Game 69

Are we still playing this game? :smiley: Little has changed despite the cries of
victory of the DS 4 turns ago. You shall not pass the Eoplex.



I’ll send your boy home in a box; his brother shall be hunted down as well so keep a cold plot open for him. It was wise of you to get out of 2013 while you could. Brave Sir Elrond ran away, his dress flapping in the breeze! One thing is sure, more Noldor will die this next week. Sauron has decreed to us that Dunland will not be lost to the forces of Good. Every army that enters will be lost every commander will meet his end. The Free Peoples borders keep closing in and the Great Eyes Might can be cast far from Mordor. We shall do more then Pass the Horse Lords homes we shall brun them on down our way to the hidden dales of the Sinda. Your end is near, but please keep up the fight it makes your fall all the sweeter.


Action speaks far louder than words JI! Elrond would have stayed but there’s things to do: hang the laundry, wash the plates etc :wink: Mordor looks like a lovely holiday destination for the Noldo, all those basic characters living their meaningless lives selling bronze and steel.

Seems strange you guys don’t know where Elrond is considering how close to his new holiday chalet he is! :stuck_out_tongue:


Aye, Mordor is a great vacation spot these days! Even the Orcs are happy. You’re welcome to stop in anytime. I just visited Urzahil’s Crib and he built a new steel waterslide off the top of Barad-dur. He tells me that the water bill is a bitch, yet gold is really not an issue for such wealthy Dark Servant nations. It is true we have so much steel these days that we can now upgrade our Hobbit Catapults so that they can throw the little screaming buggers across the river to splat on the walls of Minas Anor. Now there’s an idea…

Good Luck pointy ears.

I`m pleasantly surprised that you have been willing to let yourselves be tied up for so long in one place…

The machinery of Mordor runs slick with the blood of men, dwarves and elves alike, churning out more death and destruction soon to issue forth to all corners Middle Earth…


Good luck Big git

How many freeps still playing? :wink:

All that were playing 5 turns ago :smiley:

I would ask how many DS are still playing but I really could’nt give a f*$K!

Horse noodles

Wow, this is as much activity weve seen from the FP since, well, um, err, actually this IS the most activity weve seen :rolleyes:

Only 4 players have tried to contribute to this game’s pbm forum side, 2 Freeps and 2 DS. Got bored and gave up after awhile BUT I’m not bored of playing as long as I have 1 character and 1 MT I’ll play on.

Unless you guys want to surrender?

Hmm, let me think about that…nope.

I admire your spirit in the face of overwhelming odds, it is clear that there were those on your side whose presence was more of a hinderance.
If it comes down to bug hunt, no problem.

And yes, the forum traffic for this game has been a little underwhelming but our teamwork has not.


Considering we had 4 players who either didnt speak English or didnt communicate I think the Freeps are doing quite well. :wink: The Sea of Rhun will be retaken and Dun will be burnt says my Kwik-Save plastic bowl bought as a replacements due to the grevious theft of our palantirs.
Oih, give them back

But seriously,

Come kill my characters, that’s their ultimate duty as soldiers of their nations. For every one you kill another will come. For every army you destroy another will march in their footsteps. The Eothraim are secure and now looking to your
lands. Pity I hadnt played the Eoth on day 1. The Noldo’s plan is on course and will cause great pain & hinderance to the DS…

Have we ever played against eachother before? :stuck_out_tongue:



The Sea of Rhun will be retaken

Are you on crack?!? Shouldn’t the FP icon at 3712 moved to 3612 LAST turn? Did the commander forget where the bridge was?

The Eothraim are secure

Once again I must question your sobriety. Are you sure we’re playing the same game? If having your capital and two other MT’s burnt to the ground is secure, your indeed have true grit, I’ll give you that much.

I think your full of it, but you do have my attention now, that’s for sure!

Ovath II
Easterling Khanate

We had a few players forgetting to send in orders in last turn, its all the exitement of the fast paced gripping on the edge game. Err, yawn.

Only two of my major towns have fallen and considering I lost only 1 on my 1st turn I’m happy. If I had played the previous turn your army my Easterlings enemy would never reached my old capitol. The previous Eoth player deserves a good ol kick where the sun dont shine. :eek:

Us guys came to the conclusion that either the Woodmen, Eoth, Northmen and Arthudain were complete nitwits or were spies for the DS. We the Eoth will rather burn our own settlements than let them suffer under DS yoke and wont be long before the oppressed conquered Freep settlements will be retaken. We
the reborn Eothraim willl never surrender.

I thought the Corsair was the only DS left, damn

Thanx Halex for the support!

Speaking of surrender, how many Harads have we had??? LOL

The new one will probably drop anyway. I don’t regret supporting the Harad as supporting the Cosiars would have meant having to communicate with the Cosiar player on a regular basis… :smiley:

The new one will probably drop anyway. I don’t regret supporting the Harad as supporting the Cosiars would have meant having to communicate with the Cosiar player on a regular basis… :smiley:

Where is the Corsair, haven’t heard from him in a while, my English Italian dictionary gathers dust, :slight_smile: