To our subugated slaves, the so-called “Free Peoples”:
Our thanks to the Free for providing interesting - even occasionally predictable - opposition. Even though we recruited more neutrals, you still managed to kick out the QA and IK in the mid-game, and brought some other nations to the brink of destruction.
As Cloud Lord, I have a particularly painful memory of Harad’s cavalry attack into Central Mordor, especially the bit where I missed recruiting a dragon and paid a terrible price. Well played.
Did you learn much about the quest for the One Ring?
Yep, the One Ring is a pain in the ass…and way to expensive to bother with at this point in the game. Next time, Start the search mid-game when things look like they’re balanced and shall continue or a long time - not when the enemy is rolling up the map…
Planning for the One Ring must start on turn zero. The hardest part is convincing your team mates to do it. They are not interested until it is obvious they are losing. As Brad notes, when the map is being rolled up, it is to late.
Start the prep early (dedicate the appropriate character at the very least - and decide to do it when it’s there to be done).
Meanwhile, with the official demise of 65 on turn run day (today) - who’s going to sign up for another 1 weeker…? If MEGames promises not to give me the Noldo or Cloud Lord would that help enrollment…?
Bah! One ring is a girly ending. Why bother playing a wargame if you’re going to trivialise the other 200 character slots on both factions for the one ring victory? Stinks of sneakiness and harem eunuchs to me. The one ring made a fetching ending for a book, but is a ridiculous end to a wargame - “Oh look - we got the daylights beaten out of us but we dropped their favourite Barbie down the well and they all died of grief!”
for what it is worth; brad playing Noldo doesn’t scare me at all. I have seen his cloud lord partially…not bad.
but the noldo is a team concept nation: you get a bunch of sunday night before the turn runs folks and the noldo is a snore fest. I want to see Brad play the woodmen and surprise me!
but a one week gunboat in Third Age I would not like; a one week gunboat in Fourth Age…now that I would consider.