Woodmen greet all friend and foe and neutral. A grudge begins in the Mirk w/ Khamul.
Harad plz put ur email out.
jz wm 72
Woodmen greet all friend and foe and neutral. A grudge begins in the Mirk w/ Khamul.
Harad plz put ur email out.
jz wm 72
edited my post. See above.
good to hear from you all, thanks for the communications. Still undecided and wading through the rules, there’s bloody loads of them!
I am across your side of the pond now, enjoying florida’s 84 degree weather for the next 4 weeks rather than ****ty britain’s 0 degree weather, woo-hoo.
I am thinking of sending 1200 cavalry to take Naples, what do you think?
The mighty nation of North Gondor belatedly extends the hand of welcome to its allies and to our neutral friends. To the toadies of the Dark Lord we offer the pointy ends of our lances or two tickets to see “Alvin and the Chipmunks” - whichever will cause you to abdicate most quickly.
Hells teeth your cruel.
I’d rather have the pointy sticks of you don’t mind. That Alvin dude will rot your mind. He would be a great antidote for the great wyrms. At least I have a chance against the sticks :bash:
Andrew, WK
As Khamul surveys the shadowed woods, he is aware of the movement of many free peoples. The armies of Wodurishak and Urgubal will begin the subjugation of the Gondor folk. The Demon Duran has been successful in finding the dwarven infantry and will bring his terrible countenance against them.
The mages Maben and Celedhring have stepped forward from the alcoves around the dais on which he sits. They report that soon the power to resist the Eye will be over. There are plots and plans to unravel while the foresight of the Great Lord Sauron shall bring about the ruination of the Free Peoples.
The Free believe they have the initiative. Certainly they have more souls awaiting battle than the Nazgul have to waste in conflict. Perhaps the generals of Gondor will contain Mordor’s hordes a while. But Khamul has been a great King of Men and knows the fleeting power of arms and weak sorceries. The armies will choke on despair long before the cold grip of fear shall ever arise in a servant of Sauron. The Nazgul are not uncertain of the outcome of war. Only Sauron reigns in Middle Earth. Only Sauron will bind the peoples to his will. There is no other future. Surely the Elves know this: it is why they leave this realm. With the passage of time, the will to resist falters. The strength of limb wains. The power of dark sorcery prevails!! The lost arts are attainable. The ancient artifacts long thought lost shall be brought to the light of day. The fear of the assassin shall drive men to caution and suspicion.
Khamul was a King of Men. So shall he be again. All things in time shall resolve as Sauron has foreseen. None shall resist forever. For only the Nazgul and Sauron live forever now in Middle Earth. The time of Shadow is come.
as written by Jehannum
scribe at the throne of the Black Easterling
Good Lord Wyndbag,
Please get a grip, a clue, and a passport…
Your days are numbered. Head south. Pray for a quick dispatch.
Beowrath of the Mirk
wm 72
Ah yes, I recall who you are. Beorawhore, the Mighty!
There will be a reckoning in Mirkwood. This stand of wood is claimed by the Black Easterling in the name of Sauron. You are shortsighted if you believe I will be taken unawares. I was powerful before you were born!
Whelps, dogs!! You will taste the lash of my master, and be brought to heel. There is no chance for you. Our assassins and loremasters are already training for the future conflict. You will not be so bold when your Beornings are slain and trodden under foot by thy subjugated race.
The Shadow comes!
Khamul the Black Easterling
Beorawhore huh…
I’d suggest you take a long look at your mates and then mine…even beorning hairy women are better than the whorcs you are spending time on, yo.
Keep talking…it’s the only thing anyone will remember about you in this game…so fast will be your exit they will think you had progressive, terminal ignoramousivity…
we need a khamuloscopy and Dr. Osric is on call boyo.
jz wm
Hello Out there,
hear the freeps are having some problems with some of there nations as we are with one of ours – hate when people sign up for a game and then don’t run the game !!
Still can’t believe that the WK hasn’t heard from one freep army yet ?? Can’t believe the FK and Dark Lts turn – all those freep armies on 3024 – ouch am a little worried about the pass into Mordor now !! We are in for some arse wooping there !! Hopefully we can give/repay the arse wooping in another location !!
Let slip loose the dogs of war – in this case CL agents are out and hunting now, its knife in the back time !! who should i pick first
Mike - CL
Greetings all from Corsairs,
I am going to begin a 10-14 day travel period, probably with limited emails. My apologies to all. I will get back to you ASAP. I will also respond to any emails sent to my nation.
I knew it!!! Corsairs are expansionist Imperialists, and have trodden down the sodden masses of Dunland, all by turn 2. :bash: :fork:
Mark (Eas 72)
A sailor can dream, can’t he.
My apologies for any confusion. I am not the Dunland player, whose gracious wit and boundless charm have endeared all of us. I am indeed the Corsairs, with noticeable less tact, brains and charm.
And I go on the road in 2 days, for a bit of an extended period.
Well have a great time, then!
Turn results back and so far two freeps couldn’t keep up with the dance
Celdrahil and Tharudan will be sitting out for good now
Who will be my next dance partners – come on step forward don’t be shy
Mike – CL
thanks for the correction, The Duns are under my control (for the moment)…
Other game help required…
As a relatively new player I have jumped in at the deep end and taken over the Dragon Lord in a Gunboat game so I cant get any guidance from in-game players. Can anybody offer their (or someone elses) assistance in answering some general queries I have on encounters, hunting down artifacts,spells, strategy and so on?
duns player,
I can help w/ that issue. I have played the dragon guy 5 times straight up and one time in a gunboat w/ a buddy playing corsairs.
btw cloudy,
duran and gothmog forgot to duck also…
jz wm
Um…thought I’d post something.