Game 6 - the rematch

Does this mean he will show his face after all this time even?

… not good enough!


Oh dont be mean Gixxer turn 11 and yes the CL woke up and found he had killed someone, or was that kindnap! As we want him back next go and looking after him for us is fine.

Sadly you have learned your lesson and did not play with me last go at all, how boring, but who am I to complain.

Myself I thought your play very much as one thought it might be, not a lot unexpected at all.

Sorry, I just don’t have a lot of time to post endlessly on here, I’m generally much too busy drinking, working or fornicating IRL.

I wish you could share in these activities, dream the impossible dream. :cool:

You guys got cranked this turn, it’s spiraling out of control but you probably don’t realize it yet. I’d post more but really everyone always posts blah blah blah we are doing great…then suddenly they concede and then run from the thread. So, it’s all good and yes, this game is over, it’s just the sweet wind down at this point. :hug:

Well one had best leave you to your victory.

Talk is cheap I have not seen enough action so far.

But 9 more turns and counting til we lose, though we seem to have lost already, oh well what can we do!

Man I will have to go have a good sleep and leave you to it!

Now what did I tell you fair weather supported only speak up when they have a bit of success. You sure your not the CL in disguise? One good turn and you think its all over!

Well we shall see shall we not?

Hmmmmmmm you wnat me to dream about working… not sure if thats a good or bad dream, more like a nightmare perhaps.

Well I dont drink so I wont be dreaming that dream and well the rest NOT MY CUP OF TEA TO TALK ABOUT.

I will stick in game on my comments

Well I am still having fun I just dont the fact you play the game (well some of you) the way I like to. Its easy to see why you have not been beaten for so long.

I just wish I could claim victory at the moment but darned if I can and will count down my 9 more turns to a loss. Oh I will have to retire again after this defeat, how can I take it!

But still not sure about the harad and his camp building policy did it hurt losing some and his Capital? That sadly was the easiest walk into a Capital I have seen, well we shall see about that give me your capital option shall we not.

If we are going to lose we may as well go down fighting and not like lambs to the slaughter

Oh well I am of to dream about victory as what else can I do.

So dont tell the team but where do I sign up to be a dark servant and join the winners?

9 more turns of sorrow, 9 more days in this old dump I will be done like a kipper on the morrow?

Defeatist enough for you?


Well I have to tear up the victory speech and write a new one about how well you played and how if only luck had been with us how we could have avoided the trouncing you gave us. But what can one do!

So when are you boys going to admit you have lost the dragon lord and will he ever stick his hand up or hide forever in disgrace.

I will go for the never admit it option myself but well we shall see shall we not we still have 9 more turns of getting beaten badly to go before we can give up.

Tick tock goes the dark servant clock, first it was 5 then it was 10 now we know its only 9 more turns to the end.


You really do need a life. I was the Dragon Lord happy now? After only three games of us using the tactic your side finally picked up on it. Not really all that impressive. Nine more turns; really; well check back with us nine turns from now.

All your posts are really just like the past games. Team Simpson was always losing right up to when their opponents conceded defeat. I will admit that this has been a much more challenging go than past games. I am not ready to admit defeat in this game however so keep posting. As Darrel has said before we don’t answer because we have other things to do.


Well feel free to carry on not posting, one does not have to, we wont torture you for not saying a lot.

As it happens it does not matter who was the dragon lord though its always fun to see you side deny what one knows to be true.

I for my part was somewhat interested only in your comments that you had smashed up the gondors when no such thing had happened in the game. I of course prefer to keep mine and other private messages private and out of respect for other people not publish them.

I prefer not to comment upon the lifestyles of others as its a game and want to keep my comments in game.

So feel free to not comment and await us giving up as others have done in the past.

Whats new its all the same we are toast and just wasting our money!

Ouch that hurt, please dont beat us anymore we cannot take it!

Just warming up for next turns thrashing and well you seem to prefer us not giving you to hard a time

You’ll be saying that for the next 9 turns, muwahahahaha, lol

Well I wont be saying anything enjoy the silence, its only 8 more turns to go.


… 9 more turns, I don’t think so!

You’re done and dusted!


Well what can I say it went well for us WE DID WHAT WE HAD TO AND TOOK WHAT WE MUST!

Ouch man you are going to feel a lot of love this go.

What is they say is a dish best served cold?

Can you really afford all those camp losses not feeling any pain at all?

Oh now how many failures is that on the eo pop centres?

Please feel free to carry on as long as you are failing on me who are you hurting!

Only 8 more turns or you failing to hurt me, I am sure I can sit and suffer in silence.

Victory so bittersweet sits just on the edge of your grasp but as you reach to grasp it it seems to fade, perhaps its a mirage?

Two sides and both have claimed victory I wonder who is willing to wager something on it and back up the smack talk as you say?

Whats your wager?

Or shall we just count the turns I want to make it linger and drawn out so you can feel the love.

Now whats the score on actions on the eo, how often do you want to be seen to fail?

The dog is still a mutt and the cl is still my bunny and you know who I am talking about what will you be? Kitten as it sure does not seem to be a lion!