Game 68 All Neutral

Actually, based on what I see on my map, someone else might have moved also… Any heard from our Southern Mordor friends yet…? I didn’t plan ANY of this! What do they think they’re DOING!!!

Ren the Megalomaniac

The lush green of all Mirkwood will turn crimson under my sword as i slay all my enemys. The dwarves of course my come and go, skip and dance about as they like.
Dragon dude.

I’m happy to discuss the game with anyone and everyone. Emails welcome (and subsequent phone calls perhaps). Just like the “good old days” of mepbm :slight_smile:

It’s been a quiet first turn in South Gondor. Forces have been regrouped, characters named, Saruman entertained at a town and diplomats sent out.

I don’t think I have any firm plans at the moment, so I’d welcome ambassadors in Dol Amroth, otherwise known as …


Dear Lords and Ladies of Middle Earth of Game 68
Please stop negotiating, worrying, and scheming because it will never be enough. We miss you, alot. Don’t you even want to see the pdf I got you?

Your other games.

rofl - excellent :slight_smile:

Good question though. I have to say that I’m finding this game very diverting, thus far it doesn’t have the intensity of a team game (400 emails a turn anyone?) but it has the interaction which is missing from Gunboat.

I have particularly enjoyed the in-character messages that have been sent. Takes me back to the days of playing Diplomacy by post, and sending letters on aged paper sealed with wax. :slight_smile:


Long Rider here…

My forces have struck a blow against the evil NG by invading his lands, also the DrL is about to feel the pinch, shame about that 5000 he just spent on a new army.

I promise to put my new acquisitions to good use by drinking all the beer stored in them…belch :smiley:

Right, who wants to be paid a visit by Din and co. answers on a postcard please :stuck_out_tongue:



I am invaded by the aggressive Eothraim and ask for UN protection! In a massive overkill they have moved 4 of their starting armies on two of my peaceful little towns near the sea of Rhun. They babbled about searching for weapons of mass destruction, but all my mages ever did was trying to find a cure for horse pox…

…the perceptive onlooker will also have noticed that the cluster of evil, also called eoplex, is now almost undefended. Anybody who feels the urge to give those blonde, smelly horseboys a good kicking is cordially invited to do so. He will also receive lots of… thankfulness from me and be given loads of…appreciation, er, yes. Anybody who also planned to attack me needs no longer do that, because somebody else is doing it already. Understood? Fine.

EasterBernd the suppressed

Stop blubbing you big girlie… im sure everyone feels very very sorry for you, being in such a perilous and surrounded position …not!! and stop spreading all this nonsense about the Eoplex being undefended, i know not what forces he has, but forces he has there i assure you. besides any non mirkwood resident entering mirkwood without a visitors day pass will have me to deal with (also i can spot fake plastic elf ears from a hundred yards so dont try that either) no you scoundrels stay on the roads and do not deviate, the woods are not for you.

my dear LR do you worst and feel free to send Dino to me, There are many things to fear in theese lands and you dear boy are not one of them

Dragon Lord

Hmmmm, should have made this a 1 weeker me thinks.

Regards Herman

Yea I could go with that. Certainly ancy to see things unfold - but thats true of most of my games. Maybe this one could be a one weeker if everyone agreed :slight_smile:



cj’s other games.

So CJ,

You’re trying to imply that the complete lack of emails about this game means that I should be very afraid…?

Ren of the Empty Inbox

VEO, did you know that they have done studies of real life diplomacy and less authoratitive surveys in diplo-oriented PBEM’s on the relationship of communication and imminent attack. I looked on google for the story I read, but I didn’t find it. Imagine I sound official when I tell you about it. The point is: If your inbox is empty, thats bad :slight_smile: But look - I sent you emails; I wont attack you!

Yeah, that’s what you said to…


But I mean… Ahem

But I knew about the survey, ergo… Its like polygraph tests- they only work if you aren’t familiar with how the devices work and how the test is administered.

I think I will toddle off to work on New Angband now…

You mean, like the time I got the WK to Improve Relations AND send me 20,000 gold the turn I jumped him as Rhudaur…? Come on…beat that! Oh, crap, I shouldn’t be talking about this stuff on this thread…

Ren Scuttling Off

Well let me tell you the Eo start with 5 armies and now 4 of them are attacking the Easterlings so that leaves 1 at home defending 4 MT’s. Work out the maths yourself.

And I’ve got a deforestation program on the go and Mirkwood is the next in line so please vacate it or be forced to.

Not afraid of Din & co., you will be, you will be :smiley: especially with those extra 20 points I allocated around :stuck_out_tongue:

<First glance at my map> What are all those neutral icons doing on my towns?!! Oh yeah, I’m a neutral. <Second glance at map> Why is the BS army next to my capital?!!!

FK attacks DkL, LR moves against DrgL, ominous moves from BS! Tsk, tsk, what has Middle-earth come to?



WIK attacks RHU
CAR attacks RHU
ART attacks NOL
DWA attacks WIK
DRL attacks WOO
DRL attacks SIN
EOT attacks EAS
FIK attacks DKL
LOR attacks DRL
LOR attacks EOT
SGO attacks NGO
BLS attacks CLL

What are the rest of you nancy boys doing??? I heard there’s a 20 turn limit, are you building up for a long game or what???

And how many of these rumours are real and which are false???

What’s going to be interesting is those guys I hear about who have 2 friends who aren’t…are the 2 unfriends gonna figure it out in time…?

Ren the Voyeur