Game 72 done and dusted on turn 6

Some asked for a game of note and if doing it this quickly was the aim its been done and if not oh well.

To those who backed the other guy are you taking the long walk as VEO suggested?

Now thats two from two real grudge games both over on turn 6 I dont think I need to prove anything more.

For a third the Flagship challange will do, now that I gather will be a real test.

Now if anyone else has any issues feel free to take me on otherwise I am going to retire to another 12 v 12 with a player I like and have some real fun.


thats it?

a whole new thread for that.


Winning a game is often about the psychological bit too… from the email above I’d say Vandal looks like to be a honourable winner. and Mr Smuller a bit of a bad loser…

Well done Vandal!

I was and am geared up for a 12 v 12 which lasted a bit longer and will just have to live with this bittersweet victory.

Muller you are not the only one who asked me for a 12 v 12 so give the other guys a chance to jump in and take of the mantle.

I dont think I need say anymore here.



your right, hence the edit. i was looking at the gunboat discussion in between posts. as i stated in the original thread, i lost on the level and the square. interesting how you’d define posting a new thread, posting on an old thread, and posting on the uk 56 thread honourable.
anyway, time for a trash sandwich, to the victor goes the spoils. the lessions in time management will be useful in another endevour i plan with local talent.

vanquished in uk 72

don’t get carried away with yourself. although if my loss rates a mantle, you need to get out more. what do think bothers me more, the loss or that after five turns i had to walk away from the game. i am concerned with a well played game, and getting this kinda thing setup isn’t easy. anyway, lunch is over, back to the salt mine. enjoy yourself. as stated, the lessions in time management will be useful elsewhere, and fulfilled another objective.


vanquished in uk 72

Now if you need a helping hand I could let you play with a few of your chums against me, now how generous can I be?

Let me however clear up one thing, I hate naval movement and dont play it that well, I am a land general by nature.

I know I could have played it better and it gives me soemthing to do, but in this instance it did not come back to haunt me, I did what I needed to.

As regards any victory, I won, I dont need to read between the lines, nor do I care to.

Nor will I need to rewrite history its a game and one person wins and one loses, thats the end of it as far as i can see.


I dont wish to have to correct you but the Mantle is not an object of great desire only a saying and means very little as such in English. Now what it may mean in American is not something I wish to engage in at all.

It means to take up the challange for instance and a challange is not a crown of victory at all.


Well Blueface you ready to rumble?


Actually it means a lot of things in english, often a loose cloak but in a literary sense it can mean a position of responsibility, the mantle of leadership is actually a representation of said leader’s power.

Now not that I wish to correct you but I wrote it and the context in which it was written is of course known by me.

Now I did not see any reference to POWER in the context you use this and where is there any reference to some leadeship.

I assume no such responsibilities and wished to utilise the wordings in a context that suits me and no other.

Now if you cannot accept this as did not the late sad muller are you up for a 12 v 12 to prove the point?

The context may mean many things but I have been quite clear in this instance my own meaning and do not need any other interpretation upon it.

Need I say any more on the subject?

I myself do not wish to spend all my time arguing if red is a shade of pink, or what you get if you mix to much yellow with green.

I myself would prefer to play a simple game but somehow people just like to stick ones noses and make an arguement about nothing.

So I await your take up in due course so we may settle this.


It’s okay I can settle this right now . . . you said . . .

"I dont wish to have to correct you but the Mantle is not an object of great desire only a saying and means very little as such in English. "

You were wrong, it means plenty in English. No need for me to wipe the floor with you in a game to prove this point :smiley:


Then perhaps I suggest you reread what I said and understand it.

I did not say the word meant little only the context of its use and now you have taken it out of context.

Put up or shut up you have proven little but say a lot.


Now I dont wish to have to correct you but in East London THE MANTLE as refered to in my statement in the first instance means exactly waht i have said it means and nothing more in that context.

Its a saying as such means no more or less.

But since you want to argue the point whats your wager, you want a silly argeuemtn then of course you have it.

Choose well your battlefield and dont jump in half cocked and having it seems not read it all.


I think you should have taken your own advice when you said you didn’t need to say any more here earlier. You misunderstood a word when you used it, it’s not a major thing to worry about. Having said that if you want to have your own meanings for words that’s fine with me. I’ll remember not to correct you in the future knowing that in your very particular part of East London words have different meanings. But to help me remember you should say this is what “Mantle” or whatever word you use means in “vandal’s own East London English” rather than abbreviating it to “English” which can so easily be mistaken for the language that the rest of the world recognises as the native language of Britain, N America, much of the British Commonwealth and some other countries.

I didn’t think a tiny tongue in cheek comment would upset you so much, sorry.

Sandal’s easily upset, remember Simon, he used to be QA in 55.

Yes, I wish he’d kept the position because the new QA player and the Corairs are kiscking my butt right royally around my own territory!

Now not that I wish to have to correct you again but the use of the word mantle in the context of its use as in to pick up the mantle does not mean as you state a postion of responsiblilty, for there is no intent in the use of the phrase to denote any form of leadership.

Thus if one wishes to state that the use of the word does not as you state mean all thoser things one is quite correct.

Now if you open the word to all meanings you are correct but then that is not the arguement and if we all seek to take things out of contet we can twist them as we like.

Thus your aguement is unsound as is the stuff you spew forth after this.

Of course how much do you want to wager since I love to stick my neck out that the phrasing of my original note had nothing to do with leadership?

Thas is after all the true test after all not some pointless arguement about soemthing you have made up out of context.

So as I have said put up or shut up.

As regards game 55 I dropped this along with 10 other games as when Clint asked me to drop game 9, I did so on certain conditions.

Now its ok if you disagree with your own side but its not ok if you sell them out to the other side, which the other side have confirmed on here, its not ok to attack them nor do I like, as Muller has seen personal mails slagging me off sent to me.

I believe it is not allowed to name your characters in game in offensive names and again this was allowed by ME.

Now of course some guys may like to have this but not of course me and thats the bottom line.

Now of course it may be fine to rape and pillage in game but let me ask you is it fine in real life and then you may get some idea why if you send me such mails I will not be very happy.

One of those conditions was that Rob stuck to the agreement that we no longer mailed each other and when he broke that I dropped all my games.

Of course I have little interest in bringing this all out into the open but it happens to be the only reason i dropped all my games.

Now if you think I ran from game 55 because you or anyone else in it scared me think again, take up that mantle muller dropped.

I myself prefer to think that no matter what a player does, he pays for the turns and can do what he likes for the most part.

Attacking nuetrals out of the blue is not exactly great, but to date i have benever actaully attacked my own side no matter what they have done.

I have come close but then even when they have attacked me I have not done so to date.

That also means that if you want to drop a game then you should be allowed to as we all live, or so I hope in places that allow us to live free (or relatively so).

Now as regards game 55 and me playing the Easterlings is it, well ask the WK, who dropped when he learned of the plan to attack me, if he thought I was going to roll over and play dead.

Still if thats what you think lets just get it on, I have yet to meet defeat in a challange and thats not only in ME, does that not like my last challange give you something to aim at and pull down?


Just make sure you don’t name any character ‘Mantle’ else someone might have a conniption! <g>

Yes they might but what can they do but kick you out over it!
