GAME 69 ALL NEUTRAL - Finish or Carry on?

Hmmm, I think that I can possibly end the game this turn by knocking out another nation. Question is . . . should I?

It would suit me for time pressure reasons but well . . .

The despicable Dk Lts / Blind Sorceror are punch drunk and want to fight just about anyone who’s had a few.
The Happy Mad One is off on a crusade with his Holy Avenger close by his side, kind of a Moonglum and Elric thing.
The Noldo are swapping horse stories with the Riddermark quite happily.
The Easterlings are a mysterious and brooding presence.

So, simple question, for a poll I guess.

The happy mad one and the Holy Avenger never quit…

well my vote was to continue… Sounds like maybe some may fear my rapid buildup of these later turns…

Okay well I shall hold off on my planned action then and allow the game to flow.

Yes you should allow Clint to seek venegence on my dastardly attack!

Hmmm, seems like this game could get all interesting . …

Game Winners of Game 69

So with latest PRS ratings
1st Eothraim (Nick Barnett) 1.61 2nd on VCs with VPs
2nd Dark Lieu (Clint Oldridge) 1.29 1st on VCs
3rd Cardolan (Simon Arnold) 1.14 7th on VCs
4th Long Rider (Simon Arnold) 0.99 3rd on VCs
5th Easterlings (Greg Bair) 0.98 6th on VCs
6th Corsairs (Guy Roppa) 0.93 * Solo Nation 4th on VCs
7th Noldo (Nick Barnett) 0.92 5th on VCs
8th Blind S (Clint Oldridge) 0.87 8th on VCs
9th Harad (Greg Bair) 0.57
10th Witch King (Mark Lyon) 0.52
Dunlendings (Terry Wilson ) 0.4831 * Solo Nation.
Sindar (Mark Lyon) 0.4828
South Gondor (Jason Vafaides) 0.43
Fire King (Paul Moreno) 0.39 * Solo Nation

Workings below: Defining Win: We use the Istari rating as a relative success ratio. Highest ratio wins. Istari rating for the 10th position as the mean for that nation (from the current list on the PRS site). You get your Victory points (with VCs included) divided by that 10th position for a rating value.

For reference: Nation: VPs (without VCs) 1: 1117, 2: 900, 3: 925, 4: 1275, 5: 1175, 6: 1225, 7: 1350, 8: 1167, 9: 1450, 10: 1500, 11, 1283, 12: 1017, 13: 1184, 14: 1150, 15: 1125, 16: 1042, 17: 1450, 18: 1117, 19: 1233, 20: 1342, 21: 1550, 22: 1583, 23: 1300, 24: 925, 25: 1400. So if as the Woodmen you scored 1500 VPs then you’re overall rating for this game would be 1500/1117 = 1.34. but we will use the most modern data for this when the game ends.

Final standings by nation with Victory Conditions
1) 600 11) 650 21) 1449

   2)     975      12)     400      22)     775

   3)    1717      13)     400      23)     600

   4)     400      14)     400      24)     400

   5)    1334      15)    1000      25)    1350

   6)     500      16)     600

   7)     625      17)     400

   8)     400      18)     500

   9)     700      19)    1492

  10)    1433      20)    1800
  1. 1717/1066 = 1.61
    5: 1334/1166 = 1.14
    7: 625/1467 = 0.43
    8: 400/1225 = 0.33
    9: 700/1450 = 0.4828
    10: 1433/1550 = 0.92
    11: 650/1250 = 0.52
    12: 400/1150 = 0.35
    13: 400/1417 = 0.28
    14: 400/1334 = 0.30
    15: 1000/1150 = 0.87
    18: 500/1275 = 0.39
    19: 1492/1500 = 0.99
    20: 1800/1400 = 1.29
    21: 1449/1550 = 0.93
    22: 775/1350 = 0.57
    23: 600/1242= 0.4831
    24: 400/883 = 0.45
    25: 1350/1375 = 0.98

