Just a brief note from those of us on the good side, saying party on and come and join us, you know it makes sense!
Oh and should any dark servant swing by in disguise yoo may find where my nickname came from!
Just a brief note from those of us on the good side, saying party on and come and join us, you know it makes sense!
Oh and should any dark servant swing by in disguise yoo may find where my nickname came from!
I see little reason in opening another thread. So, hello, all, and welcome to game 7.
Neutrals, as an alternative to the blandishments of the Free, you have the Dark Servants,who are interested in talking with you.
Blind Sorcerer
The Easterlings send greetings to all parties involved in yet another epic stuggle of good against evil. Now all I have to do is decide if I’m good or evil. You may help me decide by sending messages to the address below. Wayne
Just another wee little neutral looking in on yet another epic struggle…
Well, as all the other neutral type players are waving the flag, greetings to all from the Havens of Umbar. We are busy dressing the ships for Xmas, with tinsel in abundance. All xmas cards welcomed and can be sent to steve.narboro@btopenworld.com
Good luck to all in the game:D
Well that hurt!
Ouch said the good side.
The horsemen are still going to come a visiting for the party with a few friends.
The Easterlings would like to thank all leaders who made the effort to contact me over the first turn. Though time restraints make it difficult to answer all messages, please be aware that all are appreciated. I will keep in contact with at least one or two nation’s from both sides until I end my neutrality. Let it be known that all went well on turn 1 and-as I mentioned to a couple of you- you really gotta screw up to have a bad first turn playing a neutral.
May we expend the hand of friendship to all our new allies and invite more to join.
May we expend the hand of friendship to all our new allies and invite more to join.
Who spiked the wine and I thought you told me they made them tough in Mordor.
Heavy Horse of death and destruction
So it is written and so it shall be that we smote the enemy from our presence and slew them by the score.
Rivers of blood shall flow and a few more orcs are about to suffer our judgement.
C’mon DS where is your voice?
I’d like to play this game longer than 9 turns.
With the horn of helms hammer deep ringing in our ears and the bloodlust upon us do you think it will last that long?
Not this turn will the enemy see victory for we shall sweep the field with them once more
The heavy horse of death and destruction
Blah, blah, blah!!!
Soon the EO will shoot their wad, and they’ll be horselees, despondent, impotent wannabe Vikings wondering why their leaders always disappear or end up dead at their capital. Just like every other game.
Have fun while you can, just don’t drop or hibernate like usual, EO
Dendra Dwar
Who let the dawgs out? (Don’t know, but they ain’t comin back. The EO man has done them in!)
Mighty big words, we await the deeds!
We have already proven our metal on the field of battle have you?
Pray we meet not to soon
Guess who is coming to pay you a visit, vikings on horses?
I guess I’m supposed to be scared now. Should I start begging for mercy, crap my shorts, run screaming for my mommie, what?!? Naw, I’ll just take my beating like the dawg I am! Bring it on, Blondie! (disclaimer- I do reserve the right to do any or all of the before mentioned activities next turn, with possible more embarassing, ego-crushing, debasements as well. For now though, I’m posturing. Yee-haw!!!)
Dendra Dwar
Bark is worse than bite, especially after Alpo
Oh but we do so much enjoy it when we crush the spirit of those not running or otherwise engaged.
Life is but a window and death the door, whilst we shall follow you shortly, for that is the way of the warrior, a few dogs at our feet never went astray.
Come on dark boys dont want to think I have broken you already