I reported the post, but if this is the way you wish to treat your paying customers you just lost one.
Keep in mind that this is a privately owned and operated forum, donated to MEGames. If you mean for anything official to happen, you need to contact MEGames directly. If necessary, I will contact Clint on your behalf to have him look into your grievance, if you won’t contact him. I think it’s a bit rash to decide to quit playing a game because of what some people called you on the Internet (which, by the way, wasn’t “cheater”, as you claim).
As far as “reporting” posts, ideally those would go to Clint also, so I’ll look into making that happen in the future. In the several years that this forum has been operating, this is only the second time that a post has been reported.
Whatever really. I enjoyed game 81 and my brief return to Middle Earth PBM but won’t be returning again.
“Have fun”.
Great job, Gixx! You’ve run off another one! :bash:
LMAO - bye.
Hey man,
it was you who said “no” to a handshake, it was you who said “Have Fun” isn’t a good wish, finally you said I’m a joke!
Think about your own words “man”!
That’s only a suggestion, but (like always) you’ll get it wrong (and won’t be able to understand it) like always!
“The unconquerable will this, too, can bear”
Well Gixxx, I guess he’s talking about someone else’s will if he can’t even bear this forum…!! And to think, you and I argue about neutrals all the time and we can find a way to play on the same team~!!!
ps - Darrell…you lost a customer…!! What’s that leave you with now, revenue of 0 or less…??
Yeah, well there was 1 post by Clint I was going to report…wasn’t sure where to take that one to though…
Can’t blame the man for getting you wrong Gixxx, it’s taken me years to try to figure out your unique style of poorly translated cryptic sarcasm…
Do you remember Rob and Vandal?
There was a lot to report I guess!
Have Fun!
Who would have reported that?? Hell, I cancelled my cable when they were going at it, talk about entertainment.!!
One “like always” too much and you’re talking about:
“Poorly translated cryptic sarcasm”
That’s a dagger deep into my heart!
Wait bloke, you won’t get any support from now on!
Ha, ha, ha!
(I guess you know that this isn’t meant serious? I’ll have to ask otherwise I’ll get the next grievance very soon).
Have Fun!
I’m going to report this. How can you treat your customers this way? Darrell!!! Gixxx’s posts should be “upon moderator approval”.!!! Clint! Grievance!!
Well, I haven’t really spent any time on this forum. It’s just that I’ve not checked e-mails for a couple of days and see all hell has broken loose on the free people side. This game has really been an interesting game to play in and I’m hoping it goes on for a little longer (although we’d need to find people to take over the Noldo, arthedain and Sinda at the moment. I’m currently playing two nations after the Eothraim had to leave for real life reasons so can’t take on any more nations).
One thing is certain about this game, it’s hard to judge how your opposition views how the game is going and so it’s also hard for the neutrals to judge what decisions to make in choosing a side. I don’t think the easterlings declared because they saw an easy victory but rather on the strength that the southern neutrals would add to the free. Normally I’d agree with the easterlings on this but in this case I don’t see that the southern neutrals will secure an easy win for us given how strong Dunland and Rhudaur look in the NW. However, it was a judgement call that the easterlings had to make and I don’t blame him for choosing one way or the other. I think if the easterlings had turned free then there is every chance the game balance would have shifted too far to the free side and so whichever way he went would have altered the game balance considerably.
In a similar manner I also don’t judge the Rhudaur for declaring early on. I’ve played the Rhudaur twice now and turned DS both times (it’s just more fun that way). In one game I turned DS on turn 1 and I didn’t know any players on the DS team. I’ve also played as a DS on a team which has convinced the Rhudaur to turn DS on turn 0 and didn’t see any problem with that. In my opinion the chances of Rhudaur turning DS in the first couple of turns are pretty high.
I also don’t blame the Dunlendings for turning DS either. I’ve played a DS dunland once before although I had less success than has been achieved in this game It’s long been an ambition of mine to play as an effective WK, Dunland and Rhudaur trio and take control of the NW so I can hardly criticise Dunland for trying to do just that.
