With game 7 over (gunboat 1650), who was whom?
My compliments to all on a game well-played, especially my allies the Northmen (you never gave up!) and and the Dark Lt./ Cloud Lord / Witch King player for making Barry’s life miserable (who picked up Arthedain).
I was running the Eothraim; my plan was to smother mordor and torch everything I could get my hands on initially, then tie you down with infantry armies while the real threat (a big HC army with 80 war machines) raced in to hit Morrannon and Durthang.
The Dog Lord marched out to fight Dunland and Northern Gondor at 3020 (Eothraim camp/tower) with his dragon army around turn 15 (?), narrowly missing my HC force so I was able to get to Morrannon and reduce the Dog Lord capital and the keep to ruins. I then did the same at Durthang and Osgilaith before running back east. All I wanted to do was strip the outer ring of defenses from Mordor and make it increasingly difficult to throw forces at my home area while setting up Southern Gondor’s (Ken Shannon) attack from the south.
My second wave of HC was delayed my endless agents and thefts, though I did eventually get it put together and throw it at mordor… only to run into a moderate-sized Dark lt. army with dragons moving north. Sigh.
I did send multiple armies east to Rhun to reinforce the Northmen and see if I couldn’t drive the Long Rider back into the sea, or at least put the northmen in a position where they could gain military superiority. I diverted five or six armies east over the course of the game-- several of which I battled the Long Rider with at the Northmen capital, and two others which I used to beat down LR forces in the area and wipe out LR infestations. (laugh). I should have listened to Ken and sent additional emissaries to the new Ice King capital at 3329, but I was afraid to send emissaries there before I cleaned up the Harad and Corsair population centers in the far south… so the Ice King backup capital didn’t fall (he must have had multiple emissaries influencing it each turn to fight off Southern Gondor) and the Ice King remained a thorn the entire game.
Barry Guertin took over Arthedain on turn 5 and threw what he had at the Witch King, but he’d lost time and had to endure a massive assault on his capital at 1407 by a dragon-infested WK army and emissaries. We decided to resist in a showdown of emissary power… 1407 held (until turn 20 or so) but I’m not certain that crippling Arthedain was worth all of the character power that the Cloud Lord and Dark Lts. diverted there, since I suspect it opened up holes elsewhere. A very nice move by the Dark Lt. agents at 1704 to save the Witch King capital… Barry was never able to return to the offensive as he spent the rest of the game resisting rather than attacking.
Ken Shannon (Southern Gondor) went south to massively reinforce Harad. One big army went to 2534 while his cavalry raced south as well and hit 3335, 3533, 3437 and reached 3034… only to learn that the Noldo had already taken it. A couple waves of Southern Gondor armies and cavalry managed to overwhelm the Corsairs at 2438 and then 2339 and 2039, around which time the Corsairs went bankrupt. VERY nice play by the Noldo and Harad down here (they dropped at some point, and harad bankrupted somehow) to smash the Corsairs; Southern Gondor was able to slip in and finish him off only because Harad helped tie them down, and visa versa. Southern Gondor also sent a few armies into Northern Harad to clean out the Fire King, who’d managed to get himself entrenched in the area.
Once everything in the South was under control (with Ice King emissaries showing up and influencing things, which was irritating) Ken ran north with everything he had-- Osgiliath had already been flattened at this point. I timed my attack on the north for the same time, but in true WWII battle of the bulge fashion, the Fire King and Dark Lts. annoyingly sent everything out the NORTH gate into me (bah!) rather than out the WEST gate of mordor to stop Ken. The Fire King fell when Ken’s HC managed to get to 3224 and burn it, and then onto 3423, although by this time we were seeing signs of heavy Free involvement in Mordor by our allies.
It probably hurt the Blind Sorcerer when the Dog Lord went under, because he couldn’t see what was happening in northwest Mordor at that point.
My compliments to the Long Rider for being extremely annoying the entire game. I grew very tired of having characters kidnapped and my treasury reduced to zero (I deliberately kept it at zero several turns to starve you).
My compliments to the Witch King/Dark Lts./Cloud Lord for making Barry (Arthedain) so miserable.
And it was very nice of the Northmen/Dwarves/Noldo (not sure who here) to keep killing LR agents around turn 18 or so, causing my various captives to escape. I appreciated the help (oh, and thanks also to the original Harad/Noldo for sending gold. I was being careful to not risk bankrupting, but the massive influxes of gold were appreciated. I actually sent some to Arthedain when he was under heavy pressure at one point)
A good game, everyone!
Bradford (Eothraim in game 7)