Game 68 All Neutral

Actually I think I had the honour of claiming the first N Gondor town, lost it back to him last turn but fully expected to. All I wanted was to lose that army anyway :smiley:

Well, well, well, the self-anointed Defender Of All Things Neutral on this forum gets his feelings hurt when a nearby neutral nation (i.e., me) doesn’t do what he wants! The irony! This from the same nation who advocated a Mordor-wide alliance (how original for an all-neutral game
) before any turns were run, only to sucker punch the Dark Lieutenants on T1.

Who are you to say I have no Plan B? Who is to say that I will need one? <g> Just because you aren’t aware of my “off map emails” or fit into my “Extra-Mordor” schemes doesn’t mean there ain’t any. You play the hand you were dealt: some of us were dealt positions with strong character flavor with a lot of options/suitors, some of you <g> weren’t. Who is jealous of whom?

Indûr Dawndeath, Emperor of Mordor

How much for that Doggie in the dungeon - woof woof
The one all tied up on the rack - bow wow

So whats the going rate for a 50+ point commander these days? :smiley: I do so hope that the Doggie has a backup in that very large army of his otherwise you can say it went to the dogs :slight_smile:

P.S. Next time please load your characters up with offerings otherwise Din will be back for seconds :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

You are one presumptuous dude. Don’t accuse me of being a control freak (“do what he wants”) and don’t accuse me of being jealous. I propose everything from working closely together to simply working to trust each other for the very simple reason that us fighting in Mordor is going to be boring and predictable. How can attacking your immediate neighbour who didn’t want to waste the turn fees fighting an unwinnable war (on both sides) satisfy any of your “extra-Mordor” plans? Dragon Lord begging you to kill me? Noldo? Please, the only possible motivations are some irrational belief in how “true neutrality” “should” be played (as you claim) or it’s personal. Accusing me of ridiculous things only makes me believe the latter.

Stake your moral high ground if you want, but if this DOES turn out to be the boring and predictable waste of turn fees on a 4 hex trench war like I expect, you’ll “win” when I quit. Each to their own, I guess.

Ren the Stil

Hopefully this isn’t aimed at the DkL. As other players will be able to testify, turns fees are not a problem, apart from the SS turn which I tired to get rectified, I have put orders in for EVERY turn, just because I may not have been able to put up a big resistance (The DkL position due to its split PC’s will not be able to survive long without massive help from all other mordor posisitons), before going down. Urzi has been very busy ensuring that his allies and friend will be able to benefit from the remains of his nation.

Ren, revenge WILL be mine, but the blow will be delivered from elsewhere, from others who will slowly BBQ’ your remains in your own fire and other up kebabs to all who ask.

Urzi the betrayed.

Ren the Stil[/QUOTE]


Just wondering exactly which 4 hex’s you had in mind :rolleyes:

I presume the Cloud Lord attacked you cause you were just in his way. Does anyone need another reason? While some may see attacking a nation as personal I don’t. I see it as just getting from A to B via x, y and z :smiley:

All the best to both sides

Let’s straighten a couple things out.

First, I did not get bored and decide to attack SG just for kicks. Before the first turn, I sent a message - “hey, let’s be friends”. No reply. First turn, all SG icons disappear except one at 2628 and a navy icon at 2629. Hmm, looks like forces massed for an attack and navy coming to also attack. Nothing from SG until a week ago, when he wants to get along. Sorry. Too late.

As for my towns. Yes, LR, congrats, you were the first to take one. Dragon Dude, you wll be the second. I’m guessing those won’t be the only towns to go. Anyone want to fill me in on Mirkwood? Woodmen? Looks like Dragon dude is getting greedy


Ah Mirkwood dear sweet Mirkwood the tales i could tell . Guess you’ll just have to come and see it for yourself to be sure. But it is a turbulent place full
of war and secret deals. My enemy the woodman survives only by support from the Sinda , He denies it but i know it!!. so hence the war drags on and my needs are great so hence i take what is available to me no malice intended or greed N Gondor just practical needs.
Dragon Dude

North Gondor has clearly succumbed to the paranoia that this game tends to whip up. Turn 1 I moved my two eastern armies together at Fanuilond, while my eastern fleet moved back to the capital. Unfortunately it ran into a Harad fleet at 2629.

I sent an email to North Gondor to tell him what had happened. Actually I just wanted to brag about meeting Saruman and getting two Teleport spells, but hey, I was also trying to keep him informed.

I have been telling everyone that would listen that I did not wish to fight North Gondor. But hey, it seems that he’s been “doing a Denethor” 
 and look what happened to HIM

South Gondor

Temper, temper! You ridiculously ask if the CL is jealous of the FK, then when I reply in kind, you blow a gasket? I thought you were seasoned enough to realize my “extra-Mordor” plans would involve agents more so than armies; the people I’m talking to can provide all the “extra-Mordor” armies we need. I already told you before, privately, it was nothing personal. But now that you’ve mentioned twice about quitting at the first sight of adversity, you’re making my point for me that I have chosen wisely. Considering that they can’t replace you in this variant, I wonder what your allies think about your talk of picking up your marbles and going home? With an ally like that, who needs enemies?

I’m not trying to stake any moral high-ground here. Not only is everyone neutral in this game, but we’re enemies until proven otherwise, as we start Disliked to everyone. As I also pointed out in my email to you, how boring and disappointing would it have been for all the rest of Mordor to ally up? You continuously urged me to take out the BS, but to what effect? End up with two towns to show for it, and no longer have the military deterrent to face down you and your allies? I think not.

