Game 82: Team Simpson vs. The Circle

Dragon Lord. Go crazy brother, go crazy.

would you guys please send in your orders? I’m getting tired of waiting for turn one.

We sprung ahead, I think they fell over…and haven’t gotten up…

So, they’re working today after all.

And one army made it where I wasn’t expecting, while the other didn’t… Isn’t turn 1 the most exciting ever? 2 of our members are already calling for a FP Concession, while another is pleading for a backup. Ah, the roller coaster of the early game. Can’t stay here much longer, must go and pontificate on the yahoogroup. :smiley:


Hey, anyone know when turn 1 is due??? :rolleyes: Which one needs the back-up, I got one I can spare, :stab:

Give it to me!

Sooner or later I’ll get it anyway.

Have Fun!


Interesting 1st turn :slight_smile:

I guess Harad didn’t turn out as you expected, and Kaldurmeir protecting a town in the mountains, one we have never gone for before on turn 1

Interesting times ahead I think. We’ve only just begun your defeat :cool:

Cats are cool

First of all: Dogs rule. Dont´t tell me you play the Dog/Cat lord.

What in Harads turn was unexpected? I know you can´t tell me it is a secret, dark, and evil plan for world domination.

:o Okay imagine I am your captive, all evil dudes always reveal their plan to the Heroes, just befor they escape and foil the plan.

To Kaldurmeir, he tries to protect a town, he hasn´t done so. I would put my money on the FP.

Okay being FP myself I am biased.

All in all a rather normal 1st turn.

Very nice, the incompetent FP not only don’t even recognize each other, can’t read simple English for comprehension, but they’re also “confident”. Sigh. This might be too easy…


So give paw kittycat!

I really don’t think that you’re interested to know my opinion about that!

HaVe Fun!


So somebody has his cat shaving its paws ?

Gixx, what a freak game did you run into? :smiley:

Only a straying cat Bernd!

Must be able to escape from my latest animal-experiments.

… but that’s only a delay, not a pardon!

Have Fun!



What are we talking about? Shaving cats? Well, you have two options, incarceration by the ASPCA or annihilation by the dogs (Dog Lord). What will it be?

We’re talking about an experiment concerning cats.

Be sure we won’t shave them, the knife will be used in a more uncommon way.

It will go through their throats!

Looks like we have a NG-regent ready to try it!

Have Fun!


Cats have nine lives so it will take quite a lot of stabbing to kill me :bash:

Still if you want a close shave it won’t be my paws.

This cat is going to get the cream (and the Mutt Lord :stab:)

This will work out just puuuuurrrrfect

Are you sure about that?

I think we will have to check it out!

Have Fun!


You do know, that Gixxx is really quick (just ask Anja). I think he could stab you 9 times real fast (like 3 seconds).:stab:

Yes but with my Cat Cloak of Invisability Gixxx would have to find me.

He will end up stabbing in the dark trying to catch me (much like the DS will be doing in this game :))

It is sort of hard to fight when all the free are running away from Mordor. But, hey, if ya’ll think you will fight harder with your backs against the sea, so be it.:slight_smile:

You guys make us sick, :eek:, good thing we have the cure, :wink: