Attention Arthedain: We seek friendship and open dialogue. Please email at my address above. I expect we have what you’re looking for in your fight with Cardolan.
Bradunaphel for Sauron and the New North Kingdom
Attention Arthedain: We seek friendship and open dialogue. Please email at my address above. I expect we have what you’re looking for in your fight with Cardolan.
Bradunaphel for Sauron and the New North Kingdom
Hey Everyone
Sorry about the email thing
My contact is d.scholz1 at
Looking forward to your offers and bribes
This is gonna be a blast smashing Dktlt LR and Dog cav armies! Hope you clowns are ready for this!:bash:
:rolleyes: Which means you’re heading straight for Dol Guldor…
Quick reminder - it’s a one week turnaround game so is due on the 29th. Tell your team-mates.
Funny turn said 5th
Oh well…
Orders in:D
Orders sent in to METurn, and receipt received. I was able to use Automagic, woot.
Two queries though.
1) I attempted to verify my orders with OrderChecker. It appears to be properly installed, but when I place the turn 0 xml file into the top line for the turn result, and the automagic file into the second line of the order line, my result comes up as an error … “The rules file (data/ruleset.cvs) could not be opened!” Any hints on what I am doing wrong?
2) The automagic seemed to work well, but I recall that the economy file was empty of data. I tried to type my own numbers in it, but the program wouldn’t allow it. Suggestions or clues?
Aaron of Dunland
Oh is that where your heading! LOL;)
A while back, I remember someone having a problem where the file structure was not staying intact when they installed the program. If you go into the folder containing the orderchecker program, do you see the subfolder called “data”? If so, does that subfolder contain “ruleset.cvs”?
I do have the subfolder “data”. Within that folder is the file called ruleset.cvs (not a folder named that though).
Aaron of Dunland
So away we go!
Neutrals, get in touch! We have your expansion to plot at the demise of the Free!
Bradunaphel the Avenger
Greeting all,
Corsairs Finally putting his two cents out there – have a habit , when playing a neutral not to get in touch with either the freeps or Saurons minions to see who really cares about contacting us neutrals – Glad to say I got a response from each side forwarded to me !! Can contact me at for further bribes, donations etc !!
This game gonna be a tuff one to choose a side as I know players on both sides !! Let the Dance begin !!
Hey fellow neutrals,
I am interested in some trade. I want to buy do-dads and would like to purchase privately to save moola. I pay less you make more. I am also interested in forming mutual non-aggression pacts.:hug: Drop us a line and let’s discuss options.
Ovatha II
Bribes! Hah! you be lucky if I let you play with me Mike LOL!
How you been about time we was in the same game! How many years has it been? :rolleyes:
If this went much longer inbetween games next time we will have to have walker races!
Have fun Bud either way you choose!:hug:
Oooo My first Victim on turn 1… hey doggie now the Humane society is going to be after me for the doggie beating I’m about to give you!
Gee. 2 Eothraim armies, redundantly scattered about the Rhovanion, gang up with the NG cav to intercept 1 of 3 DS armies heading to the back of Gondor.
North Gondor will lose 5 pops this turn, more next, the Dog Lord economy is about to kick butt, and the FP have NO - ZERO - ZILCH - NADA pressure on Mordor off the top. Now, [scratching head], when exactly is the best time to slam Mordor…?? Some of my allies are asking me to, but I’ll defer calling this one for a couple more weeks at least…
Bradunaphel the Avenger
Well my only response is I want the free transfers your going to give me…
But where is the DS threatening me at… Hmmm of course what are those little armies going to do next turn…
Meanwhile back at the ranch … I grow even stronger …
I opened the door do the DS dare to come in and find out or Can you?
Your narcissism knows no bounds. Your nation is trivial, your women are repugnant and your commanders smell. But keep on pounding the chest in the centre of the universe whilst we burn your supposed allies.
Bradunaphel the Avenger
You Burn our Pc’s I capture and hold yours and snub your assasins when they arrive… Ignore my trival nation and your team will lose… I heard this all before… trivial … sideshow… All old hat …
Brad you should know better by now! I guess it’s time for your lesson! School is in session!
I’m in rapt attention at my desk feeble one. Lesson away. In the meantime, while the Quiet Avenger is taking notes, the rest of the Dark Servants, the other, meaningless and trivial ones, will be wandering out and about destroying the Free Peoples. I like to learn new things - and this will certainly be new.
Bradunaphel the Avenger