game 72

… and, what’s the sense of this message?

Have Fun!


Yep, really great!
Let’s talk about the payoff when it’s done.

Have Fun!


Rarr rarr Amroth and Odagavia pushing up the daisies at 2410. Holding hands probably :wink:

When is it bad to win a combat?.. Amroth and Odogavia won combat at 2410, only to be overrun by a Dragon Lord army passing through. Would have been better to actually lose the fight… cue mucho eye rolling… ANYWAY - that was the bad news for the freep turn :slight_smile:

WK intercepted Arth at 1805
Rhudaur intercepted superior numbers of Arth and card at 1909
Arth unopposed at 2009
Noldo unopposed at 2010
Rhu intercepted a hell of a lot of freep party goers on 1910 (housewrecking party invite has been texted :slight_smile:
The large Rhu forces heading to Mirkwood have been eliminated, and there are still uncommitted Arth and Cardy forces so we will see how Rhu makes up the slack… Looking pretty good for the freep so far…

DS armies knocked out all round the place.
Duran has been met by Sinda, Dwarves and woodmen at 2509 so hopefully that’s the end of his employment.
A drag recruit icon at 2715
2 WK ‘army’ sized forces at 2405 opposed by something bigger in the form of the Woodman’s big scary chopper.
Lots of DS activity early but very soundly stopped in its tracks for now.

DS cav threatened 3716 where an icon remains
They were then intercepted by an inferior force at 3814
The last of the IK troops met a dwarven force at 3017
and a CL and BS combined force halted by a small Eo force at 4122
This area is still much more ‘up in the air’. Fairly strong forces for both sides. Who moves best will give the momentum…

3120 destroyed and Caranthir’s cav moved up to Morannon - (he may be biting off a little more than he can chew… for now… :slight_smile:

FK armies destroyed at 3124 and another FK force has moved up, clearly some kept in reserve from the initial push. Met by NG and SG forces.
Erennis dropped the bridge at Osgiliath (someone will have to discipline him with a spiky gae bolge before the end of the campaign
and Ji failed at the Pelargir bridge (we’re fine with him :slight_smile:

The following have now been burned to the ground - 2730 (MT/F), 2631, 2634 and 2835.
Freep navies sit unopposed with harbours up at 2430 and 2833.
SG remnants are at 2731 opposed by 800 moochers under Yezmin.
So a lot of damage dealt out to the Harad so far…

On the other shoe - A harad force has pushed on to the Corsair town at 2437
and a large QA force intercepted at 2738
so a push on the Corsairs now (rather unsporting :slight_smile:

DS recruit icons visible to us at 2135, 2535 and 2734 (plus presumably a new one to start at 2534).

Other than that, a Freep and a DS character at the RoW encounter. The DS character alas is bigger… but given we’re smarter and prettier the outcome is less than certain :slight_smile:

Summary - the DS have shot a lot of bolts (which have been gathered up by the freep and shot back at them :slight_smile: a lot of attacking armies have been countered particularly in Mirkwood. For their part the DS have enjoyed a few intercepts around Rhudaur, but with the departure of the forces to Mirkwood the blocks are weak, seem to be more about wasting time than achieving a result, and freep leakers are now on Rhudaur. The DS have taken some significant beatings at the peripheries.

The Freep feel good so far, and there’s a long way to go to turn 10. Initiative in the south and Rhovanion in particular will be interesting, not to mention the question mark over how quickly the NW freep can now develop their attack.

Good very fast paced opening…

Hehe it is a good opening. You are being mean to Rhuduar, but have left Dragonlord a big breathing space (T4 and none of his pops under threat). EO has achieved… nothing. I guess you are quietly pleased with your campaign vs Harad so far… but you’ve gone for the easy marks and left the hard yards for later… if you can…

Looks like we are heading for the classic NW vs SE showdown, hope we find some more artefacts before you do !

I don’t know that the Eo has achieved nothing? He’s knocked out the LR cav, the IK cav, all the infantry moving out of the north gate, and has intercepted the Dog/DkLt’s cav. The Eo’s job right now doesn’t seem to be attack, that may well change though :slight_smile:

Re the Harad, yes going for the easy marks has proved to be profitable for us, very hurtful for you, and not a little amusing watching Messers Haruth trying to lumber after us with his pants around his ankles :slight_smile: We should go 7 pops destroyed this turn with only a single intercept. But to be fair it is getting hard for us to find a pop without a DS icon sitting on it :slight_smile:

I’ll have a talk to the allies and see if we can scare up some more attention for the Dragon Lord. We want high marks on the ‘customer satisfaction’ survey you return to us after the game :slight_smile:

Hey Mike,
the Drag will get the attention he needs.
… so please tell me why we should go for well fortified PCs with armies on them when we’re able to get it much cheaper?

Have Fun!


Turn 4 results - All in all another good turn to the freep. Peripheries are clearing out nicely and icons starting to advance on Mordor.

Angmar - 1910 burned to the ground this turn as well as 2010.
2109 hosts a small cardy and Rhu army.
2009 sees two DS and two Freep armies, advantage freep.
Other than that there are no Freep armies currently on DS pops but a number of icons closing and able to make life hard…

Mirkwood - All DS armies from around Goblin Gate have now been burned out and a freep icon is on GG itself.

Dol Guldur sees a NG icon on it to oppose the resident recruit force.

A largish battle was fought at 2405 narrowly won by the WK. Regent Ashdurbuk Zalg escaped the bloodshed with a small force to 3105. What next from there? :slight_smile: DS icons 2204, 2715 and 3105 and disappearing quickly.

Rhovanion - The dog and DkLt’s cav were rounded up with impressive speed and force by the Eo. Second intercept in two turns went in at 3913 with good freep reinforcements. Those armies only managed to threaten 3716 so nice effort by Eo.

