Game 8

So are any of the poor for-a-little-while-more-Free People around? Just curious!

Rhudaur, Game 8

What do you mean poor little freeps? This poor little freep just whooped your army at Minas Malloth. Soon all of Rhudaur will lay in smoking ruins as these “Poor little Freeps” rid Middle Earth of the scum that is Sauron.


You really don’t think I was actually attacking Minas Malloth :slight_smile: My plan was to fight you away from my pop centres, which I happily did. Now it is turn 5 coming up and no Cardolan army has approached within two hexes of any of our towns, so yes, thanks for the whooping!

In the meantime I’ll keep Imladris warm for when you come back to get it - we expect that when you do you will also return Thologaer like the gentlemen you are :cool:

Oh, and as for Rhudaur ‘smoking’, is this you guys worrying about our pet wyrms already?!

Well, our plan was to get your large army away so that the Duns could rampage. Looks like it worked–Duns are there and no significant opposition is against him. The second wave of Cardolan troops will march unapposed through Rhudaur.

As for Dragons, well, if they come, they come. I’m not afraid of no stinking dragons.

Hallas–Dragon Slayer

How about Harad. He is pretty quite right now…

You must mean the “Soon to be EX-Harad”

Wasn’t that bit concerning Harad a bit overconfident? :slight_smile: Let’s compare the final dammage done to the resources you’ve devoted to the front (three starting SG navies, all Corsairs, Sinda navy and Cardolan navy). Even a starting Eothraim cavalry moved far away from home to attack the QA.

Hmm… You should be hoping for all these forces not to be missed in other fronts :wink:

Your friendly Cloud Lord

In fact, we are hoping that YOU are missing the resources Harad might otherwise be able to send… :slight_smile:

A small apology to the Harad player - I know it aint too much fun being picked on…

Sooooo, Ji and his band claims to be friendly now. Somehow, the friendliness, as for the demise of Harad, both need to be verified. But, I’ll bet that the Harad is closer to being out that the Cloud Lord is to being friendly.

And the herald came forth from 2324, with a new song freshly composed. And verily he sang it, all to the tune of “We all live in a Yellow Submarine”
For he was a fan of the Beatles too:

In the land,
of dark and gloom
Lived a dark servant
Called Urza-hil

He was brave
And he was strong
But he didn’t
Last that long (just t5!)

He got caught by a little gondor-boy
A little Gondor boy
A little Gondor boy

Now he’s mine
And he’s locked up
And his artefacts
Are in my bag

And he’s going
To be put down
And his artefacts
Will be gone too

He got caught by a little gondor-boy
A little Gondor boy
A little Gondor boy

Not only did he get caught by a “Little Gondor Boy”,
but that “Little Gondor Boy” is one who likes
“Little Gondor Boys”

Gees, what a disgrace;)


So it’s that day again eh? Are you folks done with rejoicing over your lucky break on capturing Urzahil? Who knows, maybe this turn you will actually have some of your… erm… strategy, going your way too! We’re still waiting to see it up in Angmar by the way. I’m sure these past five turns have been the ‘preparation’ of your actual strike, so don’t disappoint us and do try to give us some fight up there at last, ok?!

The Rhovanion looks so empty that it depresses us! If not for the 400 fresh HI that we kill each turn one would think that the Eothraim managed to go bankrupt on turn 2 and their commanders in the south just never got to find out!

Anyway, let’s see what this turn brings…

Rhudaur, Game 8

(PS Just a small note that everything here is tongue-in-cheek and that I enjoy immensely this game so far :slight_smile: OK, back in-character now ;))

Hell, you put your best characters in small armies and you run the risk… you can call it luck that I had HC recruiting in the back of Gondor if you want to :smiley:

By the way, you didnt say anything about us stealing the Colllar of Might last turn… and Murazors’ mage artefact the turn before. That makes you around 100 mage points down on where you could have been… are the recriminations flying yet?

So, give us a clue: how much would you be willing to pay for Urzahil’s release? Shame he has no agent skill - he wont be escaping for a good while… maybe if you retire Erennis, Gontram and Kadida (and provide evidence) I will let him go?


Well, it was good planning AND luck, happy? :wink:

About our mage arties, I dunno, last I checked we were doing pretty good in the artifact game, but I’ll let you waste LATs for the specifics :stuck_out_tongue:

The CL agents you mentioned will only retire from old age around turn 65, and by that time even Broggha will be a better mage than Urzahil. So, well, no.

Now where’s my turn!

When DkLts sees his turn, you may want to have some stress-councillors on standby.

Poor Gothmog

I just wanted to ask what else you’re going to throw at us in Angmar, as obviously the Arthedain, Cardolan, Duns, Dwarves and the Noldo agent laddies are not enough to take us down. It’s turn 6 and we have barely lost anything.

Oh, did you hear that the Rhudaur sent Murazor some Noldo lasses as a present for his work at Imladris? :stuck_out_tongue:

(Teasing aside, the game is lots of fun so far, I’m kinda wishing turns would run more often!)

Witch King

Actually we’re thinking of having the Corsairs come up north. They wanted a little skiing and they might as well use their longswords as ski poles–they can stab the little orcses as they ski down the big hills.:smiley:


Free travel agent:)

NEWSFLASH: Elves really aren’t that good at poetry. Sure they sing and dance like pros, even play a mean lute. But poetry? Check this out:

There once was a man from Kal Nargil
Who went up north to maim and kill
But his plans went awry
He took a dirk in the eye
And the elves are all laughin’s still

Or how about this one… ?

There once was a Nazgul from Mordor
Who had high hopes for a slaughter
He tried to hide
But alas he died
Now Sauron is one Ringwraith shorter

These guys suck right? And the Haikus!..

Thats bad luck for you
One of your best killers gone
And artifacts too

Well the songs might be bad but at least the food is good at Ji Indur’s funeral.
We buried him deep under a latrine.

(PS … sorry Mike. I liked ‘The Little Gondorian boy’ so much i had to try one myself )

Well, you must have gone overboard with the invitations to the funeral. Rhovanion is empty!


And I’m not too sure about guests from Eriador either, they seem to be intend on taking the pilgrimage to Angmar and then sort of die!

We’re like the mobile infantry from Starship Troopers, “Fleet does the flying, Infantry does the dying.” Hallas wanted to pass out badges for the next kamakazee troops coming north, but they said, “Badges, we don’t need no stinking badges!”
