows the level of your game play.
I have dropped all my games as my complaints to about this game fell on deaf ears.
Yes I have an axe to grind but until now we have said nothig from the other side.
If you want us to spill more about the so called things you did not do, but we can confirm you did, carry on, its stuck im my craw long enough lets get it out
I was the Rhudaur in game 9 and it was ugly. But I had no idea of the tramma and back stabbing that went on at such a level. This game tends to get big egosâ. I for one have at least three Can we please put the past behind us and act like gentle folk? This from the Friggin Barbarien. go figure.
A view from the other side in game 9 (good)
It is a matter of record the good guys dropped, many fed up with Rob and Co and we had no problems with Vandals style of play.
*Well that is interesting. Given that no one other than Vandal even spoke to you until the end of the game. And that was after he had completely trashed our game, and then, a player on your side only received a couple of e-mails from our aaaar co., I find it interesting you formed such a comprehensive opinion, without actually talking to anyone?
Playing the dwarves and getting a good hiding is no shame, but Rob your messages to our side where neither wanted nor helpful.
*Since there were two messages, I can hazard a guess what you were referring to. Your team had some serious problems in gaming, ours with our players. You received some advice of a general nature how to stop getting whacked over the head without a fight. Please note the meaning of âgeneralâ no turn specific information. I am a punter, I like to help both allies and enemy alike, some learn, some donât, generally skills get better. You have no idea what our team had to deal with, or what it was all about. So by all means, have your opinions, but they dont count for much against what really happened in the DS team where the battles were fought out up close and personal.
Others on our side had the misfortune to play with and against you and told us to ignore your boasts, threats and other nasty comments.
*What the whole two messages that were not addressed to them?
As I am expresssing a view from the other side no doubt you have an explaination for why its not you but as far as I am concerned you know where you can stick it.
I can confirm that we of the good side where given information about the Dragon Lord by Rob and co and that contrary to his statements I will leave it to others to judge how you take that.
*No, you didnât have to put up with him, and no you werenât given information. You were given general strategy advice that is good for combat against any enemy. Now slow down for a second, go back to the core issue, and ask yourself what a player has to do to get this kind of opposition⌠a whole team. You werenât part of it, having a professional opinion on it isnât in your brief.
Defeat with honour is acceptable but to sell out your own side and deny it shows the level of your game play.
*Oh that is interesting, I thought weâd already addressed this. Now you are entering a part of our team game that you have no idea about, and took about a thousand e-mails to fight out. We stand solid on our victory on this front. You walk there at your own peril, but we can start to dig up team e-mails etc etc etc if you really want to know all about it.
*And selling out my side? thatâs a funny statement. We overran your nations, you dropped when you were beaten. We had free reign. I was the dog lord. Remember who they were? They owned the iron hills, knocked out the Northmen, with the IK and DkLtâs ran the Eoth ragged until he eliminated. 10 of us fought as a team, two did their own thing. 1 playerâs game harmed his whole team, youâve asked me the question, but do you want to go there?
I have dropped all my games as my complaints to about this game fell on deaf ears.
*Yes well you wouldnât be alone there. Given our inability to settle the issue, and the cure has been mentioned often enough, no one is happy about the lack of assistance. If you want to do something productive, talk to Frank, rally whoever you want, and tell us where and when.
Yes I have an axe to grind but until now we have said nothig from the other side.
*Grind away, threat away, do whatever you like. I donât hide. I donât need to.
If you want us to spill more about the so called things you did not do, but we can confirm you did, carry on, its stuck im my craw long enough lets get it out
*Feel free to do whatever you want. There are two simple truths, you have no idea why the DS were so distressed, and a single one of your players received two e-mails from me, and another from another team mate. Ex allies, and yes there is some history there from long ago. Now we know where we stand. But not alot to form an educated opinion on. Still itâs nice to know Frank has some support, itâs been a little one sided so far.
*Now, I had intended to go away now, afterall this isnât my game, and the issues around Frank appear to have been resolved for now. Steve has his challenge game? All is well. You are at your own liberty to start something new or continue at which point it might be a bonus for you to take you off line and we can start bringing you up to speed on actual team e-mails from that game. They were all kept you know. We can show you exactly what was said on the DS, every ugly, nasty, warty little comment. Up to you really. But be warned, itâs a lot different view than that from the comfort of not having been involved in a disintegrating in-fighting team. It wasnât an abstract concept where you just got to evaluate the PC power of an enemy player. Oh our view of game 9 was very different to what you saw.
I cannot comment upon your sides problems and nor should I they are for you to deal with.
For the record yes its more than 2 messages and apart from lying through your teeth, a nice snow job may I say.
