I dont think we have said we are kicking your butts, but at least my claims are real.
Outkilling us? Hmmmmmmmmm well you will need to prove that one! Come on you know you want to try even if you know you cannot win it.
How many kills will you have this go?
But if you can explain to my why the qa and harad let the sg army live to burn another pop centre well what can I say, I am stumped.
If you really think you are winning what will you wager on it as a side bet as its far from certain who will win no matter whats gone on yet.
Ask me again in a few more turns as the game still has far to many twists to decide this game.
If you want to tell me you have the edge at the moment sadly you dont, but as well as some areas have gone sadly the harad area has not gone well and that will come back to bite you.
Sadly you have gone for the plains option and back luck has dogged you on that, your arties options have been rotten and your luck on the dice rolls even worse. Have you killed anyone yet with an agent.
Of course the comming turns may change but if they dont its not great at all for your play.
Now is that crucial phase where great play and luck win the game, demonstrate you have both and you win and fail and you will not.
But of course you know what I have done to you and you know I had luck with me, BUT YOU MAKE YOUR OWN LUCK.
I will grind you down, slow and easy and crush you as I wont stop, if you think you can take it away from me feel free.
Game on and see you later, job about to be done.
Oh and knowing what you are doing each turn and knowing I have moved certain characters what do you think I plan to do this go to more of your boys?
I will get one of you in the end!
Maybe before you get me!
Remember its better to be lucky than good and sadly for your side I tend to be very lucky.