The recruit seed at 3716 has moved unopposed to 4017 so some threat remains out back.

The CL cav has lobbed in to inferior forces at 4217 ahead of the BS infantry.

A recruit seed has appeared at 3621, other than that we’ve got to go back to Morannon to see another DS force. So attackers disappearing in this area as well.

3 icons descending on Mordor.

ITHIL - the NG blocking force continues to confound the FK (or is it the other way around? :slight_smile: Still no movement, but FK forces being knocked out so cost on both sides. No resolution either way…

Shiny new Corsair commander PC’d and killed Herumor presumably disbanding the QA startups at 2738 (ouchy! :slight_smile:

Harad got a huge and a large army in to the Corsair town at 2437. Presumably he’ll feel good about assaulting :slight_smile:

The Corsair managed to slip another little cav force into the last remaining T in S.Harad at 2635, and has another army on 2632.

By the end of the coming turn 5 the Harad will be reduced to 4MT’s (2732 in the north, 2534, 2535 and 2734 in the south, plus 2630 in the north). The QA is unaffected at this point.

Corsairs have a pain in the butt with those armies sitting on his pops, but the Harad has a greater pain in the butt in maintaining armies with a shattered economy. Fairly fast paced down there.

Characters - Elladan was assassinated this turn, and Erestor who was with him had his toys stolen. Other than that very light on in the character front. A gaggle of DS comms killed or captured in combat. Much of a muchness really. A bit of gold stealing going on.

So some DS movement in the far east, most of which has been countered. Mirkwood is being closed down to the DS. Angmar hotting up with southern Rhu burned and armies moving inwards. Defence lines broken, enemies in the lines, a much harder prospect.

In the far south Harad burns, but there’s still enough left to trouble the freep.

What is the plan for Mordor from both DS and Freep, time for the big guns to enter the fray…

pretty silent here, what’s up Darkies?

Tomorrow we will know a little bit more!

Have Fun!


Missing us already? Don’t you worry, once the pawn play is out the way we’ll keep your attention :slight_smile:

So we’ll keep the “pawn-play” alive.-

If things are comming out like planned, your attention will be needed.

Have Fun!


“What’s porn got to do with it?” that was a Tina Turner song wasn’t it? :slight_smile:

Yeah I think you might be right there. Lady luck not on our side :frowning:

Turn 5 results are in and continue to fascinate (I reckon that’s a cool word. If I had to have a superhero name I wouldn’t go for the terminator, I’d be the Fascinator - because I fascinate!!! Kinda has a downside too because a fascinator also happens to be a girl’s hair piece… aaaahm… :slight_smile:

Okay I suppose I’d best get on with the turn results - top to bottom then…

NW - Freep armies swarming, and Rhudaur is throwing the party. No DS armies on the attack in NW.

2004 is in WK hands.
1910, 2010 and 2009 are all destroyed. 2109 has Freep armies unopposed.
2009 has a heap of miscellaneous freep armies and a WK army. Rhudaur looking decidedly beleaguered with more armies heading in. Freep looking good…

Mirkwood - 2405 burned by the freep and WK and Woody armies facing off at 2305.
Goblin Gate has no recruit and a bunch of freep armies sitting on it.
2809 is recruiting
2715 has had the recruit removed … along with several inches of the Dragon lord no doubt this turn :slight_smile:
WK threatened 3105 with his small army which is a bother - stop that! :slight_smile:
Eo army pinged a small but naughty WK army on 3109
A few laggers, but very strong freep advantage here too.

Rhovanion - Dog and DkLt’s startup cav wiped out.
CL cav intercepted by significant forces this turn.
LR fleet intercepted by the Sinda
3621 recruiting for the DS and has sent a skanky little army out to threaten Eo camps (hope he takes that personally :slight_smile:
Small dog and freep armies collided on the ruins of 3120.
DS being culled significantly here as well…

Mordor - With dog forces facing off at 3120, a swarm of DS armies landed on 3124. Must have got sick of dancing with Vinyaran while he trod on everyone’s toes :slight_smile: Presumably they’ll have enough to take it and we might see a dragon or two? I live in hope :slight_smile:

The Duns and small Eo force for their part rocked up to Durthang.

Far south continues to amuse :slight_smile: Bloodbath in 2437 continues. Harad Ibrahim loaded with arties PC’d Eadur and was promptly cut into handy bite sized pieces. Dropped a gaggle of command and a combat arty - mucho appreciated by the Corsair I’m sure :slight_smile: DS not going well with PC’s down there. Another DS army disappears without a whimper…

2437 town has hosted heaps of DS force but is still standing. Apart from the PC two assassination attempts failed there.

Freep fleets pinged both the remaining DS fleets so that’s that.

Harad - the last town gets burned this turn. Harad is down to 3 MT’s in the south and 2732 in the north.

QA armies at Umbar and 2235 both of which will be fought determinedly :slight_smile:

All in all that’s looking good for the freep as well. DS now under quite a bit of pressure I would think. See what they have to say…


… so let’s check the walls of Durthang.

Have Fun!


Paper thin I fear :eek:

… hopefully!

Have Fun!


Yep, they were!
… like some others!

What are you doing?

We’ve thought to have some hard gamers against us.
… but we’re only facing …

Have Fun!



Not our best performance as a team, probably our worst. Ik capital was nicely defended until the troops got called to Ungol… and then they weren’t needed! :o

We’ve also had a rather bad run of luck e.g. challenge against Ibrahim who was 2 to 1 odds on…:confused:

Some success down south eventually though. :smiley:

Hi Bryn,
I hope we will be able to do something against your “success” in the south.
… and I’m sure, we will!

Have Fun!