I suggest you go recheck yours and your buddies e mails you may come back with another story on the backstab.
But as I said to one who is a master deceiver great indeed was your sell out of your own side and much as you may deny it, the sad fact is it is recorded in history.
May I also take the time to point out I pay for my turn and if I wanted you to run them I should ask you and not visa versa.
Go on give us another porkie, they say if you lie hard enough you will fool most of the people most of the time!
Right that does it!!! Iâve read all the dribble I want to read on this thread. It was going along nicely with some nice fun poking and such between the sides but over the last few weeks its come down to a slugfest over my ****** is bigger than your ******
If you want to continue comparing your manhood then please start another thread and leave this one solely for the taunting of the FP by the DS and visa versa I suppose, if the FP ever have anything to taunt us DS by
Sorry if this offends those of a sensitive nature (myself included) but I would like our thread back please.
Iâm with Ian you bastards bugger off now! And I mean now or we will carry this to the point where it bother you blokes. Please only post if you are in 56. Thanks
Big Doug
hey hey guys, youâre breaking the mandated 24 hour no-posting period before a turn.
yet another regent 'napped by the evil baddies, at 3121 no less. scout/following i hope, and not guarding a camp. sadly, we are running out of starting mordor pop centers to burn, at least the stuff on the fringes. okay, and cloud lord towns too.
iâd like to thank the duns for providing n gondor with more targets, and with timber at 2/1, a public works project( or maybe two) to span the anduin has been given the green light.
im alittle busy burning the duns out, but its time to refocus on mordor.
sm# 6
Hello Freeps,
OK Mr Northmen now is the time for you time impress me. You asked me if I was going to keep barking as a little dog or bite. I might be wrong but I think it's chomping time. Let's get it on!
As for Mordor well let's just say some of my mates were busy in other places. The freep forces that do manage to invade will be meeting me :D Steve you had better really want those malls or send in someone else :cool:
The game will now begin to take on the Mid-game flavor and I'm very excited about that. First one in a long time. I for one will be doing alot of out of the box stuff. Well I guess the Eothraim and Northmen are very excited about getting started so 4217 should be mine this turn. I haven't decided about what to exactly do but I'm sure you will be given a challenging game. What do you guys think should I do crush the Holdings of the Northmen or attack the Eoplex. Let me know I'll allow you to chs
well,well,well,the little doggie decided to try and bite.go ahead its all you are going to get.Just remember this âThose who come with a sword to us will die by that swordâ.I hate to be so harsh with such an obviously vetran player but I am sure the lessons I am going to teach you while painful and embarrassing will make you a better player.
David Pearson
NM #56
DUN #66
Aventes Fortuna Juvat
Well the turns are back in and the QA is smiling
Everything is going to plan!!! If I knew what it was in the first place then it would all be going to that plan :rolleyes:
Harad is about to be put to the sword. Any last words for this nation from the FPâs?
My little Ji & his friends are doing their work well. Big reward for them coming from Adunaphel
All in all a good turn from what iâve seen so far, may the rest be as good.
Oh yes FP expect some visitors in Rhun soon
is it the quiet avenger or is it step and fetch. go get the tricket bimbo.
lets see, you launch a suprise attack on the harad, and write alot.
ask your duns pal how his turn was today. another fiscal crisis coming your way.
suprises, oh yeah, we have those too.
SMullers & Northmen,
Now I will bring justice to your lands. I guess the lessons will start next turn for me against the Nothmen as I took his Majortown and so much as a wimper. The Eothraim will first lose the battle then the rest of what they own. Sinda better get recruiting as things are heating up and you are going to need to bail your buddies.
anytime ace. see the smoke in the distance. thats dunland getting burnt. i had a promise to keep to the duns, âstab us and die.â death delievered. too bad i had to get westward, but now to refocus the love of gondor eastward. hey, look, i still hold 3024.
now to really make an effort.
sm# 6
My Good Friend,
I will dispatch this menace of the Northwomen I will kick there funnels then come and lock horns with you. Two NYC BOYS. Talk about a rumble we guys invented it. Dude I blew my head gasket on my front V-Twin so this week Iâm tearing my engine down and try to get in some fall riding
I will be reaching out to you for a night of gaming soon. Iâll give you at least a months warning. See you soon with glove on champ
so that little spell of mine finally work. the charm of friction.
in the lingo of the board.
âprey tell man, that doth suck. thy fine and noble steed blew a shoe.â or a gasket so to speak. get it fixed, and then advise on further. november and dec are a bit dicy( pun intended) with a bit of holiday travel setup. you should be wandering the 2 lane blacktop by you, the color should be nearly peak. nice.
back to the game.
iâll have your head on a pig pole by summer