Game 68 All Neutral

Pay up?, I think you overestamate your reach Drag Queen. :cool: You have the Woodies to deal with, do you really want an extra 1500 troops a turn to play against as well? I was trying to sit this one out but you by your insolent demands have forced my hand. :mad:

Herman, Vicroy for the Sinda

So Elven worm the gloves are finally off , do you think i dont know you have been backing the woodman with gold and goods whilst pleading to ‘all just get along’ well the games up and guess what, maybe ive got a little paymaster of my own how else can i field all those armies in Mirkwood. Guess
your gonna be 2 towns down soon. But hey feel free to come and throw stones at my well defended fortifications anytime.
Dragon Lord - if you ship it, i will know it.

I haven’t had any problems with the Noldo. In fact, I had suggested to him that since the WK’s diplomatic subterfuge had caught me out in the open, he might be better served to abandon our alliance to save himself. He refused to do so.

On the other hand, try as I might I haven’t been able to open meaningful communications with the Dunlendings at all. With the exception of the first turn, I have yet to receive a reply to my E-Mails. Admittedly, I’ve given up trying lately, figuring that there wasn’t any interest in an alliance. To the Duns credit, they haven’t lied to me, but since they haven’t been communicating with anyone, that may not be saying much.

Now, out of the blue a Dunlending army shows up on a Noldo Pop Center with no warning. While I haven’t been privy to the Noldo’s communications with you, I can hardly blame someone for reacting negatively to such an event. Can you? Your messages lash out with accusations of deception, yet they failed to mention that you made the first aggressive move. Intentionally misleading through omission of information is quite similar to lying in my book, so you might want to let your emotions calm down a bit before hitting SEND. You could be sending the wrong message.

Oh, and BTW, I HAVE been losing Pop Centers at an alarming rate. With two nations focusing exclusively on me, that can’t be helped. However, I have been able to wipe out every WK army thrown at me so far. And with the Cardolan taking his sweet time, I may be able to finish the job before any of those weak river-landers even arrive.

Mike Mulka

You are a worthy opponent. taking “sweet time” might also be the termed a “cautious and sure” approach to ultimate victory. After all, there are huge dwarven armies and Dunlending cavalry armies - all running around hither & thither.

I do wonder about who you might be referring to as “weak river-landers”…
If its the noble Cardolan people that you are deriding, then we must take objection, and we must point out that so far, our armies haven’t proven weak, nor have your populace or armies proven strong. But fear not peoples of Rhudaur! Your liberation is at hand.


I’m going to visit my southern holdinge, currently being looked after by the Easterlings…

And where was your army going? since I can’t think of any pop centres that I don’t own in the general direction you were heading?

Great, can I hire him!!! There are some pesky resistance fighters still holding out and they need eradicating… Current locations are probably on rout between Khand and rhovanion…


Michael / Eothraim

Hey Rhudaur, cry me a river for the Noldo player. I communicated with you in the beginning. Turn 2 your side decides to threaten me. Turn 3 I have given you my response to your “offer”.

So let’s see my options in the very beginning. Two warring blocks form north of me. Each block is well positioned to march more troops than I could deal with onto my one MTown and put me out. You’re right, I have absolutely NO idea why I didn’t jump right in and draw all those armies down on me on turn 1 or 2. Wow, I am blinded with how clear the choice was for me.

So in turn,
The Noldo player threatens me to join your team or be attacked by Southern Gondor.
In that same arm twisting Noldo informs me your team has strategized about how easy it would be to take me out with one Mtown (no backup), only a tower, and an inadequate starting force (the joy of being a true neutral).
Noldo player puts down a fortified pop center within marching distance of my capital.

So I am the evil person that marches out to find out who put the fortified pop center so close to me and didn’t tell me? I’m the evil one for not wanting someone who has threatened my existence and indicated he has already strategized about putting me out of the game to have a presence so close to me.

Here is my answer: You brought the whine I’ll bring all the fine Dun Cheese you can handle to go with it? :slight_smile:


You might ask, dear Angulion, how I conceived of the destruction that has come to Middle Earth without the Master. It is true that long has been the time since dreams could veil my mind from the awful truth of sublime annhiliation. That the hearts of men, elves, and dwarves should be conjoined by spears rather than fraternity, that the elves would be uprooted from the loamy soil by the backs of duns, that even the Ringwraiths themselves should shriek from the blades of orcish lieutenants - these deeds are a harvest that I could never have sown by my own designs. You see I have always been a thing of principles, an instrument of certain envie. How could I not act in the way that I have? In the way that I did when I accepted that ring? In the way that I made oaths and broke them without at either moment being cognizant of the other? In the way that even now as so many legions of Durin’s sons come to repay some debt I extracted from the men of the Misty Hills that I can laugh and carry on as if all the work allotted to me were done? The answer, Oh Loyal Acolyte, is that there is no real will inside my dark clockwork ego. I am an axee swung ages ago whose blow is still to come. The executioner is long since gone, but his work is an art in progress. Rhudaur the neck, Khazad the head, and Noldo the eyes of the wretched victim it is my destiny to slay.


Din tosses a coin into the air and it comes spinning down and lands decapitated head side up.

“So thats it” Uvatha declares “What does it mean?” “Heck if I know” answers Din “You just asked me to toss the coin”. “Who did we decide was heads again?” replies Uvatha. “Can’t remember” comes back the answer.