Looking at the turns I do think the DS will win this game given their current situation. However, there are very simple reasons for that and one of them is that they have simply played the situations well and so do deserve to do well. I think a series of events has occured in this game which has made it pretty unusual and has helped the DS out but the basic fact is some of those decisions have been made by us and we can’t cry about it.
Rhudaur turning DS on turn 0 - any free team should expect this and can’t complain.
South Gondor hitting the QA early on. I think this backfired on us. It meant the Mordor nations did not feel under pressure early on so they could afford to not hire as many troops and build up the super economies they have now (which keeps market prices high). In many games this wouldn’t have gone against us as Dunland tends to turn free and tip the balance back in our favour but that didn’t happen. It was our strategy that backfired here and we only have ourselves to blame.
The Dog lord cavalry taking 2121. An excellent move by the Dog Lord, early on in the game I dismissed this as trivial but when you add in a DS dunland it becomes extremely serious. Good play.
Dunland turning DS. A real blow to us. We felt Dunland would turn DS a few turns before he did and so Cardolan held back on sending all troops to Rhudaur. This meant we never got full control of the situation in the NW.
The early game has created a great start point for the DS. Do I want to quit now? Certainly not. I’d love to see the game progress at least another 5-10 turns to see what we can do to get out of this mess. Whilst I think we will lose overall we are certainly not finished off as a team and shouldn’t drop. We’ve made mistakes from this game and we need to learn from them. I think it’s more fun to play on the losing side as you have to make tougher decisions and you learn more. I’m hoping we can keep going, I’d also like to point out that Harad and the Corsairs have been a great addition to the team and they seem to have the motivation to carry the game on. There are two types of end games I dislike as they take the fun out of the game. Firstly, I hate it when a team drops even though they still have very strong positions (like this game), secondly I hate it when you get a bug hunt and a strong team is wasting turns taking out the remaining two positions. What I like to see is a strong team beaten to a pulp and then accept defeat at a reasonable time. I’m quite happy to be beaten to a pulp if it means a longer game with a more satisfying end. If I can cause some havoc on the way tand stop an easy win then that’s what I’m after.
As far as I’m concerned, keep playing and bring it on. I hope we get the free positions filled.
North Gondor and Eothraim.
The Dog Lord/Dark Lieutenants strongly deny these allegations. All information given during the course of any game is forgotten by end of that game…if not sooner.
Now it’s back to the kennel until this bizarre storm passes. Too many words in a row confuses us and hurts our heads.
I think you are right… Eas going FP would have finished the game… I was trying to buy more time for Har
I also think we have some FP in our team that have lost the will to continue, and we are looking to replace them as quickly as possible.
I personally think this game is far from over, and even though some of the DS have had to mention some of the reasons why the game isn’t nearly over, I think they are close to correct.
I think the next 3-4 turns will make a difference either way, since we haven’t really seen the impact of a number of plans that are trying to come together.
I would also like those FP planning on dropping, or already dropping, to refrain from specific in game comments and concentrate on general doom and gloom comments!!!
The market was manipulated very early… I did it… even though I didn’t know which side I was going to join and knowing that DS would benefit more from a buoyant market. So what, move on, work out what to do to get over it. It doesn’t win the game on its own, it just levels more of the playing field in DS favour… but there is more to the game than the Economics.
The FP are trying to fill the few dropped positions as we write… 2 of them have already been picked up and we are just waiting for the rest of the team to confirm if they are in or out… so don’t go stopping your planning and then getting upset when we surprise you with another turn you nasty DS!!!
As for neutrals and declaring whenever… you people who write about the “spirit of the game”… (thick skins needed) what utter crap… if it isn’t written in the code or rulebook that you can’t do something, or if MEPBM haven’t decided its no longer acceptable, then it is allowed and therefore in the “spirit of the game”… if you ever read any of the early newsletters, whispers and others, then you will see that the “Spirit of the game” was very much 10 v 10, woo 5 neutrals, make sure your side wins but make sure you win in that side by whatever means possible… a very different “Spirit” to what seems to be accepted now.
You miss the point of a philosophical discussion. I believe (at least myself) we were discussing the philospohical implications of a turn 0 neutral declaration. I never implied or stated it was a “cheat” or not allowed by rules.
