I have taken over harad. Send compliments and empty promises to masasj@ymail.com
Oh okay. You look pretty, I’ll call you! Don’t know what good that was but if that’s all it takes to get you to throw down a wuppin’ on Brad’s butt I’m all for it!
Goodie, another “It’s not you, it’s me…” on it’s way…
Definitely. Not to put too fine a point on it Brad, but I’m much prettier than you. Look at that smile
Hi all. Turn 3 results are in, let’s take a look…
ANGMAR - WK forces intercepted a large Cardy army at 1707. The small Arth cav force remains at 1804, and another icon is at 1705. WK got a force up to 2004 as well, so blows are now being traded, no results just yet.
MIRKWOOD - Telumehtar used his head for a battering ram on the gates of Dol Guldur. Was going well for him til he ran afoul of the spikey bit on top of the battlements. One less NG mooch to trouble general DS euphoria The dwarves took out Goblin Gate. An icon has appeared at 2612. So Gob gate down, Dol Guldur up so far. The link with the Rhun area - the Northies sent all their troops from 3108/09 out, and a large force has appeared in the Sea of Rhun area. In their absence the WK sneaked in and threatened 3105 away. There’s now a freep icon at 3108, and a WK force at 2904.
I’m happy to say my attention seeking behaviour continues to be rewarded One Eo cav army down, another looking a little more sheepish has wandered along, with an icon appearing at 4119. No doubt has eyes for our DS real estate
A dwarf army and the large Northy army moved to the previously threatened 3716. The northies has their small cav force burning LR camps at the back door. I’m sure we can come to an amicable trade there
and that brings us to MORDOR
Big push from the freep now. Two Eo armies combatted Gothmog at 3216, and are finally free of DS entanglements. The SG blew the FK startups to bits and is now at 3124. NG has combined armies at Osgiliath where he’s hosting IK forces. Oh and Tarondor threatened Barad Perras away last turn. So that’s a pretty solid push the two Gondors combined, but Eo’s attention is weak in the area with greater forces committed to the sea of Rhun at this time.
Oh and if no one noticed - the DS bought out the bronze market - yay for us, we’re so clever and so pretty
Winsten Wun Toof
Hi all. Time for another thrilling instalment of “Things you can poke a Freep with”
I spy a naughty little mousey making nests in my Mountains of Mordor. I look at my allies turns and notice that they are not their nests. You know you cannot keep camps in the Mordor mountains don’t you?
All in all a pretty average turn for the freep I suspect. Cirdan retrieved Tinculin and then did his best dead body impersonation while a DS thief skipped away with the ring
In the NW an Arth army has made 1905. The WK has entered 1804 where he will clear the cav army. WK cav also made 2004 and knocked out the dwarf recruit. A Cardy force was defeated at 1707 and has been encountered by two more freep forces. Still not a great deal going on up there.
in the NE Ulrac failed to threaten 2904 - brrr. The Northies have moved to 3105 to take it back.
Otherwise a pretty ugly turn for the Drag. It looks like about everything in Mirkwood has an enemy force on it. Large Dwarf forces which would likely be the capital army and the Iron hills dwarves have overrun a Drag army and lobbed into Dol Guldur to face off with Duran, and the fortifications. Hope they’ve miscalculated So still pretty mixed, but definitely favouring the freep in Mirkwood for now.
On the Rhovanion a CL agent had their first success and knocked off an Eo comm. We suspect from results that he was a lone comm and his army is gone. One little mousey left at 3116 and he’d better fly away fast, the big bad men are coming
In the far east the Dog, LR and BS made it to 4217 to face a northy army.
A LR army is at 4017 with the Sinda fleet. The Eo has gone back to guarding his camp at 3819 (move on my friend, it’s not yours any more Unfortunately Ji failed to knock off Odagavia last turn, but who knows what will happen
Lots of freep activity out here.
