April 25, 2009, 4:03pm
I’ve played the WK…against you guys in fact a few games back. Turn 8? Um…yeah…I want some of what you guys have been smoking.
I doubt you have those nations out of the NW before game end.
P.S. You do realize you need characters right? lol…good luck naming them. :hug:
You’ve played the WK against the Circle?
Please don’t forget the Mongrel Mob isn’t the Circle.
The Mob’s captain, Rob Gaul, retired while playing this game.
Brad played with the “Mob” too, but all the other mates…
I’ve played with you guys, 8 years ago or so?!
I’ll never forget your “Monty Phyton”-move on turn 0.
Move out all armies without splitting, that was really great!
Have Fun!
April 25, 2009, 6:30pm
OK 3 turns gone and it is certainly interesting.
Your attack on South Harad seems to have faltered a little due to a S Gondor error.
The Dwarven move is interesting. Lets see what damage it does for the starting army?
Are you trying to starve WiK and Rhu to death. Two towns taken and a failed camp threat isn’t a great start to the campaign.
Nice block by the Duns of the Saurman/Rhoan pass but can you stop the 2nd wave?
Why do you guys not like starting combat?
How Osric doing
John S
Hey we are greenpeace followers and let you make the first move.
Oh osrics doing as good as your arty collecting, need I say more.
Oh Din old chap we can all set traps and can you hear Osric calling?
April 26, 2009, 8:46am
We can afford to support large armies!
… and your DS’?
Have Fun!
Well darn you dark servants are good being able to support those big armies and just carry on building.
It hurts me matching you I can tell you!
You’ve played the WK against the Circle?
Please don’t forget the Mongrel Mob isn’t the Circle.
The Mob’s captain, Rob Gaul, retired while playing this game.
Brad played with the “Mob” too, but all the other mates…
I’ve played with you guys, 8 years ago or so?!
I’ll never forget your “Monty Phyton”-move on turn 0.
Move out all armies without splitting, that was really great!
Have Fun!
Not sure what game you are recalling as that wasn’t me. The time I played the WK we stalled for 10 turns then over-ran the west taking out Arthedains capital, Cardy’s capital and well…you get the idea.
I agree, we have plenty of your gold to name a few characters.
Good lend me a few gold then?
April 30, 2009, 3:00pm
I’ve played the WK…against you guys in fact a few games back. Turn 8? Um…yeah…I want some of what you guys have been smoking.
I doubt you have those nations out of the NW before game end.
P.S. You do realize you need characters right? lol…good luck naming them. :hug:
it’s possible that you’ve played the WK against the Mongrel Mob, but that’s not my team!
Have Fun!
Just beat him now and get it over with!
Wow, 6 whole days and not a peep, LOL you guys must have some Brain Strain,
May 7, 2009, 1:30pm
6 days is nothing. It’s taken the circle 14 days to realise there was a problem with their turn 3
So as a result the game is on hold for a week to get the mess sorted out
John S
One very angry cat
May 7, 2009, 2:01pm
Just spoke to Gix on the phone and it appears that it is Harley who need a brain. There appears to be no problem yet we have an email from harley saying there is
Go figure. Will speak to Harley in the morning
John S
A happier cat I think but very
Just spoke to Gix on the phone and it appears that it is Harley who need a brain. There appears to be no problem yet we have an email from harley saying there is
Go figure. Will speak to Harley in the morning
John S
A happier cat I think but very
Hi John,
Harley hasn’t told us that our armies aren’t at their current positions!
Never got a correction like I’ve received from you!
Of course, not our fault!
Have Fun!
Well we thought we would give you some respite as you cannot take the daily grind of our nasty threats of beating up on you.
However I have not even heard the game is no hold or that the armies have moved you sure someone is not on something?
Oh well it will all come out in the wash though I dont want to have to redo my turn!
Oh just for good measure are you sweating Ji?
I was hoping for Din but can you have it all?
What is the QA going to do?
Well it was good for me how about you?
I still have that white flag if you want to come get it!