Game 6 Late Game

Does Team Simpson pull the One Ring out of the fire, or does the Circle of Wraith eliminate enough characters and nations to snuff out their attempt?

Turn 19 has run. We have every reason to believe that:

Dragon Lord
Dog Lord
Quiet Avenger
Fire King
Dark Lieutenants

have been eliminated leaving us facing:

Witch King
Cloud Lord
Blind Sorceror
Ice King
Long Rider

Both gates have been burned through, we’ve taken 3627 now, 3329 flipped, etc. The odd DS emissary group wanders about (Gundabad, 2209 is now an IK village, for example) but otherwise, well, nada DS.

So, keep it tuned here folks and we may or may not announce and congratulate Team Simpson for their One Ring Victory~! Someday…maybe… :slight_smile:

One ring? What the hell is one ring? Never taught that at school. We got Shakespeare instead…

“A pox on both your houses!” Two MT’s in two turns. The last post for unlucky and unloved Rhudaur :slight_smile:

Winsten Wun Toof

We will get a message when they’ve found it.

A decent scout and three curse-squads will do it!

Have Fun!


*What, you’re not going to include my 5 curse squads AGAIN???


Winsten, we never include your curse squad. Have you looked in a mirror lately. Oh wait, the last time you looked in the mirror it broke. And the smell!!!

I think we will be fine with the three we have waiting for them.

Lord Amroth,
who is still alive at least for one more turn.

[QUOTE=tshuiatt;63200]Winsten, we never include your curse squad. Have you looked in a mirror lately. Oh wait, the last time you looked in the mirror it broke. And the smell!!!

I think we will be fine with the three we have waiting for them.

*Yeah probably a good point. My curse squads just involve lots of commanders with potty mouths unfortunately. But there are a lot of potty mouths :smiley:


Winsten Wun Toof

I hope they won’t be able to keep this toy in their rows.

… but first they need to find it!

Not so easy with DS-nations leaving ME.

Have Fun!


You make the case well…

Apparently, it was a Turn 2 decision to perpetrate this strategy. Well, I guess they wanted to make it as dramatic as possible, allowing 1/2 their team to die before even considering the possibliity of realizing it… :slight_smile:

Hey, if they pull it out, I’ll say it here first: CONGRATULATIONS~! Good job boys~!

Turn 21


… now they’ll have to ship this toy!
I don’t think that they’re able to do it!

Have Fun!


They’re 2 turns from the big smokey hill. Can they make it? Will the carrier’s nation get eliminated in the meantime? Stay tuned folks, it’s gonna be a stormy finish…

Aaah Humbug! The wargame ended turns ago. I’m not sure exactly what this backdoor ending is, but it aint a wargame. It’s like one of those Trojan computer viruses, or going to a night club and getting loaded before getting a kiss from a girl, only to find she’s more than she seems… :slight_smile:

If anyone asks me (and they wont but I’ll tell you anyway :slight_smile: Gixxx’s team has already won the wargame, let’s face it, the Simpsons can’t do anything to stop the rampage. The Simpsons are now playing for something else. If anyone can figure out what it is, let me know :slight_smile:

Winsten Wun Toof

they won’t be able to ship the ring to Barad Dur!

Wait and see!

Have Fun!


Yes Rob, we’ve won the battle on the military front for sure. But “more than she seems”…man, you’re playing into the arguments of so many who claim that the game is being “ruined” and “dumbed down” into a checkers-style war game. The FP lost the war in the novels, the DS lost the war here, but there’s more to the game than the war.

The key being for Grudge Teams to clearly define End Game conditions. We’ve seen it in a number of games recently. Simply have No One Ring, and 2:1 Nations as part of the game conditions and you’re covered. Hey, if you don’t have insurance, nobody is going to pay for your broken car - you can’t complain about it, that’s the way it is.

So what great benefit is there in the land of ‘more than the war?’ I mean - it’s a pretty large place. For instance we can hold hands and discuss the merits of wearing hobbit pants to the gym - that’s more than the war. Or we can get into a year long debate on whether the elves would have worn lycra if Tolkien had been born 50 years later - that’s more than the war too. We could discuss all issues that are ‘more than the war’… but frankly it’s about as stimulating as a wedgie. I don’t see any point in taking the ‘war’ out of wargaming. Curse Tolkien for his weenie ending, the trolls should have splattered Aragorn. What sort of wargame ending is it when a team gets absolutely outclassed, smashed, dismantled - but wins? I know you can set victory conditions before the game, but as a wargamer (as opposed to a Tolkien or possibly MEPBM buff) how do you claim to be the better team and justify victory under the circumstances? I can’t see that the claim could be made, and an objection not raised. Game 6 is clearly a case of two teams who by and large support the two trains of thought - wargamers and purists (for want of a better word).

I’m not supporting any of the theological arguments about Tolkien or MEPBM, I’m pointing out the ambiguity of the victory condition from the point of view of a wargamer that plays many gaming systems. I think that is the same issue raised by several of our team.


Winsten Wun Toof

Greetings Warlords,
I agree that the “wargaming” is the interesting and more important stuff, but we’re playing this WWC-rules (never seen a WW-competition so far, but good that we have rules for it) and so the One-Ring-victory is allowed.

The ring isn’t there where it should be and not all of the remaining DS-nations will exist 'till the ring is there.

Have Fun!
