Well that’s a good thing. At 32 with all that turn 1 training, if Thergor scared you, well, I’d recommend Skee Ball be more suitable to your temperment…
Dwalon, if you are still having problems with the orderchecker, please email me at robert @ saponas.com. I can probably help you out a bit. The FP are always willing to lend a hand
The EO is talking a lot of Smack-Lets see where he is after turn 10…
There are many Wargs in Mordor your woe’s are far from over. As for now I’m happy to be bank my gold and wait for my turn 4/5 dragons to wipe your armies. Time is not on your side Free Peoples and it about to be turn 3 you have done nothing. I like where the DS sit.
EO is all talk. I stand by my words at the start - his trivial narcissistic naval gazing shall be the downfall of the Free. Now, if he comes and gets me, I’ll be impressed…until then,
Well Brad I would be impressed If i could march down and take you out with troops! Fighting through the brunt of Mordor In the process… But aren’t you the small fry of the DS…
Having the title of Quiet means your the Child nation of the DS … But in your case it’s best to not only to silent but also not seen so nobody steps on your weak nation!:rolleyes:
You’re suggesting Brad should be quiet and not draw attention to himself? I’m not sure he can do that - he may be the small fry of the DS, but he’s got a BIG personality.
Yeah, Brad - silent and unseen… Okiedokie brother Wilson, once dose of purple elephants moonwalking their way to world peace, and I’ll throw in that pony you’ve always wanted, coming right up.
LOL Brad is never silent! But his posts add much needed Humor in this fierce contest of iron willed personalities… BTW what color is the pony! I think it should be Black as some see my heart as!
Well, we’ll have to wait a week for the pony, don’t seem to be any available. I could do a wood carving instead if you prefer. I’ve nationalized most of the chemical and petrolium industries due to the rumoured outbreak of global conflict. Don’t see much evidence of such, though. I do see successful expansion on the part of Saruon’s Empires, but no real “conflict”… Regardless, choice of colour is a ‘can do’. Black? If you insist.
what are you saying now? your mages are developing Nukes! Don’t force my mages to develope grenades on sticks becuase i just foolish enough to do a Polish Calvary charge on the DS if you do! :eek:
I am hearing that one of us neutrals has chosen a side already – Our Cousins to the North have chosen to join the free – one down , four to still choose !!
Don’t worry there will never be purple elephants moonwalking to world peace, maybe the poeple of berkley Ca see them from thier perchs in the tree’s protesting for world peace! So your pretty safe from having to send any color pony to me!
Rhudaur goes Free? Whatever for? That’s just plain silly. Good-bye Arfanhil - you would’ve made your people glorious and proud - now you’ve signed their death warrant. Sigh… I always had a soft spot for the Hillfolk of the Trollshaws. Oh well - take the men prisoners, death to the women and children (rather a Dwarven concubine than a Hillchick…shudder…).
Sigh, what a shame… This was the only one where my wisdom and prophetic vision failed me… For all those yet undecided, who are you going to listen to??
Eothraim armies, redundantly scattered about the Rhovanion,
Might have had something to do with it…shame you never burned any…
Your nation is trivial
Who da man?
feeble one
I overestimated your impact on the game.
I’d recommend Skee Ball be more suitable to your temperment…
Here you see, I was bang on. See ya…
EO is all talk. I stand by my words at the start - his trivial narcissistic naval gazing shall be the downfall of the Free.
There’s yet more story to be told, but if I were a betting man…
Now I’m sure by now you know the true extend of my last weeks posts… while I sit here with egg on my face of my own doing! It’s a shame becuase I was going to hurt you guys badly!
Well i never claimed to be perfect… It’s my turn to Blow myself up!
I’ll see you guys again the next one weeker! have fun!
They’re going to be more honest and true, Mike. I’l give you an example:
The Dark Servants are better, funnier, and a lot better looking than the Free. The Free have BMI readings double the DS and don’t know how to cook with garlic. Please join the DS now and put the FP out of their misery.