Game #82 over, Team Simpson still Undefeated

Does “The Circle” want to go around again, :slap:

Well, I was just asking around about this game…I guess this is the definitive answer? Can we get a summary report?

Yeah, ask the “Noob”, LOL

Hey the Noob already said yes…

But team simpson has never had the pleasure of my full game play and may find its record does not last its gaze! Alas I only had the pleasure of a few turns. I am easger always to knock off a perfect record! Undefeated in one to one, never lost a team game I started, might put the fear of god into you.

Vandal’s back. Woohoo ! Did you ever go away?

Guess we’ll be calling you “Sir Vandal”, :eek: LOL

So how’ll you beat us this time??? :confused: LOL

Well how about with a big stick though you are free to choose a feather if you like. But hey I think it best not to tell you what I plan to do as taunting is not good before you do it to those about to suffer.

Oh by the way if anyone thinks we ddid much in the break they can think again ones thoughts where not on the game. But of course some of us play another game to others. A games a game lifes more important

Welcome back Vandal!

Guess it took you that long to figure you were losing, LOL We make time for both, if you can’t, then don’t, :slight_smile:

Where we ever winning I think that was never the case as far as I can see having looked at the turns. But your right we viewed the plight of our captain as more important than the game and you have it as a result. See we did as you said can we be fairer than that. Next time should we have the same problem arrangements have been made to deal with it, so it wont hapen again. Game on and I have litle mercy for those who cross me, but I am sure you already know that.

Oh but of course I went away but a Legend never dies and lives on as long as you remember. Some may have forgotten though the fate of all those to crossed me in a game and not lived to tell the tale!

I guess you’ll have to pay for another game to find out! :wink: Just remember I entered this mid game with a ntaion on the ropes.

And yet, there was a lot of mention how you were still around and how we couldn’t take you down, and then this whole Hari Kari thing, LOL

His to modest blame the missing turn amendment with his gold transfer. The hit on his walls had no effect at all on the outcome.

The Holy one is far from modest, LOL

Cherish the rare moment it occurs, you may not see it again for awhile

Maybe I should let Team Simpson chose both their alliegence and whom I play a oppositon just to prove How noobishly i will trash thier Team in a game i will start … In that way you can begin planning now so you might stand a better chance… Considering I took over a nation at 94% tax rate and was on the ropes the entire time I played it…

But since you was so humble in letting your opponent congradulate in your victory. I shall give you forthwith the same In mine on the rematch!

We’re already practicing our victory dance, when we get our 10-0, :slight_smile: I think they named it “The Noob-Stomp”, LOL