Greetings Warlords,
game 6 has started, so let the war begin !
Have Fun !
Greetings Warlords,
game 6 has started, so let the war begin !
Have Fun !
Greetings Warlords,
I’m soo sorry to hear that Gargal has died.
It’s a shame to lose such a good-loking Orc !
His problem was that he wasn’t steel-resistant !
Maybe you should work on this problem !
Have fun !
Guess your playing with yourself, LOL Thought I’d check on your post as well,
M taylor will be presented with a challenge. I want an allegator skin suit complete with kapock life vest.
If there are no enemies, I’ll play with myself.
Sorry, I can’t see other options.
I’m not able to provide you with the desired things.
Have Fun Ed !
Well, nice to meet you again !
Boy Gixxer,
you sure talk alot!
The Quiet One
Hi there Scavenger,
that’s the difference !
I’m not the “Quiet One”.
Hey Boy !
I hope this subtitle isn’t reflecting your real life !
Well, sometimes I’m playing a little song with my pipe, still with the hope that the rats will come out of their holes.
Looks like I’ve got some !
Ha, Ha, Ha !
Have Fun !
I was just wondering what war are you referring to? The Free have been practically non-existant on most fronts. The only major PC that we have lost was Vamag. There also have been some titanic bouts in the plains of Angmar.
Hi there Scavenger,
you only have lost Vamag ?
Hmm, loosing Vamag so early in the game isn’t really common.
So tell me a bit more about your vitories !
Sorry boy,
Maybe I’m not able to see the DS-victories ( you’re dump, I’m blind ? ).
Have Fun !
Flagship challenge game #6, turn three report:
Turn three has just run and what an eventful turn. There seems to be full action all over. Down in harad area Vamag has just been taken by the cowardly SG, but all harad pops still holds. The FP seem to be surprised with the heavy harbour burning, and the question remains, will they be able to land in Northern harad ? And will we be waiting for them ?
In Mordor FP burned the Ithril bridge themself, when they saw Gothmogs army storming though the Ithril pass threatning both NG MT’s. Its sad they didnt allow the 12.000 DS troops gathered to march through and burn the NG kingdom. So for now, we have to settle with the eastern bank, which is controlled by DS.
In back Mordor FP sends army after army, but LoR has stopped them for a short period. NM suffered his first death as their cavalry armycommander was assassinated. The DS seem to be holding off the hordes for now.
In Mirkwood Sinda woke up with the horrified death of Lanthir who suddenly dropped dead to the ground with abscesses all over his body. But the news that must have freaked Sinda out the most, was seeing his capital revealed, with some very nasty Nazguls showing up and 6000 DrL troops just outside. Only Elronds hiding artifact can now save Sinda capital for a short period, the question is will FP sacrifice this artifact for Sinda capital ? Well, next turn will tell.
But the most enjoyable and interesting news happened 12 hexes NW of there or in 1506 to be more exact. In this RoC encounter, DS arrived already turn two, and the joy was great when the newly placed camp showed Elrond, Elladan and gang showing up. As RoW is located in water, RoC was a must for DS to secure.
So hurrah, first character showdown already turn three. We can hardly say we were surprised to see Elrond showing up, when his home base the first couple of turns is Imladris. We are very excited to see the results next turn…rest assured there will be a lots of action, nasty surprises and unpleasant deaths…hehehehehe…there is especially one order I hope will go through…
Hi there Kim ( you must be the Kim Anderson Bernd Lührsen have told me about ), unfortunately we’re not playing on the same side.
Many thanks for the info concerning the ROW, I’ve expected something like this but our mages aren’t so benefited with usefull spells like your mages.
I’m not so really surprised by the “heavy harbour burning”, it’s more or less common in a 12v12.
Your guys were lucky looking on the spells, now we know about them and I’m pretty sure that we will find an answer.
Have Fun !
Thanks, maybe we will play together some day.
I though you already knew about RoW, but never mind, we still have a navy left and you aparantly havnt got the correct hex yet.
I have to be honest, we actually had ****ty unluck with our starting LA spells as well. We started only with two LA spells, on mages without artifacts. It was pure luck that the two spells succeeded on RoC and that they gave two hexes two spaces apart, meaning that we had a fixed hex. But it was of course very nice that our top mages started with or could learn sickness/Curze spells, that is always very powerful in the start of a game, especially towards Sinda !!!
Good luck to you also…
Hi there Kim,
let’s say I have an idea about the location of the RoW, would be very difficult to reach this position for a DS-navy.
Looking on the spells, this SpMa-spells at the start of the game are a big advantage for the DS esp. in the case you’re able to combine actions with other spells !
Have Fun !
Greetings Kim,
what’s about this “important order” ?
I haven’t seen so many surprises up to now.
Have Fun !
Gixxxer the Visigoth calls our bluff once more. Just wait until you play in our yard—which from the looks of things will be pretty soon.
Hi Ed,
of course you’re right, we will be at Mordor very soon !
Have Fun !
I was refering to Thranduils death (now thats three Sinda top characters killed within the last few turns). We didnt know he was present, but with no targets, we hoped he might be and he certainly didnt let us down !!!
Its nice to see that you keep on feeding our hungry mages, rumors tells us that a Noldo starting agent will follow Thranduil to Valhalla next turn…hehehe…
And we are really happy to see you have united all your lovely com artifacts for us…
But I must give you guys (especially Arth/Card) a kudos for your campagn against WK/Rhd, its impressive how much damage you have dealt in so little time.
I think this will be a long and excellent game…
Hi there Kim,
let’s say we’ve expected that Thranduil would be the next victim of your “squad”.
Sorry, so I wasn’t able to see that this would be such an “important order”.
I would have expeceted some other things, but fortunately you weren’t able to arrange them.-
Looking on the NW, I don’t wan’t to give you too many hints, but sometimes some blocking would help.
Now it’s too late for blocking-actions and Rhu will die soon.
Have Fun !
Hey there Gixxer,
You are awful quiet…can it has something do do with Elronds death and the destruction of Sinda capital turn 5 ? God, this must have hurt !!!
When I see in my crystal ball, I see that Gildor, Elrohir, and Tharudan have just drawn the “death” tarot card. I dont know exactly what this means, but surely this cant be a good sign, and I dont think Tharudans new mage artifact will help him much
We are looking forward for a new bloody turn, are you just as excited as we are ?
See yaaa…