Game 6 - the rematch

I told you what you was doing, LOL and you knocked youself out, so was that the plan, LOL

Training purposes only, LOL

Did not look like training to me.

You sure is not the first sign of getting a little on edge with those go for it kidnaps?

I think its getting to your agents and they are starting to lose it.

Turn 6 and how many agents kills/kidnaps have you had, change trainers?

Chance your arm go for it luck kills tell a story, If I am wrong well only you know and can take advantage of my assumptions.

I am still not close to knocking myself out though sorry to say for you.

Well just to recap:

Will the Rhu live this next 2 turns if it all goes right.
Will the Harad live much longer if we hit all 3 MT at the same time, can he get his ports down to stop us.
You know I like to tell you what one is going to do when the odds are it can be done just so I can say I told you so. Plus unless you stop it this go no agent can stop it in time next go.

Ok only a few days to go to the turn so time to get down to some planning and stop having fun.

Hopefully I can have some more next go!

Yes, please work on your turns, and give those wonderful singing voices a break, and our ears too, LOL

I have been busy working on how we can sing to you in the game to.

Where is the option to send the singing stumpy.

Well its that time lets see what the new days holds for us all!

Well how did you like that is all I have to say! Is that good or is that bad?

Liked it very much, now we don’t have to hear you sing this turn, LOL

Oh it was all good for me so I will be giving you a special one this go, but well not looked at all the other turns but do I need to as I am happy already

Drag is singing loud!
… or better was singing loud?

Looks like team Simpson has lost one of their nations.
… and so early in the game …

The NW is only a question of time, like the south.-

… but we won’t need to bore you …

… as you can see

Have Fun!


FP now resorting to spreading gossip, isn’t the singing duet bad enough, LOL

Perhaps, but I’ve never heard them…
… good for my ears?

Drag is dead, I am pretty sure.


Hmmmmmmmmm what was so good for the dark side apart from picking on one poor chap.

My bunny the CL still remains my bunny as his agents toil away in the dark night!

Why stop singing when it works so well unless I do a jig for joy or tap dance or even get out the clogs?

Well time to forget the turns and do a little ditty or to for a bit!

If I am wrong and my assessment is so bad well feel free to point it out you know I will to you!

Oh payback time is here indeed!

No idea if his dead that Dragon Boy as not looked at the turns in any detail.

If he is you know it was me and I danced on your grave as I died, doing a little jig and singing a song.

Well You have indeed gone for it as I thought can we make you pay for that move, its going to be interesting.

By the way if Erennis gets any closer he will want to sleep in the same bed and stab me in my sleep to see if that works.

CL can’t be too lucky at the moment.


Tick tock goes the clock that you cannot stop.

Sadly my magic is limited and I cannot extend it to my allies, lucky is a fickle master, but in me it runs deep!

I did tell you so and thus was born your doom, for you have wasted to long on the luckiest one when easier pickings where to be had.

Ji, no need to fly come back as you know you are doomed to die, by my hand do I cry.

But in your stead, well Erennis will have to do instead!

Well was turn 5 the turn I say fated to die, the time for the Dragon Lord to say goodbye?

Oh Rhu this is the turn we find out if you have the vaste gold reserves to pay for those troops.

Hey Frank,
as you can see they don’t like your rimes.

Have Fun!


The dark doom sits on my doorstep and yet am I bothered as they speed to find such naughtyness awaits them?

Have they emptied mordor to come and play, bet you did not like that nice large army waiting for you!

But as you can see the Dun gone and stolen your BRONZE wishes to thanks the Rhu for being so generous, boy you dark servant ar rich that you can do that, got any mor we can have?

LR are the times so hard to have to beg from crumbs at the table, just burn his camp and prove me wrong! Go on I dare you to!

Sure you dont want to come visit me and stop chopping my mates, just for this go lets see what we can do to you!

FK Well lets see what you left at home shall we.

Harad its was d day the grand plan was in operation the scene was set and they awaited the invasion, but hell whats wrong they failed to turn up and hit the FK instead!

Seen the forces on yuor borders can you stop it? We shall see.

CL well go forth and kill our enemies for us, no idea who you are trying to kill in the rumours but its not us so carry on. Kill your own team mates watch my eyes and do as you are told. I mean I know your scared of us but I did not think it would work you chopping your own side up.

Well its getting very interesting is it not! Will my record survive or will yours?

You know when you want a job done who you gonna call?

Fours years of retirement over with just one job in mind, do you believe the hype yet?

OK back to sorting out my clogs