game 79

I played the 4/1 combo

Great play by the witch king and the dragon lord. I was about 200hi shy of taking goblin gate early on and it cost me.big.

I enjoyed the late to mid game fun in mirkwood and the iron hills. I kept chasing the dragon lord all game.

More later when i am near my turns.

Bravo dark side.

I played Corsairs with BaaBaaRox taking Dragon Lord…

We visited #4 capital a few times but no one was home :frowning:

I would like read what bbaabaaa has to say. he drove me nuts!

I took a chance when I got Din O—my scout report said unidentified DS. My agent was experienced so I guess correctly.

Hey Whit. I am glad u remember me as a pain in the backside :wink: From my memory this has been a tough game… tbh from t10ish i was pretty confident that DS would win, but not sure how ol’ Dragonlord would fair. As it was I was very glad to frustrating Woodies, Dwa and Sinda in Mirkwood (Sarn Goriwing IS a FORTRESS!) and finish the game with 2809, 2409 and 2715 under rightful ownership (i.e. mine). Turn X when i saw that Woodies was out was a BIG relief. What dumped you out of the game? I know that i took 2711 - who took 2508? LR had it eventually but was that emmies ?

Thanks for a good game. Even though we ruled. DS for the win ! Whoop whoop !