Game 82: Team Simpson vs. The Circle

Well, it’s some years ago that we’ve had a female Dragon Lord called Khamulia and If I’m remembering right this “handbag” was one of her accessoires.

As you can see we’ve had enough time to tease us.

Have Fun!


By the time the due date for this game comes along, the thrill will be gone, :frowning:

Bah! I will just be getting back from overseas! (Internet access is rather slow here) Perfect timing. :slight_smile:

Double Bah! No excitment, this is a 2 week game! Good thing my allies have already rewritten my turn 1 order 5 times, they’ll be able to keep up with the pace, I’ll be asleep every turn wondering “What game was that again? Ohhh right, I remember, that was soooo long ago…!”

Something has to be done about this. If y’all think 2 weeks is the way to go, then maybe we’ll have to replace all of you…? :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes, this is all true. But, you must surely remember that before Khamulia I was Khamul. It’s that damn Akhorahil, constantly messing with me, changing my gender all the time. It’s so confusing, he’ll probably change me 3 or 4 times this game while sitting in the background laughing. So, please give a poor victim a break.

We’ve got a little bit more time for the first turn, cause I wasn’t so often at home the last days, this will change now.

We have more than enough time to rewrite your turns 10 times if needed!

Ha, ha, ha…ve Fun!


Gixx and Simpson,

Is your game number 82?


Well yes, maybe that is the reason why this is headed by:

“Game 82 Team Simpson vs. The Circle”

Edit: this is not our 82nd consecutive game against each other:D

… but the word “Gixx” is missing in headline …

Have Fun!


The reason Tim asked I’m sure, is that our grudge team Veta Schola received our setups for our new game yesterday, which also happened to be number 82. This morning Rob changed our game number to 83, after Tim’s post here.

We can all play Game 82! 25 vs 25!

I am all over the 25 on 25. That would be mass confusion at the core.


Reminds me of a couple of games I played 10+ years ago. They both started within a month or so of each other, and I was WK in one, and Cs in the other. This was before the advent of the Flagship WC structure grudge game, so yes, 5 true neutrals. Here’s the odd-serendipity part. The player who was Cs in my WK game, happened to be the WK in my Cs game. We cut a transdimensional deal for both Cs to ship gold to both WKs…

And you well know Drew, that that wouldn’t be allowed in todays game. There is likely a house rule that was broken and in order to ensure a Fair Game for all players, it’s likely the gold would be removed from the respective WK treasuries and the respective Cs players remvoed from each game.

Happily, we won’t endeavor to perform such shenanigans in 82. Game 82. That’s 41x2. 82. Not 83, the other game that Tim’s in, but 82, the game that Brad’s in. Certainly a more interesting game, by definition, of course. No Velveeta School, mind you, (what can such a people teach me???) but certainly an experience where Character and Personality meet in the place parallel lines tangent. You know, the same place polar bears hold candles and sing to world peace. It’s an election year in the US, all of this is actually REAL…

Long Avenger

sure Brad, your game will be more interesting. if you define interesting as in the chinese proverb “may you live in interesting times”, that is :smiley:

our game will be fun - plain boring fun…

Bah! I’m the Fun One. You’re all a bunch of technocrats arguing over the value of 585 information. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll join the arguement. Mighty useful. You degrade the target of your choice and he does not even know what is happening, much less defend against it.

Have I missed something!

25v25 sounds interesting!

Why not doing the same like in former Adventurer-King games: they’ve increased it from a normal to a Super-AK-game with plenty more players!

Random maps of course!

Ha, Ha, Ha …

Have Fun!


At which point, why would he care and how much energy does one waste degrading one who isn’t aware of such degradation? This certainly isn’t an in-game strat, degradation is obvious. And it’s a pretty lousy psy-ops bid as one must be psy’ly aware to be op’d against no?

Oh wait, maybe he’s degrading Moi…? Nahhh…

You are a sporting type, Brad, so tell us which nation you are running and we will conduct an experiment. I’m still uncertain if an acceleration/cumulation factor is at work.