Game 73

To a good game filled with the screams of dirty freep scum begging
for a quick death. Huggism is out, the teddy has rebelled and
dreams of blood soaked fields filled with the torn limbs of the Free.

The age of man is over; welcome the time of the Orc

Ps Yet again…

Yes, bloody title header typo on the other thread. lol

3 of the EO armies destoyed on T2, no Harad pc’s have been taken, no Rhuduar pc’s
taken, no WK pc’s taken, Minas Ithil threatened and flies the DS flag… Not a very
good start for the FP…

Time will tell if the DS advantage will crumble under massive attack. Yeah right!
Tell Steve that atleast he is consistent and unimpresses me from game to game.

Guy da Hound

Told them to pick evil — As i believe the evil are a tougher nut to crack in a grudge game – If you Team wins I told Steve (even if your team doesn’t win) to get a rematch but with us as dark servant !!

Only if you give us a gallon of icecream each, after we whip on you some more, :slight_smile: My favorite, Rum Raisin

Rhudaur , how’s the Temp – hope to make it really hot for you :slight_smile: !!

Nice muster of armies at 2009 , see ya even got witchy poo helping you out !! Glad to have drawn first blood on WK pops :slight_smile:

Mike the Duns

What Can I say!!! Most of the Car & Duns starting armies plus new recruits all on 1 pop centre!!

I’m not even going to go into the number of errors that went into the defence of my backup… sheesh, it should have been so much harder for you Guys…

What are you going to do at 2009??? Have you written off the attack yet or d’ya feel lucky :slight_smile:

Oh, and let’s not forget GG… can’t believe your allies didn’t bring enough recruits to finish off the job… now you have to either bugger off and recruit of wait for another army to turn up… did I say wait… or did I say sitting ducks!! ho, ho… could be fun here.

Things are looking very interesting all over the map don’t you think… lots of “hangs in the balance” type of conflicts.



Eoplex except for 2912 taken, Ithil looking bad for FP’s, Umbar on shakey ground, EO HC
only 1 army left…

But you guys are doing ok in the NW… Wehey! How long will this game last before
Steve loses the Corsiars and cries to the team asking for a surrender? By turn 11

Da Hound

Nothing to boast about Freeps? Already regretting playing the 13 Teddies??

Da Hound

Ps Steve, I gotta say that is some of the worst play with SG I’ve ever
had the misfortune or in this case fortune to see!! Breathing a HUGE
sigh of relief you didn’t want to stay in the team.

Not as huge as us. :D:D

Steve - the other one.

You guys must be loving bashing poor ol Rhuduar… Always the bash guy. lol
Commiserations to EO for losing most of the Eoplex and now 3612. What will
the NM do all alone? :wink:

Witch King here and wondering when you are going to stop bashing poor Rhudaur and pick on someone your own size (and getting bigger). :smiley:

Rhu here finding it not funny or original… :slight_smile:

WK – how’s this turn – say goodbye to 1806 !!

Hows this turn – say goobye to 1806 :slight_smile:

Geez, the Freeps are soooo easy to manipulate!! lol

Gee and I thought we where aiming to please :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol, touche! :slight_smile:

Hey, I just feel like I’m swapping 1806 for 2405!
No, really, I’m pleased - it seems you decided to leave my buddy Rhudaur in the North with me. I’m going to be here for a while, normally 1806 is gone by now - this is a grudge game…right?

LR checking in. Where’s the Corsairs? :confused:

Hahahahahaha… What a turn!!! what a turn!!!

Looks like I’m still in the NW and now I’m going to get you all!!!

What happened… don’t want to say “did you get cocky and think it was a done deal so you shifted away from me to WiK”… but it sure looks that way from what I can see on the map.

Mwah hahahaha