Just because something is allowed or there is no rule against it does not - by any stretch of the imagination - mean said action is in the “spirit of the game”. Your statement implies an omniscience that game designers do not have. It is very obvious by MEPBM recent moves to correct the OBN coding error (unintentional error) that this condition was never in the “spirit of the game”.
As with most rule changes, there are some who agree and some who don’t.
Since MEPBM has declared OBN as no longer acceptable, then it becomes part of the rule set we all have to follow and so becomes part of the new “Spirit of the Game”.
However, since the original code as written, allowed for tons of money in 1 nation to affect the market economics, you cannot tell me it was an unintentional piece of code writing.
Do you never remember reading about some of the really early games… and I’m talking about the really early UK games, where prices were astranomical and people had millions in the bank. I guess most people forget about that.
OBN is not something new, it’s actually been part of the original “Spirit of the Game”… which also included and did not limit itself to aligned nations actually attacking each other to ensure they “won”… THIS was part of the TRUE “spirit of the game”… even part of the original advertising for the game…
If you even want to go further and say the originally coded game was supposed to be in line with Tolkein’s writings, then the “Spirit of the Game” is for a FP forced to align to combat Sauron and his minions, and a bunch of mercenary “neutrals” that need to be bought (go on, everyone, pick holes in this)
So, I don’t think I’m missing your point or anyone elses… I think there is more, much more to saying the “Spirit of the Game” than people write… my “Spirit of the Game” is different to yours… much darker but much more marginalised with all the fluffy “be nice to your ally” mentality that is now commonplace.
It would be great to get the old whispers and original UK fanzine (can’t remember the name) loaded onto this website so people can see how different the original games were to today.
How many of you that currently play in normal indi 1650 games ever play beyond T20?? I bet very few in the last 3-4 years. Everyone is expected to “do the honourable thing” and drop if things aren’t going peachy… what a waste of my £40!!! sorry, not going to happen… unless I get a refund from MEPBM.
Anyway, please remember to read with a thick skin… you know how emails can be interpreted differently to face to face conversations… And I’ll keep my thick skin for any replies;)
Are you really saying that no one should be allowed to ask MEPBM for a neutral nation, get one allocated, and then independently of anyone else, determine that the best thing for their nation is to declare for one side or the other immediately, even without knowing who the real players are (real meaning people as opposed to game nations)…
You know the original MoS discussions for Rhu gave the best tactics as choose DS early and strike hard rather than wait for a while… the longer you wait, the less chance of having a successful DS campaign.
If you want to play a game where no neutral is allowed to join a side until Txx, then post a note on the board asking for others to join you…
What happens if all 5 neutrals want to join the same side? Is this also not within the “Spirit of the Game”… I’ll call it SoG from now on, since I keep writing it.
Where does this SoG end? As an aligned nation, if I don’t want a particular neutral can I stop him joining my team… for whatever reason… is this within the SoG.
How many people need to be involved in selecting which side a neutral should join. Just becuase it balances a game, does this make it non SoG for a neutral to tip the scales too far and go for a 4v1 declaration?
I can tell you in G81 there were lots of neutral discussions amongst the neutrals as to what to do in response to Rhu going DS on T0…
As a group, we decided that it was not a game winning position… plus we had no Cor player at the time…
Once we got a Cor player online, we decided that HarCor would probably join the same team, since both of us play grudge games where Har Cor can battle each other, why do it in an indie game…
So that left the real decision to either Dun or Eas… depending on what they decided would decide the choice for Har Cor.
To be honest, it was only the decision by Dun so quickly that lead to both Har and Cor joining FP so quickly… and also to Eas to accelarating his plans…
Until I knew that Duns was going DS, Har, Cor and Eas were still very neutral and waiting… since we all wanted a good game, not a game that ends on neutral declaration.
If Duns had gone FP, you would probably still be seing 3 neutrals… is this SoG… don’t think so… I think SoG is win at all costs… isn’t that what Sauron would be trying to do?
fk81 bs81 checking in here…
Since the freeps are still missing a player, I will volunteer to pick up the position and and play three in this game. Please add me to your groupsite and state your current strategies for defeating the West Gate so I can effectively mesh into your collective.
See, the DS and Free can get along.
Oh, and death to North Gondor