Game 69

Busy kicking your butt. Lalalalidada, now aren’t they lovely pink butterflies there? We must go pick a few strawberries in the meadows of Lorien soon. :eek:

Hmm, conclusive proof that the Freeps have spent far too long sitting around smoking pipeweed instead of actually trying to win this war.
You talk the talk but do you walk the walk? :cool:

Mmm, pipeweed! :smiley: I think I was over hasty in my previous comment, sorry guys. Lets smoke some pipeweed and then go chasing pink butterflies in the Lorien meadows…

Something up at Minas Anor :smiley:

One or two Fire King foot sloggers fancied a look at some Gondorian women but they`ve all fled…

The Cloud Lord agent knelt before his lord early in misty morning, “10,000 screaming orcs just built a bridge and crossed into the fields of Minas Anor…behind them many weapons of war. The white walls shall no longer hold back Saurons Wrath. South Gondor is pushed on all sides and soon to be alone. Within weeks the lands between Mordor and Dunland shall be one. The Free Peoples fail on all fronts of the war.”

The Nazgul smiled, “So, what’s the bounty on Elf heads today?”

The agent licked his lips and replied, “Cirdan fell to magic’s last night, Sauron was very pleased.”

Ji Indur scoffed, “Curses, how impersonal.”

The agent laughed, “Indeed my lord is a hands on kind of fellow…may we hunt with you?”

The Nazgul did not reply, instead he went back to sharpening his knifes…he had some catching up to do.

JI would have been choosing his coffin if he hadnt fled 2223. Off to wash Sauron’s clothes and dirty plates?? We will catch up with him very soon

Bah, Cirdan was a stuffy old git anyway. :slight_smile:

He’s been replaced already :smiley:

You remind me of the Iraqi information minister:

“there are no DS in the FP homeland, we have not lost any ground, we will burn the infidels in their chariots, there is no need to…aaiiieee…I`m off…”


:smiley: That was hilarious! It was broadcasted within hours to 90% of Allied troops and we added the soundtrack Dancing Queen to it. Some of us were still
engaging heavy resistence so we could’nt laugh for long. Have you ever tried to fire an automatic or stealthly approcach a target while laughing? :stuck_out_tongue:

Where have the DS gone north of Mordor? All I see are FP icons… I am not responsible for other theatres of operations. We will fight on, alone if we have to. :cool:

Ji’s guard is better then any FP agent out there :smiley: Bring it on. 2223 is about to get trashed by the Corsairs. We will see what you have in the hex.

BTW: Have the Free peoples killed a single DS character with one of their agents yet? I dont think so. You guys do know you can name agents to?

Agents! Err, ahem what are they? Can we create them? Yipee. Must confess this is by far my worst Noldo effort so far. No agents with stealth have risen from the Noldo faithful this age and losing my 2 best agents to dragons didnt help. Last game 69 I killed 37 DS characters with the Noldo agents. Awww the good ol days…

If you guys want a rematch??

Ofcourse I would understand if you guys dont want a rematch… Chickens

Agents!!!, we don’t need no stinkin agents, :wink: I was in 69, was that 1 or 2 69’s ago, :confused: Corsair’s +5k mermaids got their tails kicked at 2225, and the Queen Avenger finally grew a pair :rolleyes: Yeah I’m in big trouble, :eek:


No idea how many 69’s ago. Chuckle. Was impossible to keep in contact over the 2 years in the Middle East.

So the DS thought the Noldo would’nt aid the brave and beleguered Gondors.
They were wrong.

So the DS thought the Noldo would’nt start a killing spree of the invading DS.
They were wrong.

So the DS thought the Eothriam woul’nt go on the offensive.
They were wrong.

So the DS believed the Gondors to be DS property.
They were wrong.

The Noldo are happy to send back the bodies of Adumir and Eadur to their
homes or shall we wait for a few turns so we can do a mass coffin transport
and get a discount with DHL? :cool:

Plenty more where they came from.

Looks like meat`s back on the menu boyz :smiley:

Careless of North Gondor to lose the mightiest of all citadels eh?

This map we got is useless, sez Pelargir should be ere but it aint :confused:

The orcs of Mordor will have to go weightwatchers soon with the mass of impeding DS
coffin shipments. :slight_smile: We really do care so will be sending shipments of Slimfast drinks with the next consignment…

Now you guys really should update your maps since the last age, sending maps to you guys really would be showing our tree hugging nature, not…

Tell the Corsiars we’ve only just started with them and our 2 nations are going to get to know eachother very well. We also hope that Corsiar home hospitality includes lollipops
and big fluffy marshmallows! With the obligitory dancing tree flower plots ofcourse…

Trees forever :slight_smile:

Seems the DS have lost their voices, its that wheezing coughing Nazgul syndrome again

Sorry…whats that? I must have nodded off…