At Ithil the FK and CL managed to get the movement initiative on the SG so all have been stopped at 3124. Two large Gondorian armies face a DS rabble. Definite advantage to the Gondors, but whether they’ll be able to achieve anything is another matter entirely.
All in all the DS remain happy. We’ve had a win with the artifact hunt. We’ve had an assassination. We’re strongly competitive at the back door, we’re all but unopposed from Morannon, we’re scrambling nicely at Ithil, the WK is making something of a pest of himself which would be much more impressive if he threatened something the only real dark spot being Mirkwood.
Interestingly it looks like the freep bought the steel market. Whether to prevent the DS from buying it, or to profit themselves we don’t know. But they are driving market prices up. Brad is this your team? A 180 degree about face from your usual freep market game
That’s about it. DS remain exuberantly optimistic
Miscalculated? I think not.
Bain I
Well I like your confidence… (and the fact that you’re the only freep sneaking a peak out from under the rock See how it all goes for you. Good luck!
Hi all. Turn 5’s run and it’s gotten very interesting. Bain true to his word turned up with 5k HI and the Thoronrim eagles and captured Dol Guldur, immediately whereupon he skillfully blocked a bunch of hexes with his forehead and became that little bit shorter… and crispier So a good win to the Freep - well done! and a cost was exacted, though I suppose you could say it was at a 50% discount
Nearly all the rest of the Drag’s realm is gone too. 2809 and 3506 joined Goblin gate in enemy hands.
Mirkwood apart from a considerable messing around from the WK is in freep’s hands (the WK keeps threatening, and the dwarf peasants keep laughing. Frankly it’s a little disturbing…)
Mordor is where all the fun is happening right now. As Urzarhil looks out his window he sees two large Gondorian armies sitting on Barad Ungol, and two more back at Osgiliath. Further icons are at 2924, 3025 and 2927.
From his northern window Urzarhil sees that his generals are very skilled at keeping the riff raff away. Mahrcared with a ‘large’ cav force is at 3218 hosted by some DS moochers, a small Eo force is at 3118 hosted by more moochers, and icons at 2817, 2918, 3018 and 3019. Lots of freep coming to visit
In the far east the inspirational and exceedingly handsome Uvatha threatened the Northman MT/T at 4217, whilst his capable subordinate intercepted an Eo force at 3917. Uvatha and Pochak sit admiring the view alone at 4017. A random DS icon or two floating around the aether out there.
Sinda fleet at 4115 guarding water, an icon at 4015, and a large army at 4013.
In the NW two smaller WK armies met 3 Freep armies at 1707. 1905 has fallen to the ARth who are now at the T/T of 2005 and I would assume have the numbers. Bondan is about to get the boot from 1804. 2004 has a new icon on it.
Geez I just had a look at the neutral icons up there, that must have gotten your attention Brad!!!
That’s about it. A nicely developing game. No run away for either side at this time which is just great (most of us don’t go for 6 turn games, but you can rack up some figures quickly if you do Freep are gathering some pretty big armies, but not having it all their own way as the DS compete for initiative.
Somewhere that is going right for the DS… We’ve walked away with Tinculin, RoW, RoC and Miramarth (which the freep will know now With DS assassins knocking out an agent and a Lord this turn, and the cursers knocking off Bain, plus a second agent wounded twice unto death by DS agents, it bodes well for the DS development.
Both sides doing exactly as they should. Well done to both teams. Onward to turn 6
Don’t you know- a Dwarf never lies, he is short enough standing up.
But Dwarves do make good sporting equipment Bain full of air was a big hit with the kiddies. They bounced him around for hours… and he came pre filled
Hi there all. Turn 6 has run and time to put some runs on the board…
Probably best to start with the freep win so they can do their little victory dance and then we can move on to the good stuff The Gondors took down Barad Ungol this turn. I’m sure that they can see by their turn results that something went wrong for us a couple turns ago and they got a biiiit lucky!
but kudos to them, they got the armies there, and did the damage. It is worth noting though that this time it was Tarondor’s turn to pay the price. He’s now gone on to the happy hunting grounds with Bain. I’m betting there’s a few nervous freep commanders lying around Mordor right now
The new low cost housing development at 3224 is hosting two NG armies, an SG army and a Sinda army. Couple more regents for the mill Doesn’t look like too much following up…
On the north side the large Dwarf remnant force from Dol Guldur has lobbed in to 3020 with a NG army to be met by some IK randoms. A small Eo army and a large Sinda army arrived at 3120 where they were met by the DkLt’s.