For reference: with old PRS ratings (those at game start)
1st Eothraim (Nick Barnett) 1.86
2nd Dark Lieu (Clint Oldridge) 1.34
3rd Long Rider (Simon Arnold) 1.21
4th Cardolan (Simon Arnold) 1.14
5th Easterlings (Greg Bair) 0.964
6th Noldo (Nick Barnett) 0.955
7th Corsairs (Guy Roppa) 0.93 * Solo Nation
8th Blind S (Clint Oldridge) 0.89
9th Witch King (Mark Lyon 0.51
10th Harad (Greg Bair) 0.49
11th Sindar (Mark Lyon) 0.48
12th Fire King (Paul Moreno) 0.48 * Solo Nation
13th South Gondor (Jason Vafaides) 0.463
14th Dunlendings (Terry Wilson ) 0.462 * Solo Nation.

Good win Nick - congratulations. 1st on VCs wasn’t enough but there you go - that’s the game. Good choice of nations to get a big Ratio out of it I thought, with a bit more planning I think I could have got the BS closer but not close enough.

Clint (player)

Here’s my penultimate map

Well that was anticlimactic. Just when troops were lining up for a royal bash too.

But gratz to you Nick. Well deserved.

Yeah well done Nick, I should have gone for 2711 anyway in the end!

As I’ve said before I think the Dwarves / Dragon Lord player deserves huge credit as he set the agenda for much of the action.

For the future I wonder if there’s a way to ensure that VCs don’t involve the “protected” nations. I guess not.

Well Done Nick!

Dwarves/Dragonlord certainly slowed my developement… I really needed a long game to recover… I guess all I could do was put a dent on one of the top players.:rolleyes:

For the future I wonder if there’s a way to ensure that VCs don’t involve the “protected” nations. I guess not.

Not easily. I was thinking whilst playing that the format is quite interesting but could do with a division between players who start with one nation and those that start with 2 nations. So effectively you’d have a winner for the 2 nations and a winner for the 1 nation.

Do players like the relative values (so low scoring nations for VPs normally are very good in this format)?

Also that if you’re playing 2 nations that you get the score for both combined nations as your score rather than the best. How does that sound?

With less nations there’s big economies. Maybe an Untold War version of this would be good - it would be very bloody… :slight_smile: The VCs in that are interesting targets as well.

Clint (GM)

Okay thanks I assumed as much. I do agree that something should be done to aid the single nations - although I didn’t really take advantage in any great way the possibility of building one nation up based on the resources of two should mean that it’s highly difficult for a single nation to win against a well played pair of nations.

Well done Nick!! Cannot say I agree with the final standings however as playing
a solo nation I thrashed Harad and was pushing back EA… And fighting against
Clint in SG… So I came top of the SOLO nations players and amazed that the ratings
do not take that into account…

Ah well, don’t really care anyway…

To be fair the rules were laid out from the start.

I think if I were to play in another one of these I’d be much more aggressive from the start and have a plan of what / who I wanted to go for from the off.

Funny how the players who are always saying they “don’t care anyway…” are always the ones whining about how they’re getting ripped off and how they’re the greatest, etc… :smiley:

How exactly were you pushing back the Easterlings? I did have two very large cav armies just over the horizon and our two nations had only tussled once.

As for Harad? What can I say? I was the meat in a SG/Corsairs sandwich and only the timely drop of SG saved me from being knocked out completely.

Phew, just made it to the finishing post! Would have been interesting to continue and see what happened in the second phase.

Anyone else interested in swapping last turn pdfs & xml?

As far as format goes, if it was run again I think there should be more nations to be eliminated before it stops, and “dropped” nations that are not bankrupt shouldn’t count towards the number required to finish the game. Not sure how those with single nations felt, but it seemed quite a disadvantage for some, particularly if hemmed in between those with two (Rhudaur, Dunland, FK, & Dog Lord come to mind).


Sure I’ll swap with you Nick… Clint’s Map has some serious holes at least as far as showing how Strong I was…
