Game 68 All Neutral


Ach, good try, but I’ve been privatized…


For the record, I was attempting, with my last characters within range, to make a couple 948’s. I knew they wouldn’t make it past the 210, but I didn’t have the orders to 215. Ah well.

Overall, a nice little decimation job! My emissaries took 1015, unfortunately not from a targetted enemy…my duh previous turn… Agent didn’t get to steal a dime, talk about 4000 in Cardy, ended as 75. Remaining characters are the agent, 3 emissaries, Skargnahk running away in Dunland with a couple hundred (was avoiding the overrun, nowhere else to go…) and Uuvatha with 52 health remaining after combat vs Duns in the Gap. Capital is saturated with enemy and showing 3 Easterling Armies. Just 1 more turn, eh? hehehehe…


Well, Brad, as it turned out, my initial prediction came true. You will have to vote for playing on to see your capital fall :smiley:
The bad luck you had in the challenge was made up for at minas durlith. you cling to it at a loyalty of 3… maybe that is just the equivalent of the 3 points of health my brave mr. blouse lost when killing uthmag…

And you are not unpopular, really, not. It’s just that I spent some time thinking about what could be done to stop you whining, apart from doing what you want, and bingo - I found another way! Worked not as fast as I had hoped, though.

Too sad most people want this game to be over, I am just unfolding my potential…

edit - cross posting :smiley:

Whining was actually part of my plan…it had it’s risks…

Let’s get back to this thread shall we. If the FK position would vote to play on, I would promise to release the 5 or 6 hostages the CL holds. <bg>


Well, Brad, it is funny to have my army arrive on a FK village at 1015… :slight_smile:
Can’t say I was expecting you to own that… I would have thought you’d be allied with Noldo, not taking his pops away…

But it’s more fun to have arrived on a Dwarven unfortified city with my army and Scorba… too bad i can’t whack that city! Kudos to DW for keeping Moria. bummer that. If we do play on, I’m definitely going to have to focus more on the pesky stunty ones.

Congrats to WK on his VCs and to Noldo for knocking mine down so persistently.

Cogratulations to everyone who has made it to turn 20.

Now how do we go about voting?


Dave: I arrived at the hex turn 19, silly me for not making a map… and, well, what could I do about it on the last turn?

Ian: I’ll vote for one more turn immediately following the Easterlings putting the money in my account…

Drew: We just played the MEPBM Diplomatic Survivor game, of course politics and prejudices are perfectly acceptable in this thread! Many appear to play this game much like they play all the others in “real life”, others consistently at odds with such. Once you understand your enemy, you have a better chance. And, next game, you’ll likely make a dynamite set of allies.

So who ends up victorious anyway? WK is a miniscule score away based on VP’s, but VC’s also count…anyone not in the top 3 have more VP’s than their 10th best nation’s Istari?


Canadian Brad

Sorry I didn’t stick with it guys, good to see that it’s all worked out OK.

Hi Clint & co.,

I have received my results for game 68 turn 20 today.

I was wondering how you are going to do the voting system for either stoping or continuing this game. Do we just send our votes in to you? Or are you doing a sheet that I would have to fill in?



Hi Ian,
just send us your vote, we’ll then work out if we run another turn or
not. I’m not sure if we decided there would be a final turn, I don’t think
we can use the scores from this for PRS but I’m not sure how Clint decided it
would end, I’ll check with him.


Wooo hooooo

Turn 20 and I still have a MT!!! and some characters!!!

I’m out of here… ha ha hee hee

As it turns out, we will have to put in another turn due to technical reasons, you know all that end-game stuff etc.

Not that I mind… :smiley:

technical my a#se :slight_smile:

I’m out of here… so long… auf wiedersehn (sp)… adios… sai-oh-nara (sp)…

I honoured my 20 turn committment… partially to make the LoR work for his winnings :slight_smile:

Shame we didn’t get together at game start… we could have owned half the world by now instead of you starting with half a nation and me being assassinated out of the game… LoR, Eot and Eas… that would have been a combination to rival the NW faction!!!

I suppose I didn’t help myself by being a hermit…

All the best everyone


Hi all,

Please find attached my last turn for all your enjoyment - Hope this upload works :slight_smile:


Well, your determination to take my nation out would have been a slight impediment to that alliance you are talking about, don’t you think?. Be sure that if the LR would not have taken you out, I would. You missed the chance to build yourself an empire, and obviously also missed to find any allies, so your post mortem dreams of grandeur don’t seem adequate :wink:

Aaahhhh… my plan to take you out… so Ian never mentioned that it was his plan to you?

However, I do disagree with your assessment… if LoR was not around to sway the odds, Eot would easily have taken your whole nation… but I guess you will disagree, so no worries :slight_smile:

In fact, had Ian stuck to the original plan, your Eas nation would/should have been out by T2 or T3… but that’s how games go…

Catch you in anothe game maybe


Anyone else willing to share their turn 20 file?

If so please put it on the forum or email to me at


Ian might have had such plans, but he was wise enough to change them :smiley:

even without the LR intervention, it seems to me your nation was not in a shape to easily take me out after your starting armies were gone. but you are right, thats a moot point to discuss :slight_smile: