Greetings Warlords,
we have a new game here, it’s game 72.
Bryn’s team will play the DS, while we’re playing the Freps.
Let’s hope for a long and interesting game.
Good luck … and have Fun of course!
Greetings Warlords,
we have a new game here, it’s game 72.
Bryn’s team will play the DS, while we’re playing the Freps.
Let’s hope for a long and interesting game.
Good luck … and have Fun of course!
G’day all. Bryn who’s on your team?
Welcome to Keith onto the Circle. Hope it’s fun for you, and you too Bryn… but not as much fun
Looking over my turns - never got a single useful character bonus - sweet - I continue my unbroken record
First to the finish line then…
Winsten Wun Toof aka Rob
Hey Gixxer, Rob and Keith,
Good to be in a game with you all again. I’ll be one of the opposition on Bryn’s team (Death by 408). Hope we all have good luck and fun with this game (more to us, of course, but hope you have your share as well so we have a good game).
Really looking forward to this game. Let the carnage begin!
All the best,
Hiya Mark - nice to hear from you too. Who’s on your team? Anyone aside from you and Bryn? Our last outing was just Gixxx and I and we worked very well together. Someone left a stray dog in a box on our doorstep last week and we took him in and called him Keith (I wanted to call him ‘Killer’ but he was just too cuddly :-). I’m feeling good about this game - I’m in it so if nothing else - it’ll be stylish Let us know who is on the team. Cheers
In addition to Bryn and me, there’s Gary Hood, Mike Barber, Michael Kamine, and Jason Vafiades. Should be fun, I think. On to a great game.
Wow that is quite a role call I haven’t seen a full team for a while. Gixxx and I played a team of 1 against Will in our most recent outing. The entire game was run by private mail
Well good luck Gary, Mike, Michael and Jason, don’t take it personally if the big rough handed ape delivers a spanking - it’s all meant with the best of intentions
Well turns are about to run (assuming of course that whatever it is that’s bothering my version of JOverseer are resolved Let’s keep the primary goal of the game in mind - making Rob look really smart in addition to the commonly accepted - unfeasibly pretty
oh and have some fun too
Good luck all, and a tough game all round. Rob signing off, Winsten Wun Toof signing on…
Greetings Lightbulbs!
Here’s to a good game; I’m sure Mike will pop into the Forum too now and then.
mwhahahaha - hello freepy peeps ! Its always more fun when you know who you are beating. AHem I mean when you know what worthy adversary needs a lesson. OOOPS I mean its good to know your opposition
Beating yourself doesn’t count
Hi Mike,
your first expression was the right one!
Have Fun!
…Gary Hood?
… must be eons ago since we played together.
Greetings then!
Have Fun!
… so welcome to the slaughterhouse!
Ha, ha, ha!
… have Fun!
Turn 1 results (for the on lookers)
Angmar - The DS have moved out to intercept hexes with icons at 1811 (blind hex on Cardy march path), 1608, and a move on Imladris 2209 probably to catch the Noldo army. The Noldo army scarpered south so remains a bother as only strange men in tights can be A DS icon sits at 2005 adjacent to the Dwarf town. Several freep icons out there so typically quiet NW turn 1. Usually livens up shortly thereafter
Mirkwood - DS army at 2605, 2613 (intercepted) and 2915. Nothing worrying for either side just yet.
Back door - the LR cav was intercepted by two Eo forces (or vice versa, can never figure that one out
Mordor - DS icon at 3718, 3020 (both IK armies) 3120.
Huge FK army moved on Minas Ithil, where it was met by a NG army.
Far south - LR intercepted by NG at 3130.
SG minor fleet and 2730 Harad fleet collided at 2629
QA navy and Sinda collided at 2530.
SG landed at 2631
Corsair fleet split the field and landed unopposed at 2634
2 corsair armies pinged a QA force sallying from 2135 at 2235
A Corsair army at 2536 so things warming up fast with 2 towns to suffer freep attention, 2 fleets to combat, and more movements to occur next turn.
All in all, hard to draw any conclusions from turn 1, normally the game gets more clarity on turn 2.
… looks all pretty well so far…
… we’re ready for rumble.
Have Fun!
ooo… the turns are back. So exciting !
Turn 2 results are in and the shape of the game opening has made itself known. The DS have gone hard at Mirkwood so the scramble is on there. DS armies have been halted at 2506 (WK) in the north, 2509 (Drag), 2410 (Rhudaur) and drag unopposed at 2411 and 2615. Quite busy up there
The Rhovanion is also seeing a lot of DS attention with 2 Dog and a DkLt’s army at 3716 unopposed, 2 Dklt’s and an IK army at 3218 facing off against an Eo force. The LR startup cav was burned at 4220, and the 3230 startups burned at 3130. NG managed to slip a small force into 3120 to be opposed by a very small DkLt’s force. So interesting on the Rhovanion, and a lot of DS cav loose at the moment, but the infantry quickly wound in…
ITHIL - the Huge FK force destroyed Elatar’s army, captured Elatar then decided he was too skinny and let him go This turn they face larger NG and SG forces at Minas Ithil which remains for now in freep hands.
NORTH WEST - not a great deal of activity up there for the time being. 2 WK forces at 2004 looking threat capable. Otherwise main freep activity in the south with a range of forces starting to show up against Rhudaur. Nothing destroyed as yet.
2631 burned in the north, and 2634 in the south burned. The Corsairs pulled off a sneaky and put an army unopposed into 2835, and the SG main army advanced from 2631 unopposed to 2730. So a bit more pain for Harad this turn. The Harad for their part tried to pull off a similar sneaky at the Corsairs town, but was met by angry defenders
Early days, DS advantage greatest north of Mordor by the looks. We’ll see what develops.
From a DS perspective, the FP have decided to push v heavy on peripheries: Rhudaur has the Duns, Dwarves, Noldo, Cardolan & Athedain gunning for him; Harad has the starting South Gondor, Sinda and the Corsairs having a go.
It’s still very early days yet…
Mwhaha the Dragonlord is goblin up the woodmen camps. GOBLIN up, geddit ?
That’s nothing compared to the sound that came out of the Harad when their towns hosted the (Corsairs) Jolly Roger