Game 80--the NEXT one week

Just heard from the last player to join and he has said he is ready to go so I think we are now waiting on Clint, unless of course anyone has since dropped from the looooooooooooooooong wait…:smiley:

Just for the new players to one week game… I have been on the last 3… This game is extremely competitive… If you do not communicate with your team IE aligned side you will LOSE and be eliminated! If your nuetral and don’t communicate your doomed to an early death! These game have been vicious and in some respects much better Teamwork than most Grudge games! The core of players here know each other extremely well… So please communicate with your team…

Best of luck to all!


Excellent work Clint and Co!

Now gentlemen, let’s get to work…

Bradunaphel 80

Muahaha!! I have horsies!! I have Horsies! Die DS Die!

Eothraim Here! … For teamates! Nuetrals and DS hecklers!

Thanks for the quick turn Clint!

Death comes on silent feet. Yes Terry, you have horsies–for now…

Contact the Cloud Lord at

Mike the Sneaky

Northmen checking in and ready for a challenging game. Good luck to all (namely the DS because their going to need it) and let’s all have some fun doing what we do best!:bash:


Need it…you make me laugh. I posted at the start that Mike and I were looking for FP pro’s to “play with”. I meant as Toys, not Teammates… :smiley:

Greetings all,
Welcome to the game. Feel free to contact my lackey John_Seals at (no spaces, change the at to @) I wish to greet all the neutrals and wish the free not so good luck! :wink:

Hoarmurath The Ice Weasel.

From Ice Mountains to the Forest - the abdicated Ice Queen now resides at Maethelburg. Looking forward to lively contact with everybody under bettinajwagner at (same directions as John; apparently somebody else is concerned about spam). And YES, I’ll be thinking of occasionally scouting my PCs to see whether there are challengers lurking…:wink:

Death to the Free Peoples! My Wargs shall have their way with you yet.

Good luck to all.

JL-Dog Lord

I thought this thread dead…

Guess I just have to check two then eh?