As you probably know by now the FP team in game 77 has decided to acknowledge defeat. Congratulations to everyone on your team for a very good game.
Though we had a good start, and played rather well for the 10-12 turns or so our play diminished gradually for various reasons. (You probably noticed the SS turns of Corsairs). We had some internal problems; the Corsairs player disappeared (we’ve been playing with him for three years and he just vanished one day, x-files style; we haven’t heard from him still but we hope for the best) while a nasty convergence of family-work-personal affairs made three more members either leave the team or take a short break. We pulled back (found replacements- or took over the positions) but it wasn’t the same, never quite gotten our rhythm right.
I don’t want to come out as trying to diminish your excellent play, and the continuous astonishing coordination of your team in any way; in fact it became obvious to all of us that your excellent coordination and play don’t forgive any shortcomings. Coupled with some bad luck (and a host of dragons we gradually lost the initiative and your team quickly gained complete character superiority, which was decisive for the outcome of the game. Some of us still thought that we could-should go on and fight to the end (after all no nation has gone under and we could still play some nasty surprises to you) but with 4.50 quid per turn we decided that it is time for a new start.
On my part (Eothraim) I enjoyed this game greatly. I dare say that if on turn 9 I stayed true to my initial intentions the situation in Rhovanion would be very different now (To remind you on turn 9 Bulrakur with about 2000+ HC moved to 3316 to be met with 1000 of my own cavalry. My first set of orders had my 2500 HI under Thuidimer move to 3316 instead, while my cavalry would move to intercept Gothmog. For some reason I changed these orders and it cost me 3612 and the whole front. Oh well you can’t always outguess your opponents
We haven’t decided yet what our next move will be. As far as I’m concerned I want a rematch with you guys (especially now that we have reorganized our team), but there is a (justified) issue raised by some of our team members. Namely they think that a team of 6 has an advantage against a team of 12 (I don’t necessarily agree with that). We also have a challenge-invitation for entering the Flagship Challenge Cup (WOTR scenario) that we are very keen on accepting.
If you want to trade PDFs, discuss any details about the game, or-and any possibility of a new game don’t hesitate to contact me personally ( or through the ME games forum (I would love to hear from you).
Once more, well done, it was fun playing against you.
Hi, just to add my own congratulations for the excellent DS team for now. I don’t have time to chat about the game now but I will definitely get back to this.
I would also love a rematch but we have to talk with my team about it first.
It was a fun game that is for sure. Our fearless and ruthless leader (hahaha) will most likely be in contact with regards to all the other formalities.
As for the Exchange on PDF’s after this is all finalized (the skeptic in me still won’t believe it till I see the final turns hehe) I would love to see/have. Now is there going to be any problems with the MIA team members on your end or … ?
I know for our side we have a couple people with all the PDF’s as well as XML’s. Me being one of them.
This was a great game, definite congratulations to everyone on both sides for a well-played game. We’re all up for a rematch (though our 6-man team will likely expand to a 12-man team as several more friends are dying to play after watching our game develop) so get your team leader in touch with ours!
And has your team contacted Clint to let him know it’s over?
I gotta say, you guys used army icons very well… you managed to mask some fairly sizable troop movements by constantly running little armies around in a smoke-screen. I’ve only got two regrets in this game… poor Invincable Carrog finally joined reaped what he sowed and Gothmog didn’t quite make Grand Marshal.
Oh, and as a quick question to settle a bet, which nation 525’d away my (Dk.Lts.) town at 3522 2 turns ago? Was it Northmen, Noldo or who?
Again, great game, I hope we can play a turn-around
El Gringo,
Executive Producer
Nastytroll Films
Coming soon to a theatre near you: “The Collected Poetic Works of the Nine Nazgul” (previously released as ‘The War is over… now what do we do?’)
I wish to add my thanks for a great game to the Freeps team of Game 77. As stated by other members of our team, we hope you guys agree to playing a turnaround game against us, and we are trying to add six more people for our next game (gonna be tough, but we shall try).
Special thanks to Mike Wild (our team leader) who played Witch King and Dog Lord for dealing with five other very independant and VERY selfish players, forming us into some semblance of unity and order.
Looking forward to chatting with you Freeps, contact me if yer looking to discuss Game 77.
“HOLY CRAP! How many comm/agents does the Sinda have?” Imust have uttered that every second turn at least…
… poor Invincable Carrog finally joined reaped what he sowed
We had sworn that that we would not stop this game before Carrog buys it. That bastard has walked out intact from our traps three times. The last time he escaped THREE agents!!! (Eothraim militia developed a habit in stopping all elven agents while the DS were having a party)
I’m trying to convince my team to have a go on the WOTR scenario. It seems to me that it is a refreshing mix of 2950 and 1650. From what I read it is a fairly balanced game (could still need some twinkling though) and those who have played it swear it was a good experience. But you can never know until you try it (and then it is too late
What do you think? Has anyone in your team had previous experience with it? What would your preference be (assuming we play a rematch)?
I must also say that our team so far tends to a concensus of wanting to play FP again. I understand that this is not how turnaround games usually work, so I just mention it in case you also prefered to play DS again.
It has been a very enjoyable game, and want to thank you guys for playing.
WOTR is an intresting game from the looks of it, I’ve been looking at it for awhile now heh.
Couple things I’m curious about.
How low did the CL get the Cardolan in characters in the middle of the game there? I know he still had his mage Findilius III or however you spell it. Though that was the only character left that we knew about.
When you transfered 2121 to the Woodmen the turn he was losing his capitol, was that incase he failed on the improve of his hidden pop center to a MT? (btw we knew about it due to a rumor of Tarondor having an encounter there)
Wow, finally over huh…I really enjoyed this game, for my 2nd game played ever, I did much better than my first game…Din Ohtar actually lived unlike Uvatha/Lomelinde (sigh).
I’m really interested in seeing your sides turns if you can arrange to get them to us somehow. It was a well fought battle, I was really scared when the FK capital had an army ontop of it, but my hordes of dragons saved my bacon.
Hats off to you, I hope we can arrange another game together, I know I’m anxious for it already.
My turn to congratulate our worthy opponents for a very long, enjoyable and excellent game (as I said in a previous post, the most challenging game so far).
I learnt a lot of things about playing North Gondor (my third game as the King of this nation ), but I also believe I had my moments.
I will never forget the last-moment-dragon that ruined my plan to destroy Barad Ungol with a combination of HC, war machines, backup commanders etc., it was by far the most anti-climax moment in my history of gaming The challenge of Lomelinde that led to her death was awful but I must shamelessly admit I enjoyed my luck. Tarondor survived for the first time all these turns, and did a good job (even if he ended up called “chicken” ). I also liked the net of recruiting-moving armies-using Palantirs-attacking that I created in the first 10 turns, but it didn’t survive the growing pressure in the end.
I must extend my congratulations especially to the Dark Lieutenants for the “check-mate” move of creating a MT and unleashing an angry Gothmog with steel/steel HC that ruined the north.
By the way there was no Tarondor’s secret plan (unless you mean my attack on the northern Harad, which was stopped of course after the data gathering concerning your armies there ).
I would love to play again against you (and your new companions), I have my share of revenge to take I favour the War of the Ring senario as well.
Finally, concerning the data exchange, a good idea would be to zip all the xmls of our last turn and send them to you, so that you can have our map in your Palantir. You can do the same. It’s not as detailed as the pdfs, but it’s a good start and more handy.
Next time we meet upon the field of battle, our words shall be written in blood.
I have all our PDF’s and the XML’s (From turn 16 when Palantir came out) all zipped up.
Its just under 20MB.
The exchange helps to figure out things at certain points in the game hehe. End scenario is nice…but being able to see what turn 10 at such and such a spot would be sweet as well.
Let us know how possible your gathering is and then we can arrange the switcheroo.
As for Tarondor…his days were limited I injured Ji Indur quite badly on my first attempt on him. Sucked for us that I failed. But I bet you guys were happy.
I also have a fairly accurate (might have a few mistakes) of all the free people characters that we account for, and how they died etc. In a nice spread sheet in case you want to see who actually took the most losses, and to who.
It only contains characters that we account for, either killed, kidnaped, captured etc… not ones we knew died to encounters (ex Eoder and some Cardolan guy to Suaron(sp) )
So if you want it let me know and I’ll email it out
After some discussions our team has agreed that a rematch with you guys is in order. We would like to play the DS this time though <EVIL GRIN>
We would also like to know if you will be having any additions to your team? The consensus is still that a 6 member team is somewhat “unfair”. It wouldn’t have to be a 12 member team per se, (we are going to be a 10 or 11 member team after all) but somewhere along 9-12 would be ideal.