Game 72 (1650)

Greetings from the Easterlings! Ovatha and crew can be reached at A good game to all, at least until the Easterlings declare, and then a good game to my allies! :slight_smile:


Greetings from Rhudaur! You can reach us at Good gaming all!

Greetings Ovatha, Broggha, and Arfanhil from Murazor!! I can be reached at Good luck to all!!


Greetings from the Dark Lieutenants. I can be reached at


Welcome to the war! Will be in touch with all.


Let the Dance Begin , To my fellow Sauron minions i say welcome , to the Neutrals i say welcome and to the freeps I say have at thee and watch out for that knife in the back :slight_smile:

Cloud Lord checking in and can be reached at

Good gaming to all and await any jabs and barbs from the freeps


Noticed there no posting by any freeps – come out , come out , where ever you are – we won’t hurt you — Much :slight_smile:

Mike – CL

Greetings all!

Don’t want the wraiths to think they are all alone! Southern Gondor checking in, hope we have a nice long game!

you can reach me at

Hope to hear from all the Neutrals soon, you other guys can go back to your nap.


Greetings all!

Don’t want the wraiths to think they are all alone! Southern Gondor checking in, hope we have a nice long game!

you can reach me at

Hope to hear from all the Neutrals soon, you other guys can go back to your nap.


Greetings to all,

The Sinda can be reached at Look forward to a good game and clashing with old enemies.

Wil the Sinda

Oh what fun we will have with a stuttering S gondor repeating everything twice – just give me your agent arty now LOL.


Mike – CL

Hello Wil,

On opposite side this turns :slight_smile:

Mike – CL

And Good Evening old chaps froms the Dunlendings.

Neutral as can be for now, communications, bribes, early Xmas pressies, jokes and threats welcome.

In particular, as its my first ME game (apart from a few BOFAs) advice also welcome.



Hmm, no Arthedain, Noldo, or Cardolan yet :eek: I may just need to make a day trip to the beach of Cardolan and get a tan :smiley:

Andrew, WK

Hello from the Corsairs. The Canadian plot to freeze me into lockdown has succeeded, but I have managed to find a means to send messages out!

My yahoo register is johndgates2004. Please send emails there, although I will be on the road until this weekend; probably unable to check emails.

I am looking forward to a good game and hope to hear from everyone.

We will snuff your back-door loop hole Gates. Victory shall be ours and your silence shall be the profit, enjoyed by all!

Canadian Plotter

which way would you like to face, the warming south, or the frigid north?
your head of course, when its upon a pig pole at the gates of carn dum.


neutrals. hello. a reason to go free. thats easy.
open up a 1650 dog lord turn, and a 1650 sinda turn.

gurthlug meet nimrodel.
nimrodel, met gurthlug.
who do want keeping you warm at nite fellas?
evil is ugly, right to the bone.

sometimes, i crack myself up.

Man, I am recognizing names from previous games. Weren’t we on a team together once Mr. Muller :smiley: Can’t we all just, get along lol. I gotta stay warm somehow :hug:

BTW, South.

Andrew, WK

Damn your hair covered arse, BB! You take this cold weather **** back north.

So I got home late last night after 7 days: wife then tells me the furnace only works up to 65F, the wife backed the JEEP into the garage door (ruined) one day earlier, and I turned to avoid an accident in front of me on the way home ruining the front left wheel of my car. Honest, I am not making this up.

And I am too tight to pay for overtime weekend rates for anything. Sigh. When poor and in the front end of the winter, it is time to act like a Canuck: light the fireplace, turn on hockey, crack a Labat’s, snuggle, and work on the 4th child. All at once.

You hear me BB! And get the rest of those damn Quebecker’s out of Florida.


The Harad bid a hearty welcome to all in the lands of Middle Earth.

We watch the events unfolding with great interest. We are prepared to dispatch diplomats to the four corners to negotiate allegience with those that wish to treat with us.

We are especially interested to speak to our nearby friends of the Corsairs, Quiet Avener, and Southern Gondor.

To the Corsairs;
Let’s avoid misunderstanding and determine a fair and equitable distribution of the available land for colony development…

… now back to the real world

Hi all.

It’s been a while since I’ve played, and I’m looking forward to it. I hope to re-establish ties with old friends, and start anew with people that I haven’t gotten along with in the past.