They ponder this question while sipping their pints, an hour passes then two…

Rather intoxicated Din asks “So why didddd I tosssss that coin”, “Cause we have to decide” replied Uvatha. “What doooo weeee have to decide?” replies Din. “Well we can’t let our friends the Easterlings & Eothraim have all the fun, we need to work out who the winner will be” retorted Uvatha. “That’s easyyyy” says Din.

“Who?” asks Hargrog who had been sitting quietly in the corner.

Both Din & Uvatha reply “WE WILL BE”

Oh the woes of choseing between 2 friends :wink:

Well there are all those nice town/towers along that there road for starters. Then there are other pc’s as well, the DkL’s mountain town, new DoL village to name but a few.


Well there are all those nice town/towers along that there road for starters. Then there are other pc’s as well, the DkL’s mountain town, new DoL village to name but a few.

So lets see, thats N Gondor , Dark Lts and Dog L youve just threatend. as well as tossing up to decide which cav super power your about to double cross. Not to mention the fact your not my fav nation of the month. All this from the guy with the recruiting power of 1 stolen town. you really are relying on your 2 little agents i guess , lets hope they dont have any accidents. Will be interesting to watch your downfall.
Dragon Dude.

Speaking of whine… From the sound of it, the Dunlending vintage appears to be quite sour this time of year… Also a bit cheesy. :stuck_out_tongue:


Since time began Elven kind has always remembered its promice of aid to others. Whilst men and orcs, as is their nature, lie and betray. Only once in a generation does a leader of men and orcs arise, that is willing to rise above such base actions, to accept the mantle of honesty and truth. We have found one such in the peoples of Rhudaur. It will be an honor to die at his side.
When many lives of men and elves have passed his song will still be sung by the kindred in the lands to the west.
Not so those of Arthadain & Cardolan, who speek sweet words to intice, to misslead, and to distroy. It is with great sorrow that we rember their forefathers; good stong honest men. Men who did not hide behind words. Men who would stand up and speak trully of their actions. Men who would not knowing keep the secret of deception, and by their actions become as base, lowly, and untrustworthy as any who would lie, cheat or decive. Yes this present generation of cowards, who do not wish to act openly but would rarther skulk in shadows.
Now the brave Dunlendings come to their aid. Now that the kilted ones have no feer of attack, they rise up like crows around carion. And yet they are still afraid lest to corpse should move but a little. To many could winds and winters have shrivaled their manhood (perhaps they should give up those kilts), like cowards they arise. Even the words from their own lips speek of fear of attack, so they to hide behind falsehood and lies, blaming others for their actions. Not men enought to state the truth. That they are cowardly and will only attack when they have any chance of victory by overwhelming odds. Or are we wrong?
Can the Duns rise above the base carion crawllers they are? Can they put them selves above fear? Now is the time of truth. All are watching, Cowards or men? All will see the true nature of the Dunlendings. Driven by fear as dogs to Cardolan, or brave hearted elan warriors who will through of the shackles of represion?
We wait and see. :cool:
We Noldo feel we already know the truth.

Please please. Can’t the Noldo get Elrond a spellchecker? You know, some elf that isn’t quite so ancient and who still has a few brain cells left functioning? Elrond’s butchery of the language is almost as painful to see as his butchery of the facts.

After all that was said, this is Cardolan’s only comeback? They cannot dispute the meaning, so they must attempt to deride the prose. It is quite sad to see how very low these once noble men have fallen. :stuck_out_tongue:

STILL King of Rhudaur

Speaking of whimpering comebacks, how about the 5000 and their captain Marendil who don’t seem to have survived their encounter with Hammerin’ Dan Danc scourge of Rhudaur. They wont be coming back to Rhudaur anytime soon. Its too bad Dancu was busy mopping up the blood to make the trip to visit Bain with 5 of my other armies. With a little luck, they won’t have much of a comeback either.

Marvelous Marv Murazor

That said, I do think digs regarding spelling and the like are probably not in the best spirit. I would hate to have to proofread my posts lest my 6th grade english teached be reading them.

5 whole armies, heh? Not quite. More than one of those “armies” are mere shattered remnants after their battles with my brave troops.

STILL King of Rhudaur, despite the bumbling efforts of 4 other nations. :stuck_out_tongue:

So North Gondor is surpised that nobody has attacked him yet … gets bored and attacks South Gondor to help pass the time.

I do hope King Tarondor has remembered to leave some armies guarding the rest of his widely-scattered realm …

And to think, there have been people trying to persuade me to load all my armies on a big fleet and sail them up towards the North-West. Just as well I didn’t, isn’t it?


Well, I mentioned something to that effect like, 3 turns ago, so if you’re being snippy about a damn good idea that would have altered history if you responded to it 6 weeks ago, well, what more can I say. :rolleyes:

Too many here whose box is weeee small. How many of us have actually replied to emails from someone not on your turn map? Not enough, very disappointing. Now, Cloudy has had all game to plan my demise (is he, like, jealous??) and sends in a green recruit agent and a poor army with no Plan B in sight AFTER I’ve taken over the Dark Lieutenants. I’m stuck with a 4 hex radius trench war after proposing various supersonic Extra-Mordor schemes only to fall on deaf ears all around. What pathetic tedium, I just might quit.

Ren the Disappointed

Stop whimpering you sniviling worm , you started any trench warfare in Mordor so its a bit rich you complaining about it now.Im sure the DK LTS would have liked to have made bigger plans outside mordor but thats the way it goes.

Who is afraid to attack N Gonder , not me i fear none, the first N gondor town falls to me this turn i guess.

Dragon Dude