Game 80--the NEXT one week

For all of you out there wondering, Game 66 has finished and we are now trying to get together another one week game of 1650. If you have ever wanted to get in on the fast paced action of a one-weeker, drop Clint a line and ask for Game 80!


Free People Professionals Wanted! Mike and I are looking for the highest quality experienced veterans to play with. Doesn’t that desire to end the DS dominance get you all worked up? Join the Elven Alliance! Work to Vanquish the Flaming Eyeball!


OK folks, the word is out! 16 slots have already been filled and the game has only been open for registration for three days! Get one of the last nine slots while you can!


18 signed up so far and a few more interested.


Professional? Hell not me… I just passionate about kicking ass… The DS better plan on how they are going to handle me! :bash:

I am registered for a free people place.

Not massively experienced but thorughly enjoying it. (Apart from taking over the last two turns of Southern Gondor in G66 which left me aghast at the capabilities of the DS!)

Lets get organised right away, whats the normal method? A yahoo group?


You can’t organise before the game starts. If you do that then you’re setting up together as a group of players and there are certain rules about that. These rules mean that the game is fairly set-up I find. (Note you can set-up such things but then you need to declare it to me - that would work).

After the game is set-up feel free to chat as much as you want.

2 more positions and the game is ready.


2 More Positions?!?!?

Did you hear that all you slackers out there? (Yes Dan, I mean you!)

Get up and grab a slot while you can, this game has been open for all of 5 days and is two slots from full–if you dont act now it will be another 6 months before the one-week re-enlists…


Now down to one and it looks a very competitive game. One DS slot available or one Neutral.


Oh my poor lad…good thing you guys retired when you did…the next 2 turns for SG would have been a whirlwind, let me tell you…!!

Brad X-Dun-66


6 months? Are you projecting a longer game this time round’? either that or my presence quickens the game by 7 weeks :smiley:

I’ll be reading the posts and that should keep me entertained until the next one. enjoy!

Which neutral? :smiley: just enquiring, I probably shouldn’t pick it up though.

Regards Herman

Any of the Neutrals, provisionally any of the DS at present but the standard list of 3 nations is needed (more is helpful).


You mean we actually still need 1 player? What the heck? We should have run a turn by now!!! Come on folks, it’s a slow email day - what could be better than a Turn 0.???

6 months is just averaging the one week across the two most recent, 51 (a Free victory, contrary to Clint’s message) and 66. 66 is now over on Turn 20 (aka 5 months) and 51 ran 30+ turns (7 months).

So you see Mr. Slacker Dan, you may be spending a fair ammount of time on the sidelines…

Or you could just join now…:slight_smile:


Against the power of the new game, there can be no victory.

You must join it, Dan… you must join the new game…

This game might last 2 months or 6 months! Let’s just hope it get’s started by midweek this week!

Now How can i Trash your nation Dan if you not playing!

Mid week? I’m rather disappointed I get home and there’s no Turn 0 waiting for me…

Plenty of time to organize once the turn 0 comes out…

Heck Brad you want turn 0 before the final results of 66 sheesh! your in dire need of more longsuffering!:eek: