Game 82

She had a name…forget what it was…something pretty…a song…a flower…?? Whatever… [hic]


[QUOTE=fax;65756]She had a name…forget what it was…something pretty…a song…a flower…?? Whatever… [hic]

You eat flowers??? YOU MONSTER!!!:eek:

Well so far we have DS and 1 neutral that have checked in any FP checking in to say hello? We especially want all of the neutrals to check in please.

Well a few days in and still no contact form the free! nothing from the other neutrals either except the Duns. It would be nice to know who everybody is, especially the Harad, so post a message guys, lets communicate!:confused:

Hi Steve. I can’t tell you much about the Freep other than they are ugly and smelly… oh wait that’s me :slight_smile: I’m the Long (and apparently fat) rider (according to my termagant wife. I prefer to describe my self as generous and full bodied with a Jennifer Lopez bum :slight_smile:

If you join our cause I promise to send all my cav to you. They’ll arrive at roughly turn 32… all 6 of them :slight_smile:

The only Freep I know is Brad, and he’s about as communicative as any other potato so I have no idea what’s going on - on the other side of the fence. They’ve probably surrendered… :smiley:

Better to be a potato than a yam. We haven’t quit yet, but I’ve already been kicked out of the Noodle Invitational poker game. Oh well, I guess I have some pillaging to do before Mrs Hallas figures out what happened to Harry Hallas Jr’s college fund.

That’s got to be a new record even for you Brad :slight_smile: I reckon I’ll make it to turn 2 this time before my yahoo groups invitation is revoked … so I have to get a whole game’s noise in the next 28 days :slight_smile:

Stunties checking in. The Khazad are on the warpath.


370 posts later, and one week from turns due date and the DS are ready to cause eye squinting hurtiness. Freep beware, it’s not too late to surrender with SOME dignity intact :slight_smile:

Turn results are in, some things went astray, others worked well, hopefully everyone got something they wished for :slight_smile:

NW - always like T1 in the NW, it’s so peaceful :slight_smile: Small force under Bondan lobbed in at 1804 - no doubt the cav. Other than that - not much yet.

MIRKWOOD - Woody blocked Drag armies at 2510 and 2613, fairly standard stuff. The WK sidestepped him and go to 2506 leaving a confused Woodman scratching his woodmen bum at 2405 :slight_smile:

A freep icon at 2810, reinforcements on the way - yippeee! :slight_smile:

ITHIL - armies under Tarondor and Elatar intercepted by IK forces at 3023. FK forces made Minas Ithil unopposed to find the fort removed. Thanks NG for your cooperation! :slight_smile: The small LR cav force ran into an NG army at 3028. Osgiliath is vacant this turn.

Not much going on at Ithil this turn.

DkLt’s army reached 3116, and second DkLt’s force intercepted two Eo armies at 3217. Eo recruit at 3113 (I seee yoooooouuuu! :slight_smile:

Dog army lodged up at 3716.

Not much to tell overall. Game usually starts to develop in turn 2.


Winsten Wun Toof

Um…there were orders run…? A turn…? Really? NG remvoed fortifications…??? How silly, obviously in the pay of the DS…must investigate, will get back to you…

I take it from your reaction that we can expect your traditional set of orders for turn 1 then Brad… PS it’s okay if you move… not the first time he heard that :slight_smile:

Retire Troops, Lower Taxes, Name A-E-M characters. Yep. See you in 42 weeks when I’m finally ready to fight.

‘Finally’? I’m hoping you’re one of the quicker freep off the mark :slight_smile:

Time for a run down on turn 2 results. Sorry I’ve been way busy plotting my world domination tour :slight_smile:

Generally the honours look very mixed, with no clear claims to initiative, which by default means the DS are doing really well on Turn 2 :slight_smile:

Around Mordor…

The Rhovanion north of Morannon is a source of humour for me. Last turn a dark lieutenants army ran into two Eo cav armies at 3217. This turn the same two cav armies ran into Gothmog at 3216 - you’re running the wrong way buddy!!! Message intercept from Eo armies at the front “When faced with the prospect of battle we hit upon the cunning strategy of running away. When the enemy pursued us we ran away some more - victory is imminent!” :slight_smile: Looks a little like dancing out there :slight_smile:

At the back door a dog lord army ran into an Eo cav army at 3718. A freep icon (presumably Eo) remains at 3819. A small Northies cav army has arrived on the LR camp at 4324 (I will spank you within an inch of your life Tine - you do know that? :slight_smile: Tine also put an army on 3713 belonging to the Easterlings. I’ve been advised of the cost of peeing off the Easterling for my own reference - you’re not gathering any friends Tine :smiley:

The crows are gathering on the Sea of Rhun…

On the Ithil the LR cav was destroyed at 3028. NG armies under Tarondor have moved up unopposed to Barad Perras. The SG alone at Osgiliath faces the FK hordes. The unfortified MT of Minas Ithil was captured by the FK on the way to 3024. So DS troops have reached Osgiliath.

A NG army has landed on 2715 Dol Guldur presumably to clear the defenders. Drag has intercepted or was intercepted by a Woody army at 2612. Dwarf ‘army’ at Goblin gate unopposed. Lots of little freep light bulbs around 2709 (4 of 'em).

WK armies made 3105 unopposed.

In Angmar, more amusing stuff. I looked at the WK turn to see the neutral icons all over the shop. What is going on up there? Given I haven’t talked to the Rhu - it’s got to be all down to your personality Brad :slight_smile:

Entertainment awards to the Rhudaur and Easterlings for this turn (both being annoying to the Freep so that’s why it’s funny :slight_smile:

Rhudaur isn’t being annoying, he’s dancing, it’s like fireworks to music. Trollshaw music, mind you…well…

Keith on the other hand…

I had a good grin on my noggin’ when I heard the original way Keith has of grousing at allegiance players - and making it hurt :slight_smile: Oh and I took the lesson :slight_smile: I’m not into giving stuff away (unless it’s yours, and I have given away quite a lot of that :slight_smile:

Is anyone there? Or have I won the game? :slight_smile: Freep are a bit quiet, might have to hit you lot with a bug zapper to put some life in you.

Rhudaur is here: watching and waiting. We are pleased with the appreciation of our dance moves though cannot say to what music we respond best.

Well it’s good to see there’s someone else alive out there Jerry (apart from a horde of DS that is :slight_smile: Maybe my engaging smiley photo has caused the freep to feel guilty after landing on my camp :slight_smile: BTW Tine you owe me compensation too. Whatever the Easterling demanded :slight_smile: