Fire King/Quiet Avenger checking in.
My apologies to the DS team. I entered a bad order on the turn the FK capital was taken, causing me to go bankrupt instead of bouncing to 60 percent tax rate.
The FP had a well coordinated attack on the Western Pass. NGo and Dun cav combined to hit early. SGo joined in the fun too. FK kept them at bay for a good many turns with the small army/better terrain step down. FK had tons of camps and with running at a 39% tax rate had tons of gold to send to QA, WK and DrL, and did not miss a turn of max recruitment.
FK had a great economy going, and I’m still kicking myself over the bad order. I planned on losing my cap, and had chars at the back up to sell the ness. goods, but 320’ed instead of 325’ed.
Special thanks to the Dk Lt.'s for saving me for a few more turns with his dragon army.
Between QA and FK, I had 6 agents stealing and killing in Arth, Dun and Cardolon. QA was holding its own militarily. QA just could not bring down the capital harbour no matter how many times it was attempted, allowing a large Harad Navy to get on and take the cap. Despite the loss of FK, and the cap. QA was still making it and surviving on steals from the FP.
Two turns ago, none of my steals went off. As such, last turn I was bankrupt no matter what. I bought as much product as I could, shipped it to my allies, and attempted to land my characters there too. By this point, there were already 5 dead DS, and not much hope. On my final turn, at least I took out a few Cardy characters with assassinations.
Thanks all for the experience. Again, sorry to my teamates for my screw-up, and most of well played FP.