Game 6 - the rematch

Darn we are so bad at it lets give someone else a going over other than the CL its not good at all.

Any hands up from the dark side or shall we just pick at random?


Ok I will leave the Dragon boy and QA alone for a bit.

I am being to mean.

Of course the dark side could sing about what they plan to do to me at the moment, its good to have dreams to aspire to.

I heard you two were escorted off the stage at the “American Idol” auditons, LOL Something about your hem-lines being way to high over your knees, :slight_smile:

Now had you said Bruitish Idol I might have agreed, since I know my singing is bad, not as bad as the stumpies but hey what can you do!

If you are not nice I will get them to sing at you, its our secret weapon, dont tell the CL but its really the singing that puts them off, I know it does me.

Oh you know its that celtish blood, you know what they say about wearing nothing under the kilt. Maybe I will send you some blindfolds? need ear plugs to?

Burn Baby Burn,
Harad inferno!
Burn Baby Burn.

[episodic writers block…back to the beloved haiku…]

Harad lays dying,
Carcass stretched atop Corsair suburb
New Umbar Rising~!

Back to the drawing board its a C minus I want some improvements.

The Corsair stood on the burning deck his eyes where all aglow, did the dark ones really invite a thuggish brute, who had no idea how to really toast marshmellow.

I still dont trust those pirates and they are on my side!

I think Vamag was just an accident.

I know some of you have questioned the compass used by the Eo and we know that our map/star reading is not so hot. But can anyone tell my why the LR is using my caste of compass.

Darned if I know what he plans after that camp or running off as we thought. You know you can run but you cannot hide, nudge, nudge wink wink, I just want you to know I dont care about that sneaky move at all. Its not sneaky enough!

Oh how I drool looking at the Rhu this go, we have danced about and yes I know we should not have played so much but one could not resist doing it. Have you seen the horror of what we have seen? Well for you the crux steal gold and then do the real nasty stuff is about to judge if you can afford all those troops.

My the WK well can he save 2305, can he save 1806 and what will he do next save himself or move south to save the rhu. Will we let him is a good question as nice armies all in the wrong place tied up when you need them elsewhere. Or should I not have told him that one.

Hell I know I asked the CL if he needed mates but really I did not expect you to ask so ruddy many of them to help you and move north.

Harad well ports all up mass spread tally ho off we go and well time to finsh that job. I would tell you the port but I dont think you would believe me.

Is this the place where the fate of man will be decided ? , no the plains me thinks.

Or Tupperware make pots and pans, Pyrex make them to, but it takes a name like Ji Indur to make a dish like you? Who has got the ketchup?

heres the british entry

oh Ji why do you cry
please come back,
dont say goodbye
you wont get the sack
because its to late get ready to die.

oh how the eagles soar
in the misties far from mordor.
around the towers of gundabad rogrog roams looking glum and sad,
for the woodmen who roar we dont want to keep the town which smells this bad,

needs a little work but susan boyle eat your heart out Odagus has joined :confused:

Now you have let the cat out the bag Rogrog did not know he was in trouble until now.

Ulrac hears his brother calling him.

Please dont bounce on the walls and let the next one line up for you.

Darn I do so hope our luck holds up the dark side will give us hell if it does not.

Darn I have beaten them into submisison already as the tick tock of the clock grows hot.

Well Harad I will leave the CL alone just to let you know its your time.

Corsairs below you, and both Gondors above you can you defend 3 pop centres all at the same time?

Then its one best have several dragons as the next wave hits home and the armies move on, tick tock goes the clock. Your side gave me 5 turns and a white flag, I still have it, but I give you less TIME!

Oh Rhu you know all to well the plan, block all movement to your cap, look and you will see if it goes right it can be done, bounce on the walls and steal gold, praying you dont have a dragon.


OK, we’ll give you an extension on the White Flag waving, :slight_smile:

Oh to kind, I hope you dont mind if I dont wave it and dont extend those I have given.

To those about to die, please dont cry!

Bad boys bad boys what are you going to do, what you going to do when we come for you?

Well why pick on just one!

Beat them all down with the beat of our music.

I swear its the stumpies singing and not the elven harpes though.

OH, Vandal is going to become an all-around-entertainer.
Shouldn’t be his job!


nice, really nice
… but who will eat the heart?

I think it’s me!


Well you know when the troops get bored they lose discipline so someone has to keep them happy! The Stumpies cannot sing, the elvs well will they come out of the woods.

Us humans will just have to grit our teeth and get the job done.

I was going to get out the Maypole and engage in a bit of dancing but you have just missed that one.

Any requests, no ignoring CL agents for supper, time to move on from that one.

Could it be dont die for me Roggrog this go? Ok I know his crying as his seen his mate meet the same fate but Dont cry for me Mumazina was just so boring.

Tut tut you know we are not the dark side and dont go around telling people we eat hearts ( well not in the open anyway).

Get back in your cage

Well I am still waiting for your rendition to keep the troops moral up that does not involve eating the darkones. The troops dont mind killing them but eating them well they are not up to it.