Game 59 - hey FP, how's it hanging?

I imagine it can’t be looking all too great for you guys, what with the EO getting hammered, NG getting hammered (nice surge into 3024 though), being behind in the artifact hunt (for the most part), losing the Ring of Impersonation, losing Ringlin and his arties, 1614/1715 bridge down (hope the troops at 1614 like the beach!), CL racking up kills to compliment our curse squad :stab: … oh yeah, Din Ohtar’s getting his fill too…

Just a quick poll for you FP: how much more damage do we need to inflict before the towel gets thrown in? :smiley:

BS 59

You forgot to add the Witch King still live and kicking in Angmar despite Rhudaur turning free. :wink:

Ow yeah and Dul Guldur is still full of Orcses. :slight_smile:

WK 59