Game 80 1 Week STARTS

After some negotiations, the forces of Harador have decided to join the forces of Sauron. I wasn’t particularly leaning either way, but finally decided that I just heard more from the Darks (especially the QA. “Quiet” doesn’t exactly describe him…).

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Prepare to be boarded! And a good game to everyone…

Bradford, Harad

I guess the Free don’t bother here. (Forum) I wonder if they will be aware of the Harad. I’m sure they will figure it out once the Harad are marching. So now that just leaves the Duns and us. It would appear as the region of Angmar is lost to the Dark and the menace in the south swells beyond comprehension. 10 vs 12. What will the final count be…

There is a Free Peoples Team in this game?


Nice Point John the Dog Lord. Might we ask Clint to rummage up some opposition for us here? Then the new players can concede and shuffle the deck for the next one…?

Bradunaphel [yawwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnn] the Avenger

When Rhudaur turned Free People so early, my lord Enion completely expected a defiant challenge to Dunland be raised by Cardolan and Arthedain. It never came.

Rather, when Corsairs and Harad each chose the easy and safe path, the Dark Servants attained few choice targets. Hence, the defiant challenge to Dunland has been raised by those of Darkness. When one alliance threatens death and mayhem, even planting discovered agents within our towns, while the other had not resorted to such over a lengthy time, then trust is lessened.

Dunland maintains neutrality but when thrust upon the center stage, a fierceness not seen in these lands for millenium shall arise.

Aaron of Dunland
minor bureaucrat

Far from ‘Defiant’ Aaron. A realistic assessment of the state of affairs in Middle Earth has been communicated to you and your leaders. You’re lords are sovereign to choose their path. Realize the implications of these choices are their responsibility and theirs alone. The war moves forward. Shall Enion be remembered as a footnote in reference to a lost tribe through the annals of history? Only for him to say. Pride and unrealized expectations have little to do with it. Actions taken in congruence with a realistic appraisal of current circumstances leading to the most likely future are the difference between the Hero and the Fool.

Bradunaphel the Avenger

Assessments are ever ongoing, have no fear.

What say the Easterlings to this development? As the key remaining undeclared nation in the war, the riders from the East could determine the outcome still.

To Enion of Middle Earth,

I truly believe that I am the only nation able to decide which way to go. Once the Corsairs had declared either the Harad buckle down for a protracted war with his neighbor or join him in the romp. It would be a much more enjoyable game for most to go along and seek battle on other fronts and not your own back yard. Rhudaur declaring so early and allowing the free to just rout the Witch-King has signed the fate of Dunlend. No offense mind you but you have no way to go dark should you want to. If you do you will be out of the game in four to five turns or at the very least up rooted and disposed. I will wager you a bright shinny copper that you will wind up after much soul searching joining the free. You of course can and will do as you please but the smart money is you joining the free and then the whole north is free and the south dark. Since I am in both locals with a power vacuum present I my friend have the luxury of time.:wink:
I wish you well friend Enion and luck with whatever path you chose to take. The odds are no matter if we be allies or enemies we will never actually raise blade against each other. I wish you long life and may the good times be yours.

Friend Ovatha II

If you go Dark then we will have a real game!


I like your spirit Arnor…! Now, go infect your allies so your words can prove true.

Bradunaphel the Avenger

I see the rumor/event that Easterlings have declared for the Darkside.

On that note, Enion has directed me to announce that the Dunlendings are to be Free.

Aaron of Dunland
minor bureaucrat

Reactionary. Sad little man. Enion the Indecisive he shall be footnoted as in the annals of Sauron’s great triumph. Send your family to the cottage, stock up on canned goods Aaron - Dunland isn’t safe for you and yours any longer.

Bradunaphel the Avenger

More lands for Saurons Minions to expand in :bash:

Hello Everyone,

Well Dunlend what you heard was a rumor. As I’m sure both sides could tell you I am still neutral. However, I did take Warfinger from North Gondor so I guess they would declare that an act of war, right? Funny that, if I turn free I would need that to recruit and better for me to have then say the Dragon Lord right?
Be that all as it may, let us say that the Easterlings are now a Dark Servant. Let us also say that Dunlend is a Free people. Well now that everyone has chosen a side the battle can really commence and all niceties put aside.
I see it as 13 vs 11 but the Dragon and Witch are gutted. However no one to the best of my limited knowledge has won with the combined weight of the Southern neutrals against them. We will see. I doubt this game goes beyond twenty, but I do hope so.:slight_smile:
Good luck everyone and may the real slaughter begin…
Northmen you are going to be sooo pounded!!!:stab:

Interesting. Here is the rumor as heard within the game:

There are rumors of a change of allegiance to Evil involving the Easterlings.

So … if you did not actually turn to the Dark Side, it is likely safe to say you attempted to … and so I did :stuck_out_tongue: Mayhap you have too much good in your blood to be completely Evil? We want to speak to the real Tros! Down with Ovatha!

Rise up Easterlings and overthrow those amongst your people with shriveled blackened souls who seek to lead you to despair and captivity.

Ya best send someone asides Carrog to do yer durty work, Mista Fancy-Pants. His business at the bridge is well noted. We gots our sights set on that scurvy dog!

Enion the Decisive

Well, I suppose this clowing around will get you more than a footnote, if for nothing other than to acknowledge your value as comic relief. Of course, we were going to Take your nation, now I guess we’ll simply be forced to Destroy it instead. Shame.

Bradunaphel the Avenger

Hail Mighty nations of Middle Earth,

From this moment forward the nation of the Easterlings is throwing in it’s lot with the might of Sauron. We will consider ourselves a Dark Servant and crush all those that oppose us.

Have a Nice Day:)

Say it ain’t so, Tros, say it ain’t so!

When this is all said and done, we’ll post what we did with Tros on YouTube…funny, from our perspective…