A CL and a Dog army intercepted Mahrcared’s large force at 3219.
A small Eo force remains at 3118 following combat.
So the Freep are being whittled here.
On the sea of Rhun, LR inc threatened 4017 away from the Northman. So that’s a MT and a T as part compensation for the 4 camps I lost to Tine (the rotter! :-). When I have 4 major pops back I will count us roughly even (give or take another 4 major pops
DS icons at 4017 and 4217.
The Sinda and LR fleets met at 4114.
A freep icon at 3917 (Eo startup cav), 4015 and 4013 no doubt.
Frumgara still wandering around at the back door with her 15 cav. I suppose someone will deal with that at some point
So the DS grinding their way forward on the sea.
Now big news - the NG around about now will be feeling that dancing naked is a BAD idea Left the gap unprotected and the Duns have wandered in to peek through the window
NG will have noticed the armies at 2121 no doubt. After throwing everything they had at the Ithil pass, the NG now has to host it’s own unwanted visitors
NW - looking from my window it doesn’t look like much has changed. I note that there’s a freep icon unopposed at 2007 and a small dwarf force at 2005. A small force under Bondan is opposed by two forces at 1804 (I thought they were dealing with that last turn?)
Freep icons at 1707. 1610 (opposed), 1510, 1409, 1514, 1614, 1317.
No idea what’s happening in the far south. Last I heard the Corsairs and Easterlings were attacking the Harad. Nothing new to add to that. Don’t even know if it’s still going on to be honest.
Oh one other amusing thing, one of our agents stole Collowhesta off a Noldo. Damned but you lot have trouble holding on to those things!
The southern DS have hosted a huge push by the freep, and the momentum is looking to be in danger. At the peripheries - Rhun and the gap of Rohan, the freep are looking a tad frazzled. The DS have taken a couple losses but feel in good shape.
Things are now warming up in the north.
Congrats on Ungol Freep. No free victories though, the hurt is coming!
Winsten Wun Toof
Hi all. There’s been a shortening fuse from the freep regarding the neutrals which I think it timely to address, and there may be profit in asking some searching questions… It’s not that the neutrals have a conspiracy against you, that a couple have joined the DS. It’s that you provide NO COMPELLING REASON FOR them to join you. What have you done to make them feel it is in their interests to go freep? have you offered them something so worthwhile they cannot get it from the DS? Or get it by themselves?
What did you offer the Duns? a couple of arties? a bit of gold? and then after you’ve joined us you’re on your own!!! If you made any ordinary half assed kind of offer to the Duns, you were never in the hunt. I know all about the offer to the Duns - because I crafted it. I think once the game is done, if you’re nice to Steve he might discuss with you what was offered, and if you’re honest with yourself, you’ll agree you would have taken it and never looked back too.
How else have you made yourselves attractive to the neuts? The DS have put their little stamp on every neutral turn result in our turn by turn market buyouts. You’ve let me own the forum in which I’ve put a little bit of doubt in every report - we’ve got RoW, RoC, Miramarth, Collowhesta, Tinculin and more. The Neuts are not silly, they’ll know our finances have been very strong, and our character game is going to take off. They’ll know that tackling us will be hard, and is growing harder by the turn. And you haven’t taken part on the forum to offer any counterpoint. What is the compelling reason to join you?
What ways have you made yourselves an unappealing target to the Neuts? I can tell you that we know all about the NG, and dancing naked in your back yard does not reeeeally constitute an unappealing target to a neut The DS on the other hand have maintained good strength in our weak areas, if you’d done the same it might be different.
