By the way Halex did you lose the coin toss and get dished up as the sacrificial lamb on here?
All I’m sacrificing is time listening to your babble, LOL
Chop off a head and 2 more grow back, :bash:
Your demise will be a surprise,
then we’ll put the Fixx on Capt. Gixx,
With your Capt no more, it’ll be like before
We’ll have won, and the Circle broken.
Beat that, only took 5 minutes, LOL
Well needs some more work like we will have won and your done.
When you are through well do Gixxer toooooooooo.
Sadly not inspired enough to worry me.
Now its going to be a treat to beat you so sweet.
Oh like its a suprise that you want to play and not stay away.
But I see your plan that comeback was so bad I am not inspired to even bother to deal with it.
I will await the agent who is going to top himself.
But you are listening to it what does that tell you, your sadly got nothing else to do or something else?
Now I know its a fantasy game but this one has limits and if you chop off one head they dont grow back! I will let you into that secret in case your captains strung you along you cannot really die being undead.
I wonder if the Dragon Lord will own up to who was playing him.
Darned if I know why he moved all those troops off his capital and just let us take him out, but such is life, I am not complaining!
Or could it be its Hallex whose been run through and we did you?
These are only mercy postings, as it seems nobody else wants to talk to ya, LOL
But you may have noticed I am so mad I dont need anyone else to talk or play with.
Feel free to leave me alone in my own little world enjoying each brief moment of fun as I imagine the CL opening his turn!
My only regret is having to wonder about the Dragon Lord and having to wait a turn or two to see the results.
Mind you I have noticed its not like the old days of lots of postings, perhaps the golden age is gone, what age are we in now?
Dragon Lord? I know of the Lord of the Flies, what’s this dragon thing? And Frank, imagination is a good thing, as the Cloud Lord imagines opening his turn too…and then doesn’t…
(stump’s a verb you know…)
I was going to say it was the age of men but stump might get the hump and I know all to well the hell I will get from those elves as well.
Well I will just carry on in my own little world using my imagination to think about victory and just dream about it. You can have the real world, though let Din know his going to suffer for his sins.
I think the CL has suffered enough his tormented cries keep me from sleeping.
Still lets see how the pain gets shared out next go!
Hmmmmm first it was the elves singing and playing music and then the stumpies joined in and then we have them proof reading our messages.
What next!
Next you will be telling me the good side have soem elephants and a dragon to boot!
But that might just be a story
OZ just how good is that moral and can we take it back, what do you think?
Now can you stop that last QA start up pop outside his capital from going to?
Well with the Hard what can we say but we shall see as I want you to think about whether its a sea, land or combination of both this go.
WK/Rhu well we are both dancing lets see how it pans out.
Tick tock grinds your clock, lets see how the turns pan out now.
Will the CL be happy or will my ears hurt me again?
Well I cannot say that hurt me, how about you?
Oh dear has the CL had enough? I am just ignoring him as you can see and it was not me who blinked first.
I guess he wanted to open a turn for a change without fear.
Killed any more dragon lord charcters by any chance?
I dont have good rumours!
Well time I looked at the rest of the turns and left you alone for a bit
Ouch at least I pick on those in the game able to defend themselves and not those not in it!
Trust a dark servant to pick on a man when his down.
Well lets see how this turn plays out, missing a dragon by any chance?
Tut tut is al I can say.
Well for those who are interested:
Oz retaken and onto Ithil, which they will know its a dragon time or bust for the dark side at ithil.
SG retaking all those eastern shore townS lost to the fk who having taken them run off and left them alone.
The CL,Doggy,IK,FK have all shot out of mordor to come visit the poor eo, who has to fight them all on his lonesome. Since they have say on me from the off with every agent they could muster and had far to many agents trying to kill me its been a hard but interesting battle to hold the line. The next turn will be very intersting indeed.
Only on the plains do the dark side present any kind of military threat, well except for the naught sneaky attack on sg that is. But being naughty sneaky dark servants what do you expect.
However the Harad have lost all the north and part of the south, the rhu is about to crack in a big way and the wk well his in trouble to. The dragon lord and the dark side well let them talk about that one.
Well all in all its going to have to be a very good few turns for the dark side to save the harad and rhu and wk from having not a lot!
When the northmen has all his pop centres and more and has burnt all the lr camps and is attacking mordor what can one say?
Are the dark side winning, well we shall see shall we not.
To the LR, glad to see you carried out your orders, please attack the pop centre next as where you going to run to?
This is what’s going to haunt them more than anything else…
Hey it might, do you think it might anger him enough to come out and play?
Hey Din please come and visit me I am fed up with the CL as his just not interesting enough to toy with anymore.
Please stop beating up on those you can and try me. Think that got his goat?
You are wasting your time if you think that will save the Rhu and WK man are they going to get it BAD this go.
Trying to burn troops so as not to go out in style in a big bang. Where once was a vaste sea of dark forces its just a pale shadow now!
Doggy my boy missing a dragon by any chance? Someone steal your toy?
Dont worry I will sort you out though I am not sure you will like it.
Harad enough?
Oh do I seem worried with you dark boys on my doorstep? Well you are about to find out the reason why not.
Well to those about to die we salute you!
Well as we have you on the ropes with the wk capital just a 50% shot away from all those warmachines, emmies on the camp guarding 2006 and blocking and pinning armies all around can we do more damage to the WK than he can do to us I wonder.
Can you stop the move onto the Rhu though darned if I can tell you our plan of attack as you might stop it then.
Will we do them before you get to me, we shall see shall we not!