Indûr Dawndeath, Emperor of Mordor

Hmmm. So you wish me to point out the lies, inaccuracies and deceptions spewing from the old elf’s mouth? Here are his most recent words as they related to Cardolan:

For the record, Cardolan informed the Noldo that we would be an enemy of his and Rhudaur’s alliance, prior to first action. We even asked him then if he was 100% sure of his alliance with WK and Rhudaur. Clearly, Cardolan is squarely in the “men who stand up and speak trully (sic) of their actions” category. In the history-rewriting campaign launched by the Noldo PR ministry after the WK’s treachery became known, he has tried to throw the good name of the Cardolan into the muck. But such blatant lies do not alter the fact that we did deal with him honestly and truthfully. It is pure Noldor lunacy to insist that an opponent be made privy to all information gathered in preparation for battle. We do not condone inclusion of that in a definition of “honesty”. What nation can? All we could do was speak honestly for our own nation. That we did.

As to skulking in shadows
 Our armies have moved openly & directly to Rhudaur population centers just as we indicated they would. Cardolan has shared our nation’s information with our allies. Our alliance have coordinated our actions. Each nation in our alliance has performed their actions just as they indicated they would. There has been no internal “deception”, subterfuge, misdirection or dissembling. No, the source of deception & lies has shifted to the Noldo, who, with every missive, email, and communication, further their fall from grace.

Sail west Elrond. Sail west. For soon the liberation of Rhudaur will be complete. And then, men will rise up to fight the lies and deceptions of the Noldor elves. We will drive you from these shores. Whereas we are indeed men who stand up and speak for ourselves truthfully, we have observed that your Noldor elves have no such scruples. And it is most sad to see that the Dwarves have somehow fallen victim to your web of intrigue & deception.

And finally, as to Arfanhil, the STILL King of Rhudaur
 Yes, Arfanhil is about to become a very still king of Rhudaur. Most dead rulers are quite still. :wink:

for Cardolan

I see my plan is working, and, sadly again, my assumptions are correct.

Ren the Bored

C’mon Brad, whom are you trying to fool? Everybody who knows a little of you won’t believe that you are going to drop just because someone did not do what you proposed. And if you indeed assumed this, I assume you will be prepared :smiley:
So it seems obvious that all this is just a part of your diplomatic game, intended to turn you from aggressor into victim in our eyes. Poor Ren :wink:
Problem is: if there is a victim in this game so far, it’s me. ME! :smiley:

Victim, victim.

I’ll have to disagree with your there, the victims are those poor Uruk families that were brutally raped and slain by the foul perverted troops of Ren., when, without provocation he sent over 5000 troops to ransack the homes of those that lived in Barad-Dur.

Now like me, they wander lonely among the hills and mountains looking for food and shelter.

I have sent missives to the local charities, and yet have to hear from Morfam and The Red Eye.

Urzi the Homeless

Hey Urzi, don’t feel so bad being homeless. I know where you are and can’t blame you for running as far from these dung heaps as possible, what a mess. Unfortunately, my veteran sweepers and decorators are now POW’s. I’ll work something out.

Hey Dino, what, I sent you an email and you do this? This constant need for approval thing is getting tiring, I’ll 948 the wild mutts from Minas Durlith over for you, let them wag their tails in your general direction.

Hey Jill Endure, surprised me there you did. Damn. Good job getting help with the hard agent orders also. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine for the mid game.

Ren the Enemy

Hope Ji isn’t feeling too sore after failing to snatch Gurthlug away, that’ll teach you not to play with the big girls until you’re ready.

So Din and Ji together couldn’t stop their friend the DkLt losing his last starting pops. Looks like they also have the Blind Sorceror in on their wicked plan, what was Mr Pochak doing loitering outside Ostigurth.


Press Release, issued at Dol Amroth

Celdrahil announces that the Corsair fleet, which has been seen outside the walls of Dol Amroth, has been sunk without trace. The seas are now free of the pirate menace.

The North Gondorian invasion continues with troops advancing to Linhir. Strategists predict a sizable battle outside the walls in the coming weeks. It is interesting that North Gondorian forces seem willing to advance so deep within South Gondor territory. Are their flanks and borders so secure? What of the North Gondorian territories to the north of the White Mountains? And can King Tarondor really trust his allies in Barad Ungol and Morannon?

South Gondor has always maintained a peaceful policy towards all nations. Any nation which has not moved troops (or vast armadas) into Southern Gondorian territory may rest assured that no action will ever be taken against them.


Hey Dino, what, I sent you an email and you do this? This constant need for approval thing is getting tiring, I’ll 948 the wild mutts from Minas Durlith over for you, let them wag their tails in your general direction.

Nothing to do with a constant need for approval just plain old training. Uklurg is now chained up on the rack next to Bulrakur
who’s next? :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, Ji just lost his nerve at the last minute. He came to his senses as who would really want to keep as hostage that ugly chick anyway? She’s no elf-maiden for sure. Seriously though, I usually have better luck with 50ish CL agents with stealth against 30ish army cmdrs. Yeah, I’m oh-for-two against you guys so far. But I’m thinking my stats will look better here in a couple of turns

I’ve been trying to get players for the second game of this format but so far have only got 7 players. Is there any interest out there?

Failing that what about a 2 nation game? GB nations for your both nations but otherwise using the same rules as this format?

Would there be any interest in this format?

Clint (GM)