game 7

After the dog came the?


Are you really going to go that meekly into the long good night?


Well indeed it does seem they are going down like a damp squib


Oh no darn did we kill enough dogs and do I have a longboat to hand

Do I sound scared and ready to run away?


Hey Vandal,
looks like you’ve lost some of those victory points.

Was there ever any doubt about that?

Its a tough life being me in Mordor, but someone has to do it.

But you know I have go keep going deeper so as to get my bodies back, never leave anyone behind as they say.

Ouch that had to hurt, all those dead doggies, for my funeral?, and as the victors on the field we get to write history


Whilst we may have fallen in our duty, to the sad dead who forgot to refuse challange we salute you.

Long may it continue


Hi vandal,
looks like you’re going for a new posting-record !

Isn’t it boring to answer your own posts ?!

Ha, Ha, Ha !

Have Fun !


Not that I am aware of


Oh answering myself again is it true your other half is the pretty one?

That make you the man and nasty one then and the one all gamers fear?


Ha, Ha, Ha

Yeah, my wife is really pretty !

To understand the whole story take a look on postings for game 94 or 70.

I don’t know if they’re still available, try it !

Well, faceless man.

I ( have ) had a nasty face, but I’m not sure if it’s the reason for fearing me !

Ha ! Ha !

Have Fun !


Ha, Ha, Ha !
Seems like someone has stolen my picture.

The real Jill

No !

someone has used my computer to post ! :confused:

Let’s say I know who was it !

Have Fun !


I may be mad but at least I know I am, but more importantly, who I am.


I would just like to say whilst I know its not a dog the dead at 3301 will do instead to stick at my feet.

Any more dark bodies up for it as we are going to need a few more dogs as our poor commanders move onto the afterlife.


well that was not nice oh long one so I am going to beat on an army or two oF yours now and return the favour


As you watch from the ramparts oh mighty dog lord I told you we would have a dog at our feet.

Bulrakur will do very nicely, lets drag him a bit more just for show.

Be dishing up this army to how many more you want to send?

Glad to see you can afford it.


Dear Horse-Monkey,

To quote the French: “Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries! Come back, and I’ll shall taunt you a second time!”

I’m still warm and cozy in my capital, where did your allied NG army go? Oh, I forgot, Tonn Varthkur killed his commander by challenge! Bulrakur did his duty,:all dogs go to heaven!

By the way, don’t think I can’t see those smelly, stunted, bearded, rat-bastards at 3121! Just where do you think your going anyway?


Well I may only be a crossbreed but got no mole in me.

I have not gone away, see thats me dragging the body behind me.

Well what can I say except you dont see me challanging a ruddy big dark servant in the dead of night.

Feel free to ask me I wont be accepting, me may be furry animals but we still have some sense.


Oh since you asked I may as well tell you, they had this mad idea about going into the mountains to burn something but dont ask me why.

We of course hate it up here, whose idea was it to build this place so high.

See we can be nice if you ask us