We had our own issues, a hurdle to get over with the northern neuts. There was some concern about taking Brad on - and good for Brad that players are concerned about fronting him, he plays a really good game. But we overcame that AND whatever offer you made, and far more to get a willing ally.
Having said that, I’ve only interacted with 2 neutrals, I’ll welcome any other that chooses to join us unreservedly, but I have pursued two neutrals. One remains uncommitted at this time. If you’ve failed to take the others, then that’s really about you, and not about the neutrals.
You can take this message as a kick in the guts, OR you can take it as a cue to think seriously about your communications with neutrals to date, think about what they’re seeing in their turn results, and think about how you’re going to sell a compelling reason to join your team.
That aside, for me this is one of the most enjoyable freep attacks I’ve ever played against. There’s no lack of troops set against us, and if we hadn’t played our blocks well we’d have been overrun by now. We haven’t complained, or whined about our fortunes. We got really really unlucky with an initiative issue on market buys that cost us a capital, but we’re happy for you guys, we’re happy to field your attacks in good humour and keep going. But we HAVE played it well, and you’re in danger. And there’s danger surrounding you in so many other aspects of the game. If it came down to 10 v’s 10, I believe we’ve already set the circumstances for our victory. We’d be as happy if the neuts stayed right out of the game, but that’s not realistic. We don’t need them on side to beat you in my opinion, but we do want them not to beat us The neutrals wont be your downfall, the DS will.
3 neutrals are uncommitted. I can tell you they are most definitely not DS. Stop any histrionics before they happen, and think about your compelling offer. Take some responsibility. Unless you feel that we’ve stacked the neutrals with DS plants, then they were open to being recruited. And that means you need to think about WHY you haven’t recruited them, and what part YOU played in that.
Hey I’m rooting for you. Go and recruit some. Your belief that we own them is misconceived.
I’ve been eating beans lately. The neutrals are simply staying upwind.
It’s the ones that congregate downwind that you’ve got to worry about Dogs and 4 year olds… only their mothers can tell them apart
Hi all. Turn 7’s run so time for the news according to Winsten. I’ve got to admit the appalling luck of Mordor in this game is bugging the bejeebers out of me now. The freep attack on Mordor should have fried 3 times over by now, but on it goes - brrrr! Anyway - Freep managed to borrow RoW this turn (against a guard they shouldn’t have beaten - rrrrr!), and won initiative over the dog to move to Morannon (how unusual I hear you say :-).
That aside, methinks luck is finally due for a change Lots of dwarves and other assorted nasties at Morannon, and lots of SG running up the road at 3023.
Belatar (Tarondor’s) heir was the next to block a flurry of hexes and became a novelty door stop at Barad Ungol disbanding his army. A sinda and 2 NG forces have made it one hex beyond Ungol to be blocked by DS armies, and no doubt wondering what happens next
Duns threat failed in the gap, another piece of creative tax rate changes no doubt, but NG does have a lot of moochers in his back door area.
The Rhun DS went on the move again this turn and were blocked at 4016 by the Northman, they’re inching their way north with another undefended town in their sights.
In the NW Cardy and Arth armies are swarming the Rhu so expecting losses there. WK still largely intact. Icons moving in on Duns from the north.
All in all, still a lot of fight to go. I shake my head at the run of luck in Mordor. Every initiative check against the freep we fail. We’ve taken losses that shouldn’t have happened, but that wheel turns. Looking forward to our turn kicking and your turn screaming shortly
Winsten Wun Toof
double agents usually say “stab me and make it look like i tried to guard”
I suppose so. And Freep commanders usually do their best ‘egg impression’ when dragons decide to sit on them. That we’ve seen one and not the other tells us a fair bit about the oddities of this game (and yes I’m making great allowance for your couple of wandering minstrels in the misties).
That aside, we’re only at round 1 with more to come…
I won’t pay cash, but I’m happy to reduce your troops costs instead. Will that suit?