Game 68 - 23 Nation All Neutral

Well, thanks to John Strachan’s kick off on a previous thread, this game is a go. Northmen and QA are designated Allegiance nations, everyone starts as a Neutral and cannot change allegiance (note, all those Good and Evil toys are redundant now…).

While we have everyone’s email with our setups, I’m just kicking this off for those voyeurs out there. This will either be a lot of fun or a disaster, I suppose. Also likely to depend on your nation…

Some situations worth considering:

Long Rider and Easterlings have no Northmen to attack.
If Harad and Corsairs don’t go at it…what will they do…? :wink:
Who’s gonna go after the Noldo? Who can afford to leave their back end exposed…?

As the Fire King, I’ll dutifully report what I’m able for as long as my benevolent neighbours allow me to participate… :wink:

Brad for Ren

Hey peoples, fellow Elves, Orcs, Dwarves and other assorted Humanoids, your Sinda Elves here. Many thanks to Brad for kicking this post off, hope things don’t get too messy in Mordor. (Rivers of blood is a term that springs to mind!). I have just realised how hard finding toys is going to be. If people are nice to me I will even let them know if there is a toy to be picked up near them, once I learn LA and LAT that is. :rolleyes:

Regards Herman (Vicroy to the Sinda Elves)

I got the strange feeling that we won’t see too much first turn action… even the strongest of nations cannot take out another nation single-handed and quickly, without exposing itself too much. also it is obvious that whoever strikes first could be a villain and thus is fair game :smiley:

oh dear, oh dear… so many options…

Bernd the very Eastern

This is either going to be a disaster or way too much fun…

  • Ben
    Not Involved

Hope everything works out OK, I was really just thinking out loud when I started it all off !
Good luck to everyone and mind the pennies, no big rich allies to bail you ( me ? ) out.

Even if it is a disaster it is going to be way too much fun! :stuck_out_tongue:

Herman (Vicroy to the Sinda, We talk to the trees!) :smiley:

“This is either going to be a disaster or way too much fun…”

Think that echoes my sentiments… :slight_smile: Ah well it’s worth it to see what happens.

Clint (GM)

I get what you’re saying Bernd. One must also consider many factors, such as the economics. Rhudaur, the Woodmen, Sinda, and heck, ALL of us here in Mordor, don’t necessarily have the time to sit on our hands and maximize recruiting whilst waiting for someone else to drop the shoe. Sitzkreig might very well seep into certain theaters (Southern Neuts? Eastersling/LR? North Kingdom/Noldo?) but others are screaming for immediate action. How many of NG’s neighbours are going to let him better align his forces? Are the NW folk going to allow the Noldo to rush character resources into homeland deployment? Will everyone around a Dwarf pop simply let “someone else” get them…?

Geez, I guess we need the 2 weeks to “discuss” things privately, but man, do I only wish this were a 1 week game starting this week!

The one item I forsee that might result in the “disaster” aspect would be drops coming fast and furious, as players who DO get hit early and/or badly don’t see the need to continue, now that the “greater good of the team” is removed from the mix. But that’s half the point of the No Replacement and 20 turn limit rules…whether you kill me or simply beat me out of the game, I’m done and you can turn around to face the next guy, last man (3 men…?) standing wins.

Brad for Ren the Objective :wink:

Well put. Sitzkrieg indeed, hadn’t heard that one before. Google tells me its been around before - I was going to email the OED and let them know of its definitive coinage.

I am personally interested in how the dynamics of alliance play out. My traditional experience in free for all games would be Diplomacy, but the mentality here seems very different. MEPBM players seem less inclined to stab you in the back.

One week game? I think someone already has his plans straight :slight_smile: What IS happening down in Mordor?

Rumour has it that all nations west of the misties are already discussing an alliance, as are all the mirkwood nations…

What about mordor and the southern nations… too early to tell but will we end up with 4/5 blocks of nations…

I must admit that I first thought that areas would see free-for-alls as everyone tried to be kingpin in their area, then once the first few nation kills happened, people would start the “that nation is getting too big, let’s gang up” phase… but then now that I have my position, I think maybe alliances with everyone is the best way to go :slight_smile:


Well I think you will find that that is rumour considering I am yet to hear from the Woodmen, Dragon Lord and Eothraim and myself have said “hello” and nothing else. The Witch King said the Westies were looking solid then followed up with a “We all have too many troops, it’s on for young and old!”
I was hoping to form the "GReater United Mirkwood PeopleS (GRUMPS) :wink: alliance to counter the Western Alliance of Naughty Kingdoms in the Eriador RegionS (WANKERS) :smiley: and the “I’m sure to form” MOrdor Region Of Nation States (MORONS) :rolleyes: Feel free to create your own groupings, Im sure there are a hell of a lot more out there. :slight_smile:

Regards Herman (Vicroy for the Sinda)

Whereas it would be tempting for regions like Mirkwood and the Northwest to ally in some massive take-on-the-world pileup, its not really practical both because some nations are frontloaded with troops who would best be used right away and because there aren’t really enough exit paths for that many independent nations to share spoils. Certainly a Mirkwood vs Eriador war would be impractical because there is only limited access and it would be an annoying war of attrition when there was more to be gained by having done at least some fighting in your own pond. I content that its your character based nations who are all about alliance :slight_smile:

True, your Army based nations have a big advantage to start with, they can hit hard, hopefully no one will like to see anyone get to big and cut them back to size. :o
I am quite happy to sit in Mirkwood and “find stuff” for people while I build a happy little nation in the trees. (Were not big on fighting we Elves, we like poetry and folk music.) Of course a small nominal fee will apply to finding something for you. Consider us the Google of Artifacts. (Well we will be in a few turns, … if we are still around)

Regards Herman (Sinda Elves)

Nope you wont be around :slight_smile:
Terry-Dragon Lord - Big on fighting

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help help! I’m being repressed. :eek:

Regards Herman (Soon to be extinguished Sinda or is that going to be Cinder)

Hi all,

Cardolan checking in.

We’re a peace-loving group. Really…

Pay no attention to the armies, navies, commanders and lack of skill other than command in our leaders. Character nation? what’s that? I think we’ll have to come up with some good branding for any upcoming conflicts so that we can live up to our “peace-loving” billing. We’re going to call our first offensive the “Assault of Love”. And of course it will be done to protect the innocents who are citizens of whatever tyrannical purveyor of dastardly evil that we attack. Yes, I’m pretty sure there’s an AXIS of EVIL that must be destroyed. Hmmm. wonder who it is? Mirkwood? Are you guys creating an AXIS OF EVIL? GRUMPS sure sounds EVIL…

As to acryonyms, we prefer “Western Area Fighters Focused on Love, Enlightenment, and RighteousnesS” WAFFLERS

We will have to insure the media doesn’t cover collateral damage though. collateral damage to citizens is counter to our branding message of a “Assault of Love”…

with love to all,

Cloud Lord checking in here as well. What I want to know is, how in the heck did you guys convince me to play this thing!? The game isn’t but a few days old, and the diplomacy is already like a single player 4th age game on steroids. Or make that radioactively-enhanced a la Godzilla. Kinda reminds me of World War IV (hopefully the backstabbing won’t be as prevalent though). I’ve already been propositioned more than a two bit hooker with Nicole Kidman looks…<g>

Drew, for Ji

Dear Ji.
I’ve been thinking alot about the things I said to you at Our Dark Lord’s funeral, and I would like to say that I have reconsidered. You can have Nallagurth AND Ulukai. You always did look better with them. I shouldn’t have left the orc dung burning on your door, it was childish. I shouldn’t have blaimed it on Gondor.

Really. I’ve missed you, and I’ve been thinking about all the good times. Remember the time we tortured that entire village of lepers in Harad? We were naive back then, those shiny rings still on our fingers and out hearts pumping the heady vigor of life. Don’t let best friends hate each other forever just because we are immortal. I should never have been so jealous; it was stupid. Maggoty lot of good it did me to tell on you to Aduna. Now she isn’t talking to either of us. I didn’t sleep with her that night in Vamag; I was there to tell her that you two should get back together.

Now, you know, that its all out on the table after all these years; what do you say we start over?

Sincerely, and with profound mourning for our late Lord,

Ah heck CJ…Now I’m jealous!

Ren the Lonely

lonely AND ugly?

well Ren, since there are no sports cars in Mordor, I wonder how you’ll compensate for that…
but in your darkest hour always think that there is somebody far in the east, where the changing winds are cold